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Everything posted by warmvanilla

  1. Really nice! I'd want them all. I've never seen any like the sweet love before. They all look really great though!
  2. Both are really pretty. Not sure which is my favorite! The star...it's different. I really like it.
  3. Those are really pretty spring looking. I love the display with the feathers and little chicks too!
  4. I think so too. Ultimate vanilla is very strong on the vanilla bean side, imo. Vanilla Delicious is much sweeter and reminds me of melting Blue Bell ice cream.
  5. Your site is super cute. I love the back drop for your products! Looks super cozy with the candles burning and how you have your things displayed. It's a very clean site and easy to get around.
  6. I decided to finish this candle. Bored anyway! Grabbed it off the mantle. This is what it looked like tonight Ewwww! Something ugly, huh?:embarasse For some reason, every time I make a soy candle with color, it starts morphing into something I can't describe. Looks like I have some clumpy body butter there! Smells great though! Here's the wick tab still holding strong: Trimmed it by pinching off the charcoaled parts, and lit her up! She crackled! For about 2 mins, lol. ETA: Now I remember. I was holding it on it's side, turning it around and around testing the strength of the wood wick tab in the previous burns above. I think that's why it clumped up badly to the side.
  7. I use double, but sometimes the two will separate from one another and I'll use it as a single. After trimming the wick, I usually end up with one side that is single anyway...and I put that part up to burn first. Hope that makes sense! I use both paraffin and soy...not mixed, but I've played with both. I've used 4627, 4630, j223; C3 and GW 464 or 474 (I get the container mixed up with the votive blend-whichever is the container:grin2:) Here's a soy. Apple Cobbler Delight. This is C3 with no additives. You can see when it gets down a ways in it's burn how the double wick really cleans it up. This is when it started off as single on the top: And this is the result of the burn. Don't have my notes with me as I'm typing to say what the burn time was, but I was really pleased with how clean it burned. Also, the wick holder I made from those tabs worked very well! I even held the jar to it's side and it would not move at all! The crackling-this one did not crackle too good when it burned so far down. Sometimes the sound is really great. Sometimes, it's not. But, I always have one-it seems. It's very subtle!
  8. I think they look really nice too. They do look really creamy!
  9. I have no idea what this is, but it's kinda different and cute. http://www.mycountrynest.com/Pics/117_1706.jpg
  10. When I first visited your site, I felt the image of the two customers were a great first impression and somehow just "worked"...for me. Perhaps it's the black and white photo and the expressions on the face of the women, along with motion captured in the photo. For me-it was artsy...in a professional photograph kind of way. Your company name is wonderful and the smile and look in the woman's eyes to the right works BRILLIANTLY with Sweet Smelling Stuff. I think that front photo should be a keeper... After entering your site, I became disappointed. The slide show is not needed, IMHO. The site begins to feel a little to "bloggish" for me. It starts taking on the feel of a "free site" and less professional looking. If you have the original photo, it would be great if you could leave all of the photo in grey scale, except the product they are "sniffing". Leave your product in color, or make it the color of the flowers in your logo. Some how...I feel a great deal of professionalism and pride in your product. Perhaps it's the way you describe them...in that...you provide us with a wealth of info, especially on the shea butter products. I LOVE the new product info, ex. New Incense Fragrance for Spring..Grape Kool-Aid! It gives me a sense that I need to come back to see what's new and a feeling that your product line are ever-evolving, which is really neat. The calendar, etc. That's great. On the about me page, the dated photo is priceless, imho, but it's missing something. Maybe it's all of the white space. You could also mention which one is you. If I were you, I'd invest a little cash into the website. Hire a professional designer...because the name of your company is catchy-especially in the candle and b&b world; a really long lasting impression, so your site and product line (pictures) should express that little girl on the couch who had a love for natural products and is now all grown up- and what's she's up to NOW. That would be a good area for your slide show...
  11. :undecidedAfter searching and searching...I think they're Keeper of the Light jars. Would they be made exclusively for them?
  12. These are so pretty! Have any idea who carries them? The wire part and toppers are separate, I think. These jars are beautiful:yay:
  13. Wow. I was going to order too. I can't afford this anymore as a hobby.
  14. One of my favorites so far for floral is Daystar's Sampaquita.
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