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Everything posted by CBE

  1. Full Moon Indian Breeze Autumn Moon Autumn Spice Spice Cake I'm not too good at renaming either... LOL
  2. CBE

    After-Sun Lotion

    I rubbed my son down last night with this... and it relieved him alot. He asked me three more different times before going to bed to rub him down. LOL So... It's really helping him. This experiment with Calendula Herb, Green Tea, and Chamomile was a success! I think it would even be BETTER with Emu Oil instead of Monoi Oil!!
  3. I really need to invest in Emu Oil. I hear so much good things about it! I let him try the lotion I made... he rubbed his hands down... he begged me to rub his back with it. LOL So I put it in the fridge for a few minutes before applying it to his back. I was as gentle as I could be... but I guess it's inflammed and sensitive. I rubbed him down good with it... and he hasn't complained since. Wow. I also keep spraying the Calendula Tea on him constantly. I think the combo of the Calendula/Green Tea/Chamomile Lotion and Calendula Tea Spray is really working on him. Thanks for all the advice guys!! I appreciate it!!
  4. I found a recipe on The Sage... but tweaked it a bit to suit my taste. I will be trying this on my son tomorrow for his sunburn. Hopefully.... it works. If not... then I still got this fantastic lotion I made from scratch for the first time! It feels awesome, not greasy.... I love it. I surprised myself! LOL 5 g. Glycerin 5 g. Stearic 5 g. E-Wax 20 g. Monoi Oil 38 g. Calendula Tea 38 g. Green Tea/Chamomile Tea Blend .5 g. Germaben II .5 g. Lavender Essential Oil For the Calendula Tea, all I did was infuse dry calendula petals in boiling water. Let sit until cool, then strain. For the Green Tea/Chamomile Tea Blend... I infused 1 tea bag of green tea, and 1 tea bag of Chamomile in 1 cup of boiling water for 15 min. Then I used the appropriate measurements for each one. Weigh all ingredients except Germaben II and EO together. Heat in microwave until all solid ingredients are melted. Put container in a cold water bath in the sink and blend with a stick blender to ensure emulsification. Weigh Germaben II and EO together. Add to lotion. Blend again to mix well. Pour into jars/bottles. I'm amazed with this. Came out really nice and thick AND it's very moisturizing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it at least gives my son some relief.
  5. Gosh... I just made my first lotion from scratch. LOL Found a recipe on the sage and tweaked it a bit to my taste. Came out awesome! I won't use it on him until maybe tomorrow... hopefully it helps him. I'll post the recipe in the Recipe Catagory.
  6. Ok.. tried the vinegar. He cried... he said it stung... itched... and burned. Infused my calendula herb in boiling water. I let it cool... strained it.... and put it in a spray bottle. I just sprayed him with it and no crying... no stinging... no burning. His face looked relieved. Now all I need is to moisturize it. I'm leary about any kind of lotion or butters... IMO... oil will just retain the heat. Maybe it might be best to keep doing the calendula tea until tomorrow... then try to moisturize. I think I'll try to make a lotion from scratch...using the calendula tea. Now off to find a recipe!!!
  7. My son went swimming yesterday... and got a really bad sunburn on his back. He was only outside for TWO HOURS. He's in so much pain. I've been giving him Tylenol to help with the pain. First... I rubbed him down with Aloe. He complained because it said it made his back feel like he had a big bandaid on it... lol poor thing... it made his skin tight... and he literally couldn't move. Next is the Noxema. I've been rubbing Noxema on him... I can't even rub it in... because he screams. So, I just apply it as much as I can all over his back... and it seems to help a bit... but not much. I've searched on here and seen vinegar as a remedy. I have regular distilled vinegar, and apple cider vinegar. Which one is best in your opinion? What about Witch Hazel? I would rather make him a spray so I don't have to rub anything in. I also was thinking of Lavender EO... cause one time, I burned myself cooking and I poured the Lavender EO straight on the burn... and the pain stopped instantly. I'm also wondering about boiling some dried calendula leaves in water... letting it cool, and adding it to the vinegar. Do you think this sounds good?
  8. I was contacted via telephone today by a company called Incredible Discoveries, Inc. I was questioned about a few of the products I make, and they were interested in them. They basically mass market your products and get them out to a bigger audience (infomercials). These infomercials are funded by investors. I looked them up on the Better Business Bureau website and they are legit. I have a "phone meeting" with one of the top bosses of this company Monday morning. Has anyone ever heard of this company before?
