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Everything posted by Camay

  1. ooh those look nice! Thanks for posting the link.
  2. If you are not on their newsletter list already, you should sign up. They usually have sample sales about twice a year. I love their Himalayan bamboo and Rain, for nice spring/summer scents.
  3. Cool! That patchouli one looks like a dessert of some sort. I want to bite into it!
  4. I had looked through that link and a couple others, and I found that the links are dead. But I never saw the name of the drawers set. If I call my nearest Ikea to have them check their stock, I want to have the name or item number. I could just say "you know, the 9-drawer set that all the soapers buy." But they might just hang up on me!
  5. I love all 4 of the CS oils you got. I would call them and tell them about the loose lid. CS's CS has been great for me! I can't even tell you how many bottles of FO I have purchased from them, and never had a leak. Maybe they have a new person that needs to be trained better, or something like that.
  6. Does anyone know what Ikea called those shelves? Everything at Ikea has a funky name.
  7. Peak. They put that slip of paper in orders that include fragrance oils.
  8. I love those jars, and lids would make me so happy! Can't wait til summer!
  9. Candle Science discontinued the red clover tea, unfortunately.
  10. I agree with Scented about Peak's lemongrass and sage, although they call it sage and lemongrass. It is very strong. I like CandleScience's honeydew melon.
  11. Oh, I am bummed that TN has put this scent on closeout. It's a nice fall scent that is different from the usual apple/cinnamon blends.
  12. Rhonda sent me a sample of a soap made with the white sage, and OMG it is nice! I can't wait for that one...
  13. OK, I just wanted you all to know that this thread has pulled in a lot of orders for Rhonda... I have placed three myself! I am sure others have too! I've just been sniffing because I don't have time to make anything right now, but everything smells absolutely heavenly!
  14. Depends on what kind of poly you are looking for, and how many you want. I like www.uline.com and www.gtbag.com
  15. Hmm. The supplies for a hobby can be addicting? I've NEVER heard of that before. LOL!!!
  16. Thanks Sharon. I took a look at those webistes. I think I am going for the "less is more" option so that the glass bead really stands out. Plus, since I am a jewelry newbie, wire wrapping is bit too advanced for me. Down the road if I am still interested I may try the wrapping and gluing techniques with some of the cheaper gemstone pendants I have. Thanks to all!
  17. Ooh! That lemongrass looks awesome! I hope you don't get DOS.
  18. Yes, it did help. I put "bail" into the search on a couple bead websites and got lots of information. Some do not need adhesive. I don't think I want to use glue on my glass beads, so I'll probably go with one of those. And I know I want sterling silver. I've got lots to choose from. I have never made any jewelry, and the websites make my head spin! So many little pieces!! It's always interesting to learn a new craft though.
  19. I think that's it! Thank you! I knew someone would know. I wonder if they all require adhesive... I'll have to start researching. Now I have a better place to start though. Thanks again!
  20. I have some glass pendants I bought in Italy and I want to make necklaces out of them. I went to a bunch of bead websites to find the piece of metal that is used to connect the pendant to the chain. I don't know what you call that metal piece... and there are thousands of little connector thingies on the websites. Anyone know what they are called?
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