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Everything posted by Jeana

  1. I'm in San Diego. I always pay through the nose for shipping. I can hardly wait until Monday to call them.
  2. Thanks for the manufacturer website. I will definitely check in to their smooth natural wax for prices and local suppliers, too bad today is Friday. It sounds like the one I've been testing, the last three numbers match. It handles a lot like paraffin and there is no soy in it. This is exactly the help I was hoping to find by posting. I'm totally excited now!! Have you used the feathering palm wax on the other website you gave me? I have the one from candlewic and it doesn't look like this one when it is finished. I like mine but this one is really cool. Oh no ANOTHER wax to try.
  3. Those are so cute. I really like the thin curls. I only thought about using thick ones before. The colors are really nice too. Did you use titanium dioxide to make the bar whiter?
  4. Those are really nice. Very professional looking. I love the little squares.
  5. It is from Northstar http://www.northstar3c.com/cgi-bin/shop2/cp-app.cgi?&pg=cat&ref=7 The 900483 Natural pillar wax.
  6. I have a new pillar wax I have been testing. I really love it, it is so different from the other natural pillar wax I have used. But for the case rate and shipping I will be paying close to $3.5 per pound. Which means I am going to be paying almost 2x what I have been. And making my goal of wholeselling my candles even further away. I'm wondering if there is a way to find out who they get this wax from so I may be able to get it cheaper. I'm assuming this distributor is not going to flat out tell where they get their wax from. There is no brand name they use for the wax, just a number. Anyone have any ideas on how I could get this wax cheaper?
  7. I just measured the tubes to determine what size I wanted. Put it in my label program, print them on a full sheet type of label, then use a slicer to cut them. Then I have the shrink wrap made for lipbalms to finish them off nicely.
  8. Speaking of Walmart jars, I was suprised to see they had some of those cute bean pot jars there recently. The kind like the JarStore carries. They looked to be about 16oz. They were only $1.47. Too bad Walmart - or my Walmart - is so bad at keeping things in stock. I wouldn't mind switching to these and save on my shipping. But knowing my luck with Walmart I would start using them and they wouldn't carry them anymore.
  9. I have both. My friend hasn't gotten around to installing the spigot on my new one. I don't like dipping the cup in to get the wax out. I prefer a spigot. I don't know about an electric spigot either. To answer your questions in scales - w/ spigot 1. 0 (Assuming 1 is little hassle, 5 is big hassle) 2. Manual wo/spigot 1. Can't install it myself 2. Depends on how it works 3. 4
  10. But how well does it throw scent? And did you get the crack like some of the other posters did?
  11. I tried them and they were really hard for me to wick also. I didn't think to double wick them, maybe I could try that. I did try another glass container from them that worked really well. It is the rectangled shaped one in the same dept. It is about 5 inches long and about 3" wide. I put three wicks in it - I think lx 20 or lx 21. It burned great and looked really cute.
  12. I'm in CA too. Unfortunately there is not that much to choose from around hear. There is Swans in WA, but their shipping was the same or more than when I order from the midwest or east coast places. I was given a name from the Golden Foods rep for one of their distributers here in CA. I called and they never called me back, nice cusomer service! I figured I better not get wrapped up with them. If you like Bluegrass I would stay with it until there are more distributers in CA. If you are not happy, there are several good waxes to choose from, just not locally.
  13. I don't think you'll get the same crystal effect if you mix it with anything like soy or paraffin. And definitely for sure you will not get the crystal look if you pour it below 180 degrees. But it never hurts to experiment. Just mix up a little bit. Then maybe try an LX 22 for the wick. You will most likely need stearic to get the wax out of the mold, 5% will do it. It is really hard to wick this wax. I've been experimenting with this wax forever, and still can't get the wicks right on a few sizes. I'm getting closer each test I do though. Good luck:smiley2:
  14. I've notice many large companies only put the ingredients on the outside container. BTW that sounds really cool, can you post a picture of the lipgloss. And do you mind if I ask how to make it.
  15. I think it would be worth it to give 1 or 2 dollars off to the stylist. Most stylist like to sell products. If they like yours, their clients will know about it. Stylists love to talk too. You'll sell way more in the end. If they don't get a chance to use your products, they will likely sit on the shelves and collect dust. Like everyone else says, it would be best to define the rules, in writing. Just out of curiosity, how do you keep track of what you sell there? I have an opportunity to do this at the salon I work at, but we can't figure out how to keep my sales separate from the salons. If anyone has any tips on this I would love to know more about consignment options. I'm not in a position to do wholesale yet.
  16. I think I would do more testing with the 105, as long as the flame was nice. Especially to see how the pillar burns after several lightings. If it has a pretty flame, I would rather wick smaller just to be sure the candle is safe. That is a really long burn though, so having the 126 last that long is good IMO. But in the long run I think it would be better to play it safe with the 105.
  17. Here is a link I found a while ago when someone else asked this question. http://www.thesage.com/recipes/recipes.php3?.State=Display&id=93 They tell you how to clean the wax so you can use it.
  18. The one from Candle Science is outstanding. It doesn't take much to fill a room with this scent. Even the cold throw is amazing.
  19. I have seen other soapers stretch wrap the soap and glue their card on top of that.
  20. I was looking in the gallery and spotted Mountain Madness's primitive soaps. I never even realized there were recipes for primitive soaps. Does anyone have one they would like to share? It looks really cool. It's amazing after seeing so many recipes online, I have never run accross one for these before.
  21. They are really nice and creamy. Like Merideth said they make you want to use one right away. Have any of you taken an unscented batch and rebatched with this FO? I always think about it but I haven't yet. I was just wondering if it works better.
  22. I would like to get some opinions of how everyone ends up picking the wax they do. And I have a couple specific questions about this. When all of you are comparing waxes, how many different scents and colors do you try before you make up your minds? Do you mainly choose your best sellers and test those? Remember this testing is just to compare waxes. Also, a couple of the waxes I've been trying are really preforming well. So I'm having a difficult time making the end decision. How do some of you make your choices when one product is not overwhelmingly better than the others? Thanks for opinions and input:smiley2:
  23. Very nice website! Very professional looking. I like your pillars what type of wax are they made from?
  24. I think the only way you'll know it to try it. I wanted to try a color I got so I took a lip balm already made up and put it in a small pyrex cup and melted it in the microwave. Added my color and poured it in a tin. This way I didn't have to make up a whole batch. As for the color, even though it is very dark in the container, it is barely noticeable on your lips.
  25. No wonder I'm not rich yet, my cats just lay around all day watching me work:tongue2: I better make them watch the CW video and crack that whip:whip: . I think it is funny CW doesn't tell you about how you'll be tearing your hair out because just when you think you have a perfect formula and routine, something will come along and screw it up. The weather will change, or the manufacturers change their formula. If people think it is easy let them try it. Personally I think most people are all too willing to let other people pour the candles. I try to talk to people all the time about it and they get bored out of their minds. I think people try to over simplify many professions. Once people really dig in this and see what it is really like they will realize they are over their heads and that they bought into a gimmick.
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