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Everything posted by number2of7

  1. I'm thinking the gardenia will overpower the apple -- never met a gardenia that didn't blow my front door off ;-) Looking forward to hearing your results though....
  2. I keep looking for the "like" button on everything ;-)
  3. As with everyone else, I'm now on the hunt for another parasoy wax to use for tarts since KY is going OOB. Since I'm on the east coast (Ga) I want to stick with suppliers that are close to me. I did a search but couldn't find any info on Tennessee's Celestial Votive Blend wax -- wondering if anyone uses or has used that wax for your tarts. If so, thoughts? JS carries a 50/50 parasoy, but her shipping costs are alot higher....
  4. It seems like I tried Grammy's Zucchini Bread from The Candle Source once and remembered it being very close to KY's ZB. Luckily I had downsized on her oils -- only have to find replacements for her Lemon Pound Cake and Toasted Marshmallow
  5. Just got the update on Facebook that KY is going out of business!! She's been my sole wax supplier since day one. I'm just heartbroken!!! So, if you need stuff from her, you'd better stock up now!
  6. I've never ordered from CC before -- are her 'scent event' oils one pound bottles?
  7. Glad to hear Butt Naked smells like a tanning lotion (I think I ordered a sample of this) -- I'll be glad when he gets all the descriptions listed on the site! I got my shipping notice this morning....
  8. I was actually thinking of making these again -- the craze sorta died, but maybe people miss them
  9. I use 2x12 bags but I only put 20 sticks in there....could probably cram 40-50 (never tried). Madina carries a 3x13 bag -- I'm thinking that extra inch of space might just hold 100. You could always ask her.... Here's a link to the 3x12 bags: http://www.madinaonline.com/items.asp?Cc=M27&iTpStatus=0&Tp=&Bc= HTH
  10. The only one I've tried so far is Bear Claws -- it's a super strong scent, but it does not smell like Bear Claws to me. I do plan on ordering more of them very soon....
  11. He's running a free shipping on $50 or more -- he gave a coupon code on the front page, but maybe he's giving it to everyone regardless?? I did get charged tax, but I live in Ga too so he may only be charging Ga residents.
  12. I just ordered a bunch of oils from him (lots of pounders and ten samples) -- he's been very good about responding to any of my emails with questions. Looking forward to trying the oils and then posting my own reviews
  13. Wanting to follow this thread since I'm in Georgia I was over in their Ebay shop so I just sent them some questions from there -- looking forward to reading about their oils from those of you who have ordered!!
  14. I use a soy blend and the Patchouli Passion does VERY well in it -- in fact, I've never had a bad oil from MW!!
  15. Southwest now carries Havana (they call it Havanna Nights)
  16. I used to use NG for about 90% of my fragrances -- lately, I've dropped them down to about 50%! I very rarely order any new ones from them because I'm tired of being disappointed. Having a buttload of fragrances to choose from is irrelevant when over half of them are too weak to use. If you want a good Pink Sugar (Just Scent). If you want a good Oatmeal Milk & Honey (Bert's)
  17. We've always used Caribbean Coconut from The Candle Source -- it's knock your socks off strong!!
  18. Antique Sandalwood - Candle Science Merlin's Forest - Moonworks (very dark and woodsy) Tuscan Patchouli - Southwest (formerly JBN, formerly GL) Frankincense & Myrrh (Candle Science)
  19. Make sure you know which Plumeria your customers want -- you have the straight up floral and then the dupe from BBW which has melon in it (my personal favorite) I haven't tried those two from JS, but I'd be willing to bet they're different (in smell, not necessarily quality) I have Plumeria from Candle Science that I'm about to put up in the classies (as soon as I can find the time to gather and list all my stuff) -- if you're interested in that one, shoot me a PM
  20. I have and do use several of her oils -- I'm a big fan of Connie's oils!! Naturally, there are some that are stronger than others but they were meant to be that way. She has a lot of complex blends that are really nice -- General Store is one that comes to mind. You can smell something different each time you sniff it. The ONLY problem I ever had was when I ordered a sample of an oil it smelled great, but when I went and ordered the pound bottle it smelled a lot different than the sample. When I contacted her about it, I received no response whatsoever But, overall, I've been very pleased with them!!
  21. KY has a very good Midnight Pomegranate
  22. I've tried The Candle Source, NG, and Bert's --- I've been offering Bert's Monkey Farts for 3 1/2 years....it's the best in my opinion!
  23. I tried Mango Papaya from both CS and Peaks -- neither were strong at all So, I don't think the problem is you....it's them!
  24. Out of curiosity, I noticed that her description of this scent said "leather mixed with a popular men's cologne" -- is the 'cologne' part noticeable, and if so, do we know which men's cologne? That would be helpful information to pass along to our customers. Thanks!
  25. Candlewic has a Bay Laurel -- not sure if that's the direction you're wanting to go or not ?? http://www.candlewic.com/Store/Product.aspx?q=c92,p872,fScents
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