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Posts posted by Tess

  1. That is harder in constiency. Something I cut set up in tubes. I bought something that is an aftershave balm labeled as "moisture bar" or something. It is in a small tub, but is hard to get out. DH loves the consistency. All of the recipies I have found so far are like a thick gel-like consistency. Does anyone know of something harder?

  2. Oooh I forgot about roll on. I bet the guys in my fam would like that too! DK don't ya hate when they won't try your stuff? They act like there is something girly about having a nice scent! I leave my stuff in the bath tub and wait for DH to try it. He does it a lot faster if I do not mention it lol.... :D

    Thanks ya'll!

  3. So what do you have that is the guys really dig? I am making baskets this year for family. Since I only do my soaps for special occasions. I know what I am doing the girl baskets with, but what Items would be good for guys? So far I have come up with Shaving Bars, Bar Soaps, and a moistureizer bar to use in place of aftershave.

    I dont want to make a bunch of stuff that they will never use. So what do your guys like? :smiley2:

  4. Lemme ask;

    When you talk about poking and repouring and all thse little PITB things, are you doing this like per every small batch? Here is how I do mine. I have as of right now, 6 (totally needing to buy more) Melt Pots. So lets say I want to pour 6 FO's and 2 cases of each. So pour them all and leave the excess in its pour pot. So after you pour all the FO's go back and tighten the wicks like with a clothespin or whatever you do. Then when you poke, do everything at one time. Same with the repour. You see what I mean? Make a one step proccess for each scent.

    Kinda like waiting tables. If you get triple sat, then take it like one big table. Take ALL the drink orders at one time. Take them out. Take all the orders at one time. Take all the salads at one time. Get my drift? If you do not do this already, try it. It really helps out a lot, and it is less stressful too.

  5. I find it's about finding a method...

    When I'm doing pillars, it's usually 45-60 at a time, or jars 5 or 6 cases at a time. Do you have several pour pots? Have everything ready when you start, pull out your notes, the containers, wicks, FO, dye, etc so it's all there and you don't have to go look for anything in the middle.

    Amen!!! A good sized, clean organized works space is a must. Get a more efficient system down. When you have a minimized all your steps as productive as possible, and you are STILL overwhelmed, it is time for employees.

    I feel like this everyday I work on candles. Business is great, but this is getting hard.

  6. In order to get a full melt pool with 100% beeswax in a container you will have to use a very large wick and your container will get much too hot and possibly break. It's best for containers if mixed with a container wax of some sort.......either soy or paraffin will work. Straight beeswax is best used like Tess said for votives, pillars or tapers. :cool2:

    Yep forgot tapers lol. I forgot about the glass getting hot. That was my issue recently. Good Luck!! Oh and just a tip, on your future posts, as a title try using something more specific than "help" Maybe put like "beeswax help" This way you can catch the attention of those who are most likely to be of help. :highfive:

  7. Leaving your wax in your presto for too long will definately break down the properties. So I heard. It supposedly affect the burning properties.

    On a personal and exerienced note, I am a bad girl and sometimes forget to turn off my presto when not needed (like overnight-yes I know Bad Girl), I have never noticed a difference in batches I poured right away as to wax I left on overnight. I tend to do this quite often too. I would contact your wax supplier (ex. IGI) and get their take on it. Being that there are so many different waxes, you are going to get many different answers. Go to the source on this one. HTH

  8. You will not get a full melt pool at ALL using 100% BW for containers. I have a hard time getting a full melt pool using the 2nd to largest size wick, and that is only using a small percentage.

    If you are shooting for containers, you will need to blend with a container wax.

    If you are just shooting for 100% BW, you will need to stick to votives, and pillars.

    Use the search right up top and enter BeesWax, that should get you some info. :wink2:

  9. All the shows I do have vendor parking. The outdoor one I go to allows us to park behind our booth. I park there.

    The other one I do, we have to unload and leave. So I park somewhere nearby. One of the reasons I do not park 3 miles away is because this prevents me from leaving my booth unattended for too long while I get my vehicle for loading/unloading. But it is not like there is inadequate parking or anything either.

