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Posts posted by Tereasa

  1. Please do not respond to any of my post from now on...

    As several people have already told you on this board, you are extremely rude...

    If posts annoy you, don't bother to take the time to respond to them...



    Unfortunately, it's a public board, and you don't get to tell me not to post. I will, however, give up on you... and let you do your thing. Best of luck, and get some insurance...

  2. do I need to do the wax is a sponge speech, or shall I assume that all of us know that?

    maybe not...

    the percentage load is given by the manufacturer because that's the maximum FO that a particular wax will hold before becoming saturated. Going back to my chemistry days, once something is saturated, and you add more of (OMG... is it solute? I think so, cuz the liquid part is solvent, right?), in this case, FO... the wax won't be able to hold it and it 'leaks out'. This leads to excessive smoking, sooting, costly, etc. etc.

    Now, as to a wax that holds 12% vs. a wax that holds 6%... both waxes can throw equally. It just depends on wicks, containers, quality of FO, and many, many, many other factors.

  3. what didn't you like about the previous waxes you've tested? How many different wicks, FO loads, etc. did you test before dismissing a wax? Have you done all the research (or gotten people here to hand feed you) about the wax and learned it's quirks? There is no perfect wax. Yet you still persist in jumping around from wax to wax from paraffin to soy... and always asking 'what's the easiest?' This isn't the particular hobby for easy. I've already been chastised for thumping you on your head... but seriously... slow down. Research what exactly your goals are, what wax you want to work with, and stick with it. Learn it, get a feel for it... use different pour temps, different temps when you add your FO. You'd be surprised what can affect the outcome. Yet, instead, I see you jumping to another wax because you want a quick fix. And, you'll probably ignore all of the suggestions to slow down because you want a great candle to sell and you want it now. I've been there. I learned my lesson. Now, I understand the importance of patience and practice. I tend to let my patience go when dealing with people... but never with candles....

    ETA: may I please have two rude bitch points taken off now?

  4. To recap, as this will likely be my last chance...

    The entire point of me posting negative feedback in the first place was to voice my displeasure of StudioBeck's handling of this situation.

    I tried to handle it quietly and privately. We reached an agreement that she wouldn't use the font again. She lied, and did indeed use it again.

    Had she stuck to the agreement we made, or even answered the email or paypal invoice I sent her almost two weeks ago (asking to be reimbursed for the logo/font) I wouldn't have come here.

    I never said she did bad work. I'm pointing out that I feel lied to, betrayed and disillusioned.

  5. I'm not going to react to a personal attack, because the uglier this gets, the farther it gets from the facts.

    My buttons are not going to be pushed any longer.

    If anyone wants to contact me privately for any more information, I will gladly answer any questions.

  6. sweetheart, there is a lot I'm not saying because I TRIED to handle this quietly. If you'd like me to post all of the correspondence between beckie and me, I will do so. Trust me when I say that doing that will NOT help your cause in any way.

    Perhaps you should be quiet since YOU don't know all of the facts.

    I bought the font and sent it to beckie. Doesn't matter if she bought it or not after that. She LIED TO ME.

    And this thread is locked in.... 3... 2...

  7. actually, the font IS copyrighted. I purchased the right to use it commercially. All I'm going to do is have it investigated to see if StudioBeck followed the rules. The owner of the font is the one who will be handling it from here on out. It's their copyright, not mine. If she truly bought the font, and can prove she bought it before using it commercially then she has nothing to worry about, right?

    Funny that you only seem to post when you can champion StuidoBeck, Bubly.

    ETA: I NEVER said I wasn't slamming her... think my point is obvious...

  8. I don't know, Stella... Biology was my science of choice, not chemistry. I've never added it, but I've worked with 444 a lot. I don't like playing mad scientist with wax. I'm not big on attempting concoctions with UA, vybar, crisco, butter, milk, eggs or sugar. I figure if I have too many variables, I have too many things that a. can't be replicated should I find a combination that works and b. can go wrong. I've played with adding BW and paraffin, but that's as far as my laboratory goes other than testing different waxes and mixing them.

    Candlemaker74... I'm a smart ass, I'm rude, I'm sarcastic... but I know how to do a search and do research on my own. I'll take you for what you are: a gung-ho new chandler. You take me for what I am: a rude bitch.

  9. it's best to find a wax/wick/FO/container combo that works instead of maxing out FO, IMO. I've found that maxing FO out only leads to a whole new set of problems...

