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Posts posted by R.S.

  1. I've been bitten by the blending bug. :shocked2: I mixed 7 oz. of 100% soy with 3 oz. of 60/40 parasoy. Since 3 oz's is a 60/40 it can't really be a true 70/30 it's more like 82/18 when rounded would be 80/20, right? Tia

    P.S. I tried asking my dear friend and she said I gave her a migraine. (You know who you are) :P

    (7 x 100% + 3 x 40%)/10 = .82 or 82% soy

  2. OK, I'm home from work, and here is EVERYTHING written that came with my candle:

    And I quote:

    Hello, I am Jimmy and you are about to experience one of my candles. Lots of love and over a decade of candle making have come together to make this product. It has been said that I make "The Finest Soy Candle on the Planet" - I just know that I make my candles using the finest ingredients on the planet along with integrity and consciousness. I am so proud of what I am doing that I put my name on the label. It is my intent to spread love and peace through my products throughout the planet - once candle at a time!

    My candles are made with a "Food Grade" 100% vegetable SOY wax, so pure you could cook with it (without any fragrance of course); to prove my point I did so and lived to tell about it! I chose this wax so that the highly defined fragrance blends, with up to 100+ fragrance notes per blend, would be showcased as purely as possible. My soy wax formula is petroleum free, my fragrances are made without dilution oils and my wicks are lead & zinc free - giving you a clean burning, solidly fragranced candle that is nearly soot free! Enjoy! Jimmy

    End quote

    There it is.. verbatim. Nothing there says it's a 100% natural candle and in a roundabout way admits that they're NOT all natural by saying he wouldn't cook with it once the fragrance oil is in it.

  3. This is what I was wondering in my previous post...anyway, he IS trying to say his candles are all natural when he states there is only 2 parts in his wax, soybeans and vegetable oil...also he states he's using 'pure essentials' to scent with....

    I interpret this as saying his wax is all natural, not his candles are all natural. There is a difference. In the little description in the box he says he is using the finest fragrances. I guess I would need to see how "pure essentials" is defined to know if that's contradictory.

    I feel like we've gotten off topic here, lol. Natural or not, they are DAMN GOOD candles!

  4. He marketed Ergo that way and does so with his own line now, I'll look for the interviews after lunch. One was from the Extract Expo.

    It's also mentioned on his retailers sites. If he doesn't know what his retailers are saying and misinforming about his candles, then that says a lot about him as well. (I.E. Who cares what the people that sell my candles say, as long as they get sold!)

    Yes, I'd love to see the interviews. I just went back and checked all four links to retailers that he shows on his website and I did not anywhere see it mentioned that it was a 100% natural candle. Only that he used 100% soy wax and premium fragrances.

  5. That's my point though R.S. It's marketed as 100% all natural and many sites he's selling through and in his interviews, he's claiming there are no chemicals in his candles.

    And like I said, just because you can eat it and not get sick off it, doesn't mean there isn't something in there that is the same as paraffin. BTW, I used to eat paraffin all the time... anyone remember those little coke bottle wax thingys? They had juice in them and you bit it to get the juice out? :D

    He claims to use only Soybeans, 99% mix with 1% vegetable oil to make the wax more viable. That's chemically impossible to just grind up some soy beans, and 1 part versus 99 parts of oil and it be a soft, smooth, and long burning wax, especially if you are adding FO's. My great grandma was crafty and she taught us one time to make lard candles, but without other adds to it, lard lasts all of 1/3 of the time of the candles here today.

    He says that's the formula, but then claims it's food grade soy wax. If he's buying his soy wax, the basic ingredients in soy wax do contain chemicals because the original inventor wasn't able to make it long lasting with just extract and oils alone. Who would pay for a soy candle if it's 20 bucks for a 12 oz. and it only lasts 8 hours? :D

    ETA: I'm not saying soy is the devil and paraffin is the most awesomemest ever. I'm just talking about false marketing here. I've had some soy candles that I bought from a member here in the same scents I have, and sometimes a scent throws so AWESOME in soy, and blah in paraffin. I believe it's personal preference on what to use, but don't scare people into thinking they'll keel off tomorrow if they burn a non-soy candle.

    He does not say that his candle is 100% natural, he says he uses 100% soy wax.

  6. I would expect that he's using concretes and absolutes in his fragrance formulas - most of the high end candle companies do when they're designing their blends. This can give you much richer fragrances than essential oils and aroma chemicals.

    Yum, give me rose or jasmine absolute any time. I've got a tiny vial of jasmine and it's wonderful.

    Ok, new term for this noobie. What's an absolute?

  7. The only thing I worry about is the fact that he's touting them add 100% soy with no chemical additives. By pure makeup to GET soy way, you have to add chemicals.

