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Posts posted by Tess

  1. In fact, according to Tess, there are no "murderers", and her well-made paraffin candles aren't suffering a bit from it. Score one for the educated consumer.

    Uh once again twisting of words. C'mon people. If you are going to debate, YOU HAVE to keep the facts straight. Otherwise you make yourself look like an ass.

    I never said anything about murderers. What I said was that my product sells itself. The soy liars do not affect my clientel. They annoy me yes. I often get tired of having to explain and straighten the facts out for customers. I am thinking of just making a video and playing everytime someone asks. I always have a candle burning so the customers can see that I do not have any soot (although I use Paraffin). That usually does the selling and convincing for me when I am against a new customer who just heard the soy mojo.

    I believe the term "murder" was that of an analogy. Not anything to do with the sales of any candle.

    You know I may have missed it, but I have yet to read in this thread where someone actually said their "sales" were hurting from the bashing of either candle. Maybe nerves yes, but not sales.

  2. Well the rule of thumb on melt pools is you should have a 1" deep pool in "x" hours. "X" is equal to the diameter of the jar in inches. SO if your container is 3" in diameter, then 3 hours for a complete melt pool.

    To me I think the melt pool is purely preference. I think if you are getting a full melt pool in 1 -11/2 hours fine. Just make sure it is does not keep growing deeper. How hot is the jar after 3-4 hours? If it is too hot you may want to wick down. If it is not too hot, and you like the scent throw, go for it.

  3. Crappy, diarrhea on top, flakey, piece of crap product. Are you angry? :shocked2:

    That might be considered bashing Soy candles, I could be wrong.

    Not true. That would be thought of as bashing Soy to promote your parafin products. :shocked2::D

    Now take a deep breath and relax, all this whining about Soy, sheesh.:grin2:

    Oh now I am angry lol!! Boy you have real issues with the selective thought process don't you. No it is not considered bashing soy candles anymore than your reply that soy looks better. Give me break. And of course I am not promoting anything on here. You really need to get it together. Really.

  4. So I guess in your world you consider anything said acceptable unless it does financial damage? Glad you think it is funny. Some people have ethics and don't stoop to that level. That is what this whole post has been about. At least you let your colors show.

    Don't you think it is funny that some of these peeps keep twisting words, and "misconstruing" words. It is no wonder the lies are out there. I hear ya girl. :highfive:

  5. I feel victimized, really. Look at all the dreadful things said about Soy and then throw in all the exagerations about Soy. With all the confusion it's a miracle anyone can even sell a Soy candle anymore. :cry2:

    Wait a minute......................I sell Paraffin Pillars. With all the bashing of paraffin wax and the horrible stories of lung cancer and then topping it off with all the claims of Soy people it's a wonder anyone can sell a paraffin candle anylmore.:cry2:

    Tess, did I whine enough for you? :D

    I would truly like to know the advantages of Paraffin containers over Soy. So far the Soy look better and have a better appeal. So whats the difference?

    You whined enough like 5 posts back lol.

    So actual there is no advantage of either. The "appeal" or "look" is purely a matter of opinion. Because if you ask me, Soy candles look pretty crappy to me. With all the diarrhea on top of most of them. The only smooth looking ones have paraffin mixed in. I am sorry but I do not care for all the flakiness all over my carpet or floor when I take the packaging off. JMO.

    Another thing is you keep associating Paraffin sales as being low, and then blaming that on marketing.

    I sell strictly paraffin, and my sales are not low by any means. I have never experienced a "low point" since I started in business. It has always been up and up. So I do not think this debate is about "sales". But once again some of you soy users (especially the marketing types), have a bit of a selective comprehension on things. This debate is about how some of us (including some soy makers themselves), are tired of the losers out there having to bash and scare to sell their piece of crap product. It has NOTHING to do with the wax itself. It has NOTHING to do with sales. It has to do with principle, and maybe a little of integrity.

    Heck I dance circles around my competition. Soy or not. Bashing or not.

  6. OK...well I definetly "over-did" it. They are STILL not dry and the wick and tab are pulling right up. This stuff is not clear...more like white paste. I am doubting if it will ever dry. I might have to face the fact I have a big job ahead of me cleaning and rewicking containers. UGH

    Well if the stuff isn't dry then it should not be too hard to clean. Get ya some Blue Shop towels.

  7. I wish I knew about this issue way back in the day when I could not decide what to right a controversial research paper on for my High School college prep English class..haha. I did the same thing as everyone else, animal rights, sheesh, I could have written a damn good paper.

    You would have passed that class!

  8. Looks like were still bashing Soy................I mean Paraffin.:undecided

    WHATEVER :o :o :o :o

    Nobody is bashing anybody. Geez can't people have a fricken conversation without having the crybabies whine? This thread was NOT about which is better. It is about the people who have to lie and scare customers in order to sell a product. Seriously try reading, it might do ya some good.

  9. Maybe I am missing something. But to me it looks like you just posted both threads about 10 mins. ago. If you are looking for speedy answers to your questions right when you post you may wanna try google.com.

    Also posting the same question in multiple places not only looks tacky, but uses up bandwith.