    Adding UA to soy will up the FO amount allowed, and since the 444 already has UA in it, that's why the FO load is a bit higher. Adding BW gives a bit of boost, as well as slowing down the burn a bit. There are many ways to go instead of maxing out FO... and in the long run, if you are planing on selling (which I'm assuming you are from your gung-ho posts), maxing out FO will eventually be more expensive for you.

  10. I don't understand why people think that this should be private. Here is a link to one of the instances of StudioBeck being accused of copying:


    Here is a link explaining about that:


    Yet another instance on CT where StudioBeck has been accused of wrong doing:


    [email part removed]

    Sooo.... I have proof of her lying to me. There are other threads in which she's been accused of serious wrong doing. And whenever someone brings this to public, THEY are the ones chastised for speaking up. Why on earth should this be kept quiet? Why should someone who speaks about it be chastised? I know that she has a fan club, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But why is someone with a negative opinion immediately attacked for stating it? There are only so many times a person in a position such as hers can make excuses.

    Sockmonkey, would you happen to know who I would need to contact to report this? Perhaps it is beyond time that an outside party does some investigating and gets to the bottom of a few things. I would appreciate any information you could give me in regards to how to report this. Thanks!

  11. if everyone would please READ my first post!!

    I did handle this privately over two months ago. StudioBeck agreed not to use the font again. Had she simply stuck to that, I wouldn't have taken this public route. I didn't even message or tell the person who the webset was designed for. I kept it private between Beckie and me. She didn't keep her end of the bargain.

    ETA: she's been accused of plagiarism before... simple searches will take one to those threads...

  12. Thank you for your clarification, Lifelace...

    She may have bought the font... nobody but she will ever know for sure if she did or not.

    My font was design 4/4-there were 3 other versions of that font available for purchase. The one she is still using is exactly like the one I bought.

    You are correct, I'm upset about my look no longer being unique. If you go to many DIY estores, how many candle/b & b sites look like cookie cutter websets? If that is the look someone wants, good on them. I wanted something different. I went out of my way to achieve that. Had I not sent her that font, I would still have a unique look. That is my point. Regardless if she bought the font or not...

    I've been making candles for years... and I hired her way back in early summer to design this logo. I'm still not at a point where I feel I'm ready to 'go live' on the web or to sell. I don't want to do anything half-assed. I want my ducks in a row, and things to be right. Now, I feel like beginning again with the design process. Call me silly, that's fine... I've been called much worse....

  13. Thank you, everyone, for your replies.

    I'd just like to address the first reply...

    I didn't post to be judged or told that what I'm doing is right or wrong. Even you admit that, best case scenario, what happened was 'cheesy'.

    I do believe that this board's mantra is to be able to leave feedback for suppliers, whether good or bad. Personally, I would like to know about other people's interactions with people who influence what we do. I would like to know that if a designer I hire to help me with a look that represents me and my products is, to quote you... 'cheesy'.

  14. I would like to share my experience with a well known and respected part of the community.

    I hired StudioBeck to design a logo for me. From the initial contact form on her website to each and every email we shared, I drove home the point that I wanted something that was different and unique.

    I bought a font for the look I wanted. I forwarded this to her, explaining that I had bought it because I wished for a look that nobody else had. I forwarded it to her in good faith.

    She designed a logo for me. I was happy with it, but as I mentioned in another thread, I decided to go in a bit of a different direction and chose another name. I designed a logo, and with the help of Jadryga, polished it into something I'm very proud of. I used the same font that I'd forwarded to StudioBeck, as I thought it was still a unique look.

    I noticed a short time later that there was another logo on StudioBeck's portfolio page utilizing the font that I had forwarded to her. I didn't say anything, as that company had nothing to do with candles, bath & body, etc.

    Then I saw it on a webset/logo she'd designed. At that point, I emailed her and made no bones about how disappointed I was. She said that what was done was done, but that she was sorry. She said she wouldn't use the font again.

    That was a little over two months ago.

    Now, within the last 10 days, this font is again being utilized for a significant fragrance oil supplier.

    I understand that I can't copyright a font I purchased. I feel betrayed and am very, very disappointed. I know I have no legal recourse, but I think that my experience should be shared.

    To give a bit of contrast...

    When I decided to go a different way with my business name/look, etc. I hired Mandi Allen Design to design a webset. Again, I forwarded the font I'd purchased to her so she could utilize it in the design. A bit later, I noticed this font in another web topper Mandi had designed. Within one hour of emailing her, that topper was down and replaced with another. She sincerely apologized, and I believe that she was sincere that she'd simply made a mistake.

    There are many, many good graphic artists out there... I'd like to encourage people to look around, and not jump on a bandwagon...

    Thank you for listening...

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