  9. Ilona... Try working with EO's. Sweet Orange and Tangerine EO's are VERY happy scents. Studies have shown that when these EO's are sprayed in hospital rooms and such... it makes the atmosphere more cheerful and bearable. Lavender EO is calming to frazzled nerves, promoting peace and relaxation. Also wonderful for headaches! You can google the properties of EO's... and get tons of info. But in my opinion.... ANY fragrance is theraputic. Doesn't have to be EO's. Can be plain... single note FO's. The sense of smell is very powerful. It can bring back memories from the past in a second. It can make you feel good, alert, energized.... but it can also bring to mind...pain, grief, and anger. People think I'm nuts when I say this. LOL But it's the truth. For example: I bought this particular scent in a body spray from Victoria's Secret. I loved it... wore it everyday. I was wearing it when I found out that 3 of my family members (my mother, stepfather, and grandmother) were involved in a tragic car accident. I also wore the scent at their funerals. Eventually... I had to give the body spray away... cause when I'd wear it... or even smell it... it would bring back horrible memories of that day. To this day... and it will be three years in January.... I CANNOT smell that scent. The feelings it gives me are horrible. So... yes... your sense of smell is very powerful. IMO. And it's how you market the product. If you say it will brighten your mood... people will buy it THINKING that it will brighten up their mood... and guess what? When they smell it..... IT WILL!!! It's all psychological.
  10. Let me tell you... if you want REAL SCRUBBY.... LOL throw in Jojoba beads. My third batch of CP I did this.... wanting a "visual effect".... and I'm from the school where "more is better"..... LOL and this bar is REALLY SCRUBBY. I've had testers say it's too scrubby! LOL So I tell them... "Bar to skin... scrubby. Bar to washcloth... not scrubby."
  11. Word of mouth is the best advertisement... samples... samples.... samples.... sometimes you have to give a little to receive back!!! Congratulations Grandma!!! Isn't it awesome when people love your stuff????? Gives me goosebumps! LOL
  12. I haven't did a chocolate scrub... I can't find any REAL chocolate scents I like... I do a citrus, honey/oatmeal/ blue sugar/pink sugar. For my foot scrub... I do only one scent.... Pina Colada. They all sell really good for me... especially the pink sugar!
  13. I have no clue... LOL I buy the cheapest shortening on the shelf. LOL
  14. I use Peacock dyes... I get a beautiful blue with the color So(ap) Blue. Never had a problem with their dyes. Love the Fiesta Pink too.
  15. Yeah girl! LOL Look for post Cut pics of Lotus Blossom.... Came out cute!
  16. I've only used the Lotus Blossom recently... does fantastic in CP. Smells really strong. No A or D. Had time to play a little bit. Love it. Smells really good in a body spray also. I'd give it a A+ !!!
  17. As always Maryann... you've created some beautiful soap! I bet they smell sooooooo good!!!! :drool: :drool: Hope I get as good as you one day!!!
  18. 3lb wooden standard log from Creekside Soaps... I made a 2 1/2 lb. batch.
  20. This fragrance is like the best smell in the entire world... next to Chamomile Neroli. LOL
  21. Ooooh.... I like them!!! Alot!!!! Love those colors too.
  22. rotf lmao... girl... I know what ya mean!!! The first time I received a package from DHL.... the delivery guy called me from his cell phone because he wanted to make sure the address was correct. Then he proceeds to tell me... I should be there in an hour. Well... two hours past... No DHL Guy. Four hours past. No DHL Guy. I was getting very impatient because I had orders to fill and PLUS I wanted to make some soap Darn it!!!!! LOL Thank Goodness for CALLER ID. rotf lmao.... So.. I called his cell... he answered the phone like he was scared or something.... rotf lmao... I said.... "And where in the hell are you at Mister?????" And then there was silence. :laugh2: He says... I'm at Burger King. I said... "Mister... can you get that Whopper To Go? I'm waiting on my order.... you called me four hours ago telling me you'd be here in an hour..." He said... "Maam.... I'll be there in ten minutes." rotf lmao.... DH just could not believe I called the DHL guy on his cell phone. He just kept shaking his head in disbelief. HA!! Well, I gave the DHL guy some samples... so now... he calls me EVERYTIME I have an order... to let me know he's a block away from my house, fixing to deliver! LOL
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