    My indoor shows where we have vendor parking, we can unload at the dock, and then go repark in out vendor lot.

  10. The pie looks great, a little messy in some places, but nothing that is overely out there. The tarts I am wondering about though. How is that going to burn? Are you shooting for just the middle? They do look super real though.

    Something I have always wondered. Is it okay to burn in the aluminum containers that the pie is in, or is that just for display?

    I think you did a wonderful job!! I would never have guessed this was your first try. Whats next?

    PS Trim your wicks :tongue2:

  11. I just went to a Party---- party on Sat. (yes my friend is a trader consultant for them :tongue2: ) and they are selling those little aroma wax beads to add to their candles melt pools, said to give a different blend scent to the candle.

    Just another gimmick that people will buy, ya know!! :D

    I would think that adding to the melt pool would drown out the wick, especially by allowing the customer to pour it in.

  12. Hey GMP! Well I am sorry to say but you are a "statistic". Every year around this time, we get an abundance of peeps who just started, and are wanting to have "home-made" candles to give as Xmas presents. They think it is as simple as it looks. Hey a wick in some wax, in a jar and TONS of fragrance!! Yippie!


    Don't we all wish it were so easy. But hey keep your chin up. You seem like you really want to crack this. And you will. Maybe not in time for Xmas presents this year, but you will get it. Make sure you test test test, and test some more. Remember these are for your friends and family, so you wan them to be enjoyable and most improtantly safe. Get yourself a sample pack of wicks, and go from there. Wick up or down until you find what works. You may go through 10 different waxes before getting what you want, but keep at it , and you will get it. HTH:D

  13. Maybe its the 223 that is helping - I had just a sample of that and it was a pretty soft wax ... It does sound like you are on the right track as far as your testing goes - personally I would prefer a little hangup as opposed to too hot a jar - that would scare me. :)

    I hope someone can help you more ...

    Thanks Henry!

  14. Thanks Henry. Actually Beeswax Blend containers are quite common here. They guy I make these for used to use another company. But she went OOB. I am using 25% BW and 75% J223. The wax is certainly smooth on the jar. I have never had a shell before, but had like a slight hang up that caught up as the container burned. I really want to have a full melt pool, but may have to settle for the hang-up. I'm using zincs specifically for the cooler burn.

    The reason I use this beeswax is not for an additive, but becuase it is "his" wax. So therefore I am trying to get away with as high a % as I can possibly get. This stuff is certainly giving me a headache. LOL :laugh2:

  15. I was wondering if any of you beeswax candlemakers ever have this sae problem. Heres the deal.

    If I use one wick, it leaves lots of hangup. The melt pool does not go all the way to the edge. BUT when I wick up one, the melt pool is fine but now the jar seems to get too hot. I really do not think it is hot to the point of breakage, but definately hotter than my regular candles. What are your opinons?

    Maybe I should add more paraffin to the blend?

  16. Jennifer, look in your yellow pages under "rentals". Call and ask if they rent pipe and drape back drops. Also get with your event coordinator. Some shows rent those out also. They carry them from show to show. For something short you could use A PVC frame. HTH!

  17. I am already behind. I delivered 3 wholesale orders last Fri. 2 of them are already sold out on the stuff I just gave them. So they already ordered again. PLUS I have a show pretty much every weekend starting in Nov. A HUGE one the second weekend of Nov. I need more time in the day, and maybe some of Santas Elves. But the sales are coming in though lol.

    Have a great season guys!!

  18. Hey all. I am in a pinch of sorts. I wholesaler of mine ordered a peppermint fragrance from me. I used Peaks Vanilla Mint. However I cannot stand to pour this for some reason. I really get nausiated. I am placing an order for Peaks and Natures Garden and LSCS this week. So if I could maybe get some suggestions on what is a pretty decent peppermint I would sure apprecciate it. So far I have tried the Vanilla Mint from Peak (blech). I ordered the peppermint from there but I get a slight fuel smell, dunno if it is my candlenose, or the oil, I am thinking about Jack Frost from NG. Can anyone give me a good comparision. Sorry to be such a spooner. But I am desperate. TIA

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