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Everything posted by chopsgirl

  1. i don't think one tine little candle would generate much heat. I test mine in several rooms and they don't seem to make a difference in the temp.
  2. i usually store mine in glass jars. (each fo has it's own jar). the plastic baggy didn't work for me for several reasons, mostly becuse of the time involved in packaging
  3. very pretty...it looks kinda like a smoothy
  4. i think it's great. very good work and I'll bet it smells wonderful
  5. they look wonderful. i'm sure they will sell great
  6. i love the color. I've tried the wax but could never get it to wick correctly, I guess now I ned to try again lol
  7. yep, the heat gun is one of my best friends
  8. Hi, I get my jars from alabaster candle supplies. they are in ala so not only do they have good prices but the shipping $$ are a bit lower. They also have a quick turn time so if I order before 10, I usually have them the next day. I also buy all of my wax and most of my fo's from them.
  9. very pretty, I can't wait ti see them cut and I'll bet the smell fantastic
  10. I've had awesome throw with Cranberry cobbler, apple jack & peel, lovespell(UCK!) and honeysuckle all from alabaster
  11. YEA! I'm just glad that you are back and didn't give up.
  12. i get mine from alabaster. If I order by 1 I get it the next day
  13. GORGEOUS, you definatly have more patience than me
  14. they are all fantastic, and I love the presentation:yay: :yay:
  15. very pretty.......someday I'll learn to make those
  16. wow, looks like you really are doing your homework... nice job one the one's you posted erlier. :yay:
  17. I'm speechless! it's georgous :highfive:
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