    As for your answer I only know the answer to your first question. Yes you can use any FO from any company so long as it is skin safe and you are happy with it.

  10. My experience has been that when a person walks up to my booth and asks about soy candles they already think they know for a fact that soy is MUCH MUCH better then paraffin. HOW do they know this... well its from all the misinformation that's out there about soy candles. That's what rubs me the wrong way. Like the wild west medicine shows, soy is the answer to all your problems! NOT

    Its a simple answer for me, if my candles don't perform as good or better then any soy candle they have ever had, I will give them their money back.

    I have made soy candles, used 100% soy and found that only a few scents throw like I wanted them to. Candles look like crap on the top and take too long to pour since you wait for the soy to heat up, add fo, cool down then pour if you want a half way nice top. I saw no advantage to using soy for a candle. When I had the soy on the table, no one bought them.

    I don't think soy is a fad, but if the public knew the brass tacks truth about soy vs paraffin, the soy candle market would drop off drastically.


    Bruce you took the words right outta my mouth.

    Isbennis gosh darnit go work on that soot problem, doncha know soy is not supposed to soot lol :wink2: .

  11. You could have gone overboard with the Silicone. Was the stuff clear? If it was white (cloudy), and pasty you probably have a tube that had some air in it.

    It should look clear and have the consisitency of say maybe hot glue. The amount you use should be simple. Just a squirt. Use a wick setter (or the like) to push the tab firmly onto the container. You should see just a

    small excess around the edges of your tab. Let it cure for about an hour. You know it is ready when you can pick up the container by holding the wick. If the wick comes off when lifting, it is not ready. I love my silicone.

  12. Quote...I am think of handing out that info when the soy liars are setting up shop 2 doors down from me!!!

    Tess...I don't think that all people who sell soy candles are liars, I'm sure there are plenty who may be seriously misinformed and yes there are probably quite a few who will say anything to sell there candle but that is not exclusive to just soy candle makers.

    First I did not say "all people who sell soy candles are liars". What I said was "the soy liars 2 doors down from me." Meaning those idiots who are clearly "lying" aout soy just to make a sale.

    And Yes a lie is a lie, weather intentional or not. Just because someone is ignorant does not give them an excuse to spread lies.

    I only have one comment on this. You believeing what the company (who sells the products) says, that is exactly the problem. Of course they are going to promote that. They ARE TRYING to make a sale. Cmon people you are sales people here.

    You really should read the wording on this a bit more thouroughly though. They mention it is their goal to use "american soy beans". They do not state that they ONLY use american soy beans because that would be impossible. They have a well paid sales administrator who is paid to know how to word information without outright lying. We will call it a white lie.

    This is taken directly from the Ecosoya site...if in fact this information is not true and is purposely misleading the consumer then there needs to be a class action law suit to settle this issue!

  13. but it is a renewable source of wax and it is easy to clean up with soap and water amd as far as I know it does come from the American Farmers...

    Okay this is the whole case and point. I true example of WHY this thread was started. It is all about hype and what you have heard (You being generalized of course). So because some Joe Blow "said" it was made by American Farmers? LOL whatever . It is made by some poor Mexican making bottom dollar trying to support a family. Yes there are "SOME" American soy crops with actual farmers and not machines running them. But guess what there about 1000 oil wells in a 50 mile radius from where I sit at this moment. So I could EASILy say that by buying paraffin you are supporting the American Oil Rig worker. Heck they need jobs too. Those guys work ALOT harder and more than any farmer I have ever met.

    Hey Top I know you usually have some backup in research behind your comments. I would "REALLY" be interested to see some facts especially on the whole soy is not "truly renewable issue". I am think of handing out that info when the soy liars are setting up shop 2 doors down from me!!!

  14. If it is for a customer, I would never go with USPS. They offer no tracking whastoever (well they call it tracking but it is just delivery confirmation). Should your items get lost, or broken they are a PITA to deal with. It is like pulling teeth to even get them to refund postage for a label that did not print. I do not use USPS for orders unless it is going here in town.

    I prefer FedEx to UPS. There is a major difference in pricing. It is easy to open an account, and the walk through for shipping is easy. There is also a home delivery option to use vs ground. They deliver on Saturdays to most areas, AND I want to say there is an additional discount. I have never had a package lost or late with FedEx. I ship about 5-20 packages a week. HTH

  15. Not sure how new you are to this show or area, but the "cute" comments but no buyers sounds like they were just too unfamiliar with you to buy from you. I noticed that with candles and soaps peeps are now aware of how dangerous they can be if not properly made. So that makes them buy only from peeps they recognize vs. a newcomer.

  16. The only thing I am going to be working on is my new workshop.

    Well that is what I am working on lol. I plan to get into a real bonafide workshop. Somewhere that I can have plenty of room to utilize. Can accept commercial and freight shipping. A place where my wholesalers can pick up their orders. And above all a place where I can work and store the pallets of jars/waxes and all that. I was also running out of romm here to store inventory.

    I guess you know it is time for a bigger space, when the amount of inventory I can store here is by far below the amount of inventory I "need" on hand at all times.

    Phew, I am exhausted just thinking about it :(

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