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Posts posted by barncat

  1. Had a candle company call my store and asked if they could send a free sample to me. i said sure, maybe it's a good one. Anyway, came in a fancy box by fedex, was very impressed, until the fedex guy said he's been delivering them to every store in town. So, my suggestion would be to pick you stores you like. Dropping by is not in the best interest, as the buyer may not be there or is busy, you could just dop of info and take their card then follow up. Most likely they will want to test burn them, you could make up mini candles or charge them for them. Do internet searches to find stores that you think your item would fit in, don't go to every business if it isn't their look. Like me, no pastels in my store, no fancy ribbon, cutesy, etc. Prim is my look, so for example if you would send me info and it was that way, it would just go in the trash. If it was prim, i would give it a try, but I may not be in the look for a new candle line. IMHO

  2. I use a spackle spatula like thing to get my wax off the tables and to cut up container wax. I use an industrial size cookie sheet with cookie rack to drizzle my Cinnamon buns, cost about $18 at a restaurant supply. Use ladels for measuring scent and stiring, would never go without them. I use th 4/$1 paring knives for everything! And have been saving that scrap wax for something, probably firestarters, have about 300lbs of it set aside for someday. I just scrap it into an old box for later use.

  3. I'm with Gerrie on this one. On an established show I expect 10-20X the rent. First time show or newly est. shows I expect 4-5X the rent. But then I am out there to make $$, this is my full time thing so, if I bring back nothing my bills dont get paid. Been doing shows for almost 15 yrs now and weeded many out over the years. Just watch thoses ones where new people take over, most of the time your sales end up dropping in half cause they want to change everything. My first show was $20 and I made $150, I was extactic, now my average show is $50-100 and I expect to do $1000 and up. i learned now what my customer wants and you always have to have a blend of old and new products for them

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