    If he is using EO's and claiming no dilution, he's spending WAY more than what he's asking for price on the candle, because EO taken straight from a press is around 30 bucks for an ounce at the least, and there's only a very, very, very few EO organics that you can take from a press like that.

    Just because you can eat it, doesn't mean you were eating something that wasn't bad for you in small amounts but is still listed as toxic. Hell, most people can handle a few drops of arsenic. You can eat paraffin too, and more than likely won't have any adverse effects from it (well unless you down it while hot or something :D ).

    It's absolutely gorgeous packing and they do look great, but if they are so great, why resort to false scare tactics? :(

    ETA: And one site makes mention of eating it (before fragrance of course), but if you are adding pure EO's, it's not going to hurt you either.

    I don't recall seeing anywhere that he only uses EOs. He uses fragrance oils, most definitely. As for chemicals in the soy, many years ago CNN did an interview with him when he was still at Ergo and it showed him eating the soy chips. Given that it's basically pure trans fat, I hope he doesn't do that often, lol.

  8. Pretty sure it's only 2 to 3 oz per lb. or 3%. I would add FO and color as always. The diluted bees wax should not change any of that but will make your wax a little shinier and harder.

    Sharon, can you clarify this as 2-3oz to a pound is 12.5-18.75%. Not 3%.

    Did you mean half an ounce per pound? That would be 3%.

  9. No kidding, the guy has a magic touch & his marketing is above par for any product. If I remember correctly, he started making candles in his garage.

    I don't do definitions too well, but fo's come from the manufacturer pure. Sleazy suppliers will dilute (water down) the fo w/ some kind of carrier to stretch their supply. Obviously, these suppliers won't tell you what they're doing, so stick w/ the reputable companies. If you're ever tempted, only buy sample sizes, so you don't get sunk for a lot of money. I've only fallen into this trap once -- it was a Mom & Pop local supplier that quickly went out of business. The fo's were so diluted I would have had to add gasoline to get them to burn! You never know what they're diluting w/ & it totally clogs a wick.


    Thanks for the input, but Jimmy is doing something more than what we're getting from any supplier. I can smell his candles unlit across the house. They are STRONG. That is what I'm currently aspiring to, and I'm not happy because I don't think I can ever get there given what I'm willing to put into this.

  10. Some f/o's can cause the wax to look yellow. I have a couple of f/o's that will turn my wax a light shade of orange. When I experienced to much f/o in my candle it looked as if the candle had beads of oil on the top. Does it look like that?

    No, it doesn't look like beads on top, I used 1 oz/lb. The problem is, it's yellow on top, but pure white on the sides. If it was yellow throughout, I could say it's the natural color of the FO doing that, but it's only on the top. That's why I'm wondering if it separated.

  11. I made a 7oz soy candle in a tumbler using Ecosoya CB135 and CandleScience's Wildberry Mousse. Made it last Sunday, haven't burned it yet to give it time to cure.

    I should note that the Wildberry Mousse FO has a very yellowish tint to it.

    Over the past couple of days, the wax at the top of the candle has turned very yellowish, but the sides are still quite white. (I didnt use any dye).

    Is my fragrance oil separating?

    Preparation: heated wax to 185, added fragrance oil at that temp when I took off heat, and stirred until pouring at 135.

  12. I just bought a Jimmy Belasco candle today. It's a pure soy candle with tremendous throw (hot and cold). Jimmy is the founder of E'rgo Candles, now out on his own.

    In the description of his candles, he says "my fragrances are made without dilution oils".

    What does that mean?

    How does that compare to what we purchase through Peaks, CandleScience etc?

  13. I struggled too. I've tried the Golden Brands and Ecosoya waxes and got no hot throw whatsoever. It's only after reading this board that I decided to stop making the candles per the manufacturer's instructions and add the fragrance oil at a much higher temperature (about 185 right after I take pot off the heat). After a thorough mixing and pouring at 135 or so, I'm getting much better cold and hot throw. Hope this helps.

  14. I've been using HTP105s but they're just a tad too small, next size up is the HTP126 which is too big for most fragrances. Thinking about trying another line of wicks. Can someone give me an idea as to what other line/size (besides HTP) is working for them in GB444 so that I have a starting point to test?

    I'm using a 3" wide round tumbler glass. Standard FO is 1 oz/pound.


  15. Yes R.S., I make CP Soap and Bath and Body products but never ventured into candle making. I was thinking it might be nice to have soy candles that match some of my CP soaps... just a thought! I guess I don't have enough challenges in my life.... ;)

    OOPS my bad, I didn't think about soap. :embarasse:embarasse

    Anyways, I bought my started kit through them and didn't want the paraffin wax, they at least took it out for me to keep the shipping costs down. I had to pay for the soy that I got in it's place, though.

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