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Posts posted by barncat

  1. as you all know the candle biz (as every other biz)is very competitive and everyone seems to want to copy off each other. WEll here is my delema. My largest customer wants me to create a candle for them for their catalog WHile they are telling me what they want...i realize I seen something like that before. So, i took a look at one of my compettiors sites and there was the same candle.that they were creating with me. I know that this candle maker sell to my customer as well. My thought are I'm a lot cheaper and thats why they want to go with me, or maybe they are not happy witht he other candlemaker. But I feel weird about it. I dont like doing it but a larger order like that could make me alot of $$$$. I know I should just go for it....but jsut would like your opinions

  2. i've had my entire line copied by a paretnership with my sales rep and a customer. Was copied so much i thought it was my products on the shelf. My customers know my quality and stayed with me and didnt take long to figure out there scheme. Needless to say this woman also started as a beginnner making candles then wholesaling in the course of 4 mos!!!! Take pride in your workmanship and just let it go. Just keep one uping her. Also you have what she cant duplicate...your scents and poropietary info. TO me...thats the secret of every candle manuf. rather big or small.

  3. Sorry to say but I've seen clamshells even cheaper! I've seen them wholesale for .50 I was shocked! THey were made in Canada even. Funny thing was, customer of mine works at Walmart and mentioned them last week where she worked...take one guess what she bought at my shop...yep tarts! You have to know your customer to be able to compete...same people who are shopping for a KIA arent comparison shopping with a BMW. So are you a KIA or BMW? :P

  4. zonign can be tricky. if you are doing it as a hobby its ok, once you start getting in frequent shipments is when somone may say something. Most likely you cant put up a sign either. I have had to go to 2 zone hearings and put up some money even though im in a commercail area. Check with ur local zoning officer.

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