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Everything posted by Breanna

  1. I use to use 4625 and it is great for pillars and votives but now since peaks only carries their new blend I made a couple votives after my pillar and they burn nicely. This wax is very good!!! OH (peak pre-blend pillar mp145) HTH:wink2:
  2. Hi everyone,,I used peaks pre-blend pillar MP 145 and let me tell you it turned out very good!! I made a 3x6.5 pillar, 24ply flat braid wick, lovespell FO and black dye. the cold throw is awesome and the Hot throw is fantastic!!!! I am doing my 2nd burn and have to say I really love this wax and the price is great too,,,, Will take pics soon,,,
  3. Hi there,,nice to meet you!!!:highfive:
  4. Oh my Alex,,,what is it?? a Candle?? or a blob of----oh nevermind but really thats a candle?? Did it melt while in route to you???
  5. WOW those look cool,,I never thought of making gourds for candles!!! ,,,Good Job,,,what mold did you use??? I have never seen anything like these before
  6. I like this FO @ 1/2 oz pp as it is a heavier scent and strong,,,smells nice.
  7. You are right,,,I just received my order for some.
  8. Try this,,,http://server.com/webapps/db-veiw.cgi? This is a pick-a-wick database that is set up @ bittercreek.com I do not know the difference between these wicks as I only use 24ply braid flat wick that peakcandle.com referred to me,,HTH
  9. Oh yeah I have seen that commercial too,,,I was thinking OMG what if they got burned by this,,,a big lawsuit and some plastic surgery,,,,I know that professional nail places do this but they are TRAINED for it,,,not like everyone reads directions,,,I have to constantly remind my customers how long to burn their candles and stuff. I would hate to see how they would use this product!!!!
  10. I agree with Fern,,,either color would work:)
  11. WOOHOO I just received my sample of J225. Im gonna go have some fun:yay: I will post how it goes,,,,,,,,
  12. Hi, I use the shredded Raffia from the craft isle @wal-mart. with an oval basket I usually put in a 8 oz jelly jar, a couple of votives, some tarts and a 3x3 pillar. JMO. HTH:highfive:
  13. Hi Henry,,I use 44-24-18z for my 2oz votives and they burn nicely,,also if you go to http://server.com/webapps/db-veiw.cgi? this will take you to bittercreeks pick-a-wick database and you can see what others have used. it tells you what jar or whatever they use then wax they used and then it gives you what wick worked for them. I use this a lot and it works well. JMO.
  14. Hi,,I agree with the others about the J223, the only complaint I have is the fact it is so opague that you dont acheive a dark enough coloring. I use the IGI-4786 for my containers(with 4786 you do have to do a re-pour after it cools due to shrinkage) BUT, I have just recently been testing Peaks performance blend container wax and it is awesome!!!! I live in Illinois and peak is in Denver Colorado,,,shipping price is not bad. JMHO:rolleyes2
  15. I can totally relate to that!!!!! I am sooooooo Addicted,,,,
  16. ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!! yes do tell!!!
  17. WOW those are Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! well worth the wait!!!!:highfive:
  18. I agree with Bev,,,the second brown label is very nice,,you did a great job on all of them!!!!:highfive:
  19. Same here,,we were going to use it but when we saw how high the interest rate we said "no"
  20. Thank you everyone!!! I saved all your suppliers to my favorites,,,I really appreciate all your help,!!!!
  21. HI,,I have had to zap mine with the heat gun too.I pour my pint jars @ 160. I like this wax but its hard to get a nice dark color even with liquid dye.
  22. I have used the J223 and I like the easiness of it,,,although sometimes you need to re-pour. It burns good with the low smoke 60 zinc, I use the wide mouth Kerr pint and half pints. Great Hot and Cold throw,,the only issue I have with this wax is the color,,,it is so opaque and creamy that you just dont achieve the dark colors you want,,I have tried,,,other then that its a great wax. I have gone back to the 4786 as I like this wax,,,has great hot/cold throw and sharp colors. JMO:yes:
  23. when I buy, lets say from the classifieds or ebay, I always transfer them to the brown glass bottles like what peaks use. Now when I buy my 1Lbs from Peaks I keep them in their plastic bottles and in a dark place. it must be a different container they use that keeps them good,,,
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