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Posts posted by Tess

  1. Let me tell you why this is a fail situation.

    ~ No one needs extra fees to pay, especially to our crappy a$$ government. Really who are they to tell anyone how to make candles. They'll probably do things like they do in DC anyway, whoever can pay the highest of high fees gets their "certification"

    ~ Don't you think if someone does not care enough about the safety of their product, that they are going to all of the sudden care about getting a certification. NO. They'll do it anyway.

    I agree it is annoying to see people not do things the way they are supposed to be done. They give us all a bad name. But what you do is make a better product and put them OOB.

  2. Your size is what I would consider "normal" lol.

    If you click on the Soap Gallery, you'll see people's soap, when they cut it, they are HUGE rectangles.

    I understand that you make them in logs, but I was curious to know as to WHY they cut it like that. I am wondering if it is just for display or just for pictures. Then I wonder if they cut them smaller, because how are you supposed to use the big blocks of soap? :)

    First you might consider that the actual size on your screen is NOT the actual size of the bar. Those pics look pretty standard to me.

    There are spme who make it larger than normal. Maybe the make it that way because they like it? I dunno, just a thought.

    I make my bars thicker than the norm. Just simply because I like my bar to last like a month or more. Not 2 weeks. I still wouldn't say mine are overly large though. I can still wrap them just fine.

  3. Thanks for all of the helpful info.

    Also, I just want to say thanks to the folks in the off topic thread. I checked my website stats and I have had a lot of extra traffic to my website in the past 24 hours!

    You can have a ton of traffic, it is a whole other thing to have traffic that buys!

    Good Luck With that.

  4. That would be helpful..... unbiased information, like consumer reports for candle making!

    May----Be--, It's just me but is it not "biased" to categorize ALL suppliers as "liars who dilute their oils"?

    I gotta say anyone who is coming across with a problem is you. You got awful defensive just because an admin told you that you could not hold a co-op. It's not personal, there are just a lot off rules imposed because of fraudulent co-op hosts.

    So if in fact you found your perfect candle formula, great. Best of luck.

  5. Does anyone know if this was ever resolved?

    Last I read was that BCS took them off the shelves and put OOS on the site. I ordered some the other day to try out (Before coming here to research :( .....), and there is no OOS note or anything.

    Just a description of how great these are.

    Any updates? I hope they fixed the problem. I just poured and they seem okay so far.

  6. You know maybe its a southern hospitality thing, but BCS is always WAY more pleasant to deal with. I have NEVER bought anything from BCN. I have called on a couple of occasions with questions about products, and I always get the vibe that if I purchased it, I would find out. I always fell like I am wasting their time. Maybe they could be proccessing cards and getting paid instead of answering questions. Sheesh I should know better :P

  7. That is a bummer. Regarding the frosted jars, that is because Anchor Hocking is discontinuing a lot of their frosted jars, and I believe the Jar Store carried their jars....I think.

    Hmm I wonder if that jar frosting company got wind of this ahead of time. I have been getting like 2 mailers a week from them for the past two months! Daisaka or something like that. Guess all those mailers didnt work since i cant remember their name lol.

  8. Hiya all~

    I Finally order a few of these things. I was reading on here doing some research trying to figure out what to do with these things. I read that most people put a drop or two on the rose itself. But that the wood was falling apart? Did anyone find a solution to this? I was thinking a slight DPG mix? Maybe not?

    Anyway I wanted to open this up for discussion again since alot of the posts were pretty old. See what the new thing is with these. :laugh2:


  9. I use the 4794 for my pillars :) Works great. I can do either a full burn (where it burns itself evenly onward down)


    I can use it to make a shell type pillar. All about the wicking baby!

    Oh one thing though, if you are looking for versatlilty tho, this is not the wax for you. Solida colors work best and I can even get some good rustics if poured and timed carefully, but have never gotten it to mottle. Just a thought.

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