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Posts posted by barncat

  1. I'm not sure candle wise, but I go by dollars. I need to make at least $1000 a day or its not worth it for me. My average sale is usually around $20. Each show varies, some shows i dont sell any jars so I dont take them, but I have a show in December where I will take 2 main products. My snowman and my upscale line of jars cause they always sell there, but cant sell the upscale at other shows...go figure.

  2. show us a pic...we will be the judges LOL. SHpw promoters have no idcea what is handmade and what is not! They have to take the word of the vendor unless someone can prove otherwise, thats just general curtiosy. I've turned a few in for having mass goods, only to have them do nothing. What really gets me is when I go to a show and see my products there in someone elses booth :laugh2:

  3. I agree dustpuppy...i ship UPS and I have no problems betwee Dec 26th and November 15th. After that I make sure insurance is added toi every package, and I have done several claims. I've actually had a box returned to me that was round like a ball! The sad thing is that some customers think you send boxes to themn that way. I had a nasty letter from a customer that she was mad becusae I shipped out a box with a giant hole in it. DUH!

  4. So much for doing customers/friends a favor. I let an aquitance order below my minimum order and use paypal as a favor. Well she refereed a new customer to me. THis lady thinks she should get the special treatment too. She has emailed me a dozen times, keeps calling and has even faxed me...shes mad because I wont take paypal and wants her order rushed. Then what does she do, sends me a money order for only part of the amount due. I have wasted more time with this cutstomer complaining that I've about had enough. Im soon at the point where I'm ready to send her money back and say sorry I dont want to do business anymore. I have the right to refuse busines with pain in the butt customers !!! I defeinately need to post that on my website...or better yet charge a $20 PITA fee.:P

  5. I actually get them from the same place as this cracker Barrel place does (not the restaurant) It's a guy who has a big barn and all you do is take the stuff and leave a note what you took and send or leave him a check. You can look around at some antique or junk stores, maybe some flea markets. I can probably ship you some if can't get them anywhere else. I know there is a plcae in a co-op I'm at that ships, sells for $5 I think.

  6. Do a show that costs you $5000...then $450 isnt that much. :P I used to crinch when a show costed $100...now it seems like nothing. If they are getting that much for a booth , it is hopefully well promoted. If you have the money and are able to loose it, then by all means go for it. Just make sure you have enough inventorry!!

  7. Unless he signs an agrement to purchase $25,000 from you per year, its a waste of time. ASk him what other lines he is doing that too. Most likely he will try to make you sign this then decide to not carry your candles. As a curteosy i would never do a retail show in the same town as a customer unless they havent ordered in past 6 mos. But you need to realize a difference between terms of sales vs an agreement. Your terms are min order, payment options, return policy, etc. Your minimum for private label would fall into those terms. My terms is on the back of my catalog and they do not sign it or anything.

  8. what are you protecting? I am 99% wholesale for past 6 years...no contracts, just an order sheet and terms , llike credi card we take and return policy, crap like that. No one in the industry has contracts unless its something specific and a huge line with territory rights, even that is usually that is still at the disretion of the company. If you want to be professional and step up into wholesale, you need to act professional and not all scared of what may happen. You got their money, thats all you need. Godd luck.

  9. Placed an order at candles and supplies during their free shipping sale. Got a paypal for $594.07. I called and gave them a c/c instead. I was charged $771.14 on that, yet my invoice emailed to me was for 727.49. I used a debit card too and almost an extra $200 was taken out of my account!! Hope I dont bounce anything :mad:

  10. Read my location in my profile !! PO is actually next door to me...damn. However its really not worth it...it serves a whole 50 adresses! Waste of taxpayer money!

    HUh...my town isnt on the list! It supposed to close in September

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