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Posts posted by barncat

  1. I suggest you get the other armed forces too. They would proabably be willing to buy them more if you had all branches. I think you are taking a big risk just by offering them one.

    However, did you ever think about sending a brochure to a local AF Reserve and have them do a fundraiser?? Check over at Indian Town Gap, that may be the closest one to you. If you call over there they should be able to get you contact info, or at least a mailing address for the company. Oh, not sure if you or your spouse is in the AF, but his unit would not be able to do it as a fundraiser due to conflict of interest.....military regulations.

    I was wondering if anyone sells their candles on someone else's website. I thought my Air Force candles would be a nice product to sell on military gift sites but I'm not sure how to go about it. Should I whloesale the candles to them, or have them sell the candles and I ship the orders to the customer, a consignment set up.

    Also, how would I approach the sites by email, or phone call?

    Any ideas?

    Thanks - Tom

  2. I can tell you this.....I got some wood sleds from a guy using the same materials liek yours are, now the back were hand curved and very sturdy and usable. he sold them to me for $40 cause he got the wood free, but took him a long time to make them, otherwise he would ahve to charge $80 I sold them for $95 with no problem, but no way could I have gotten more in my store, but defeinately higher end stores! Now don't include drying time in your work, cause that will add more costs to your item. Now, at the right place, these could easily sell for $195. Maybe try marketing them to a higher end indpependant kids store on consignment!

  3. We make everyone sign a non-compete...especially relatives (now) I hired a relative, well, let's just say I never had her sign one, just kind of forgot at the time. Well, I ended up firing her(for numerous reasons). She mentioned to another employee that she was going to the other candle place in town and tell her how we make candles...course I about laughed my a$$ off! I don't think a candle co thats been in business 30 yrs needs to know how to make candles:laugh2:. She also said she was going to make candles now...I laugh now at it as when we have slow weeks I say to DH that it must be her taking all of my customers...:laugh2:

    It is very important to have a non-discloure. I made my own and its pretty generic, but can hold up in court if needed be...but since I'm 95% wholesale, it's not really much of an issue in loosing cutomers. However I have had 2 customers completely steal my product lines!!!!!

  4. WE're still steady. The orders aren't flowing in, but I do have some dated orders for this month(whiich I normally don't have) that I am trying to get done, actually I'm a bit behind. Normally I'm looking for work, but since I'm down a person, we are getting a bit backed up.My regulars are keeping me busy, plus I have a big show coming up shortly that will get me through the rest of the year.

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