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Posts posted by Michi

  1. I really like it, it's very eye catching with the black jar, and i've noticed that a LOT of products are using black in their labeling and packaging, whether it be just the label, the lid or whatever, so I really think you're on to something there, and wouldn't change it based on your brothers' opinion, afterall, what do you brothers know? ;) LOL

    Your salts are soooo pretty also, love that blue, and they just seem sooo "soft" and soothing.

  2. My first thought when I saw those were- OMG definitely would go over big with my hubby and his friends the Harley bikers! :D

    I think if you send those to me, I could sell em all in a matter of minutes at our next biker function! :D

    I like em!

  3. Scratch and sniff screen would be an AWESOME invention for this board wouldn't??? :D

    Yummm that scent sounds like it would be one of my FAVS!

    That is very pretty, so you mean you used lard when you say you used beef tallow?

    I really like the color of that soap, wish I could test it out for ya! ;)

  4. "Watout Watout" OMG that is hillarious, poor little guy has been traumatized by his mommy's bath bombs!! LOL :D

    I can just picture him in the tub trying to escape from them!

    I really like the idea of putting two halves together so that the consumer can choose to use half or all together. ;)

    I've never tried a bath bomb before (I mean bought one to use in the tub), so they must fizz up right? I mean that must be what frightened your baby right? :confused:

    It seems that these things are kinda tricky, but it looks like you've got it mastered now.


  5. I like those, even if you can't see the "design" from the molds, the oatmeal gives it a design! :D

    Now, you said that you think you stirred it too much while it was cooling? So, did the oatmeal discolor the soap? Is it scented?

    I'm just curious, since I STILL haven't started using my M&P yet. LOL

    Oh, and I like the idea of it being an exfolitator on one side. ;) Very smart!

  6. Well, since I don't have ANY cherry scents at all, and I've never made these particular type candles, I can't see charging them a "set up fee" for them, but I was going to include the cost of the different samples into the total charge.

    I will definitely draw up a proposal for the costs etc. before I agree to make the total amount, and make sure that they are in agreement, and get at least 1/2 the total as a deposit, so that JUST IN CASE the wedding falls through or whatever, I will not be out the money it cost me for all the supplies etc. :)

    Thanks for all your help/advice!!! :D

  7. Robin I really like the "natural" look of your site and your products, it's very professional and "clean" looking yet very eye catching as well. :)

    Carmen- Lovin' your site as well, I love how you have testimonials, and burn instructions, and everything is very detailed!! :)

    I want to comment on EVERYONE'S sites but when I hit reply it only brings up the most recent posts, dang it. :confused:

    Just know that I really like ALL of them for their uniqueness and that I thought ALL of them look sooo professional!!

  8. Wow I'm just really enjoying checking out everyone's websites, they are ALL sooooooo good!!

    Definitely inspires ME to get moving on my business and getting a website going myself!

    Smiley Miley- I LOVE how you show your candles at different levels of burning so people can see how clean they burn-really a GREAT idea, and I think your site is very nice and your candles are looking gooood! GREAT JOB

    Crafty1- Your products look AWESOME, I just love the simplicity yet catchiness (is that a real word? LOL) of the labeling and all the bottles and jars you use! GREAT JOB

    Sara- I'm diggin' the "funkiness" of your site, I love the pink and black (which is soooo popular right now!) and it's really eye catching. GREAT JOB

    Vanmala- I really like your "prim" look and you've got a lot of great stuff on your site, and your detailed explanations of how everything is handcrafted and descriptions really make me believe your products are great!! GOOD JOB

    Keep em coming I'm reallly enjoying this!!

  9. Ymmm pineapple orange reminds me of those missle pops I love soooo much!! :D

    I agree with Trish, you may get some people asking about the great smells they sniffed last week and buying up a storm! :D

    So, is this something you will be doing weekly? What else do you sell besides the hurricanes and votives?

    Keep on keepin' on, and I'm sure people will be buying from you once they see that you have AWESOME products and that you're sticking around! ;)

  10. I saw that price at SKS but it was for the solid metal tops, I didn't see the clear topped ones on their site at all! ???

    So far, .45 each is the cheapest I've found (SKS and weddingaccessories.net). :)

    www.weddingaccessories.net have the clear topped ones, which are a little shorter than the reg. tins, but they may work.

    Thanks everyone, and if you run acrossed the clear topped ones anywhere, would you let me know please!!? :D

  11. So, even though she is your friend and business partner you're still going to make her sign a contract? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, it makes good business sense, but I'm just wondering how receptive friends are having to do so, KWIM?

    I definitely want to get a "deposit" of some kind up front (thank you for reminding me of that) so that I can buy the supplies with that money, and just in case something goes awry, I won't be out that money. ;)

    My new dilemna is that she wants these favors in a TRUE cherry scent, not black cherry, not vanilla cherry, etc. and since I've never bought or smelled a cherry scent FO before, that means I will have to buy some small samples etc. to have her sniff to approve.

    How would I go about adding that cost into the mix, or would I????

  12. Everyone's sites are soooo nice! :D

    I love how they are all sooo different from one another, making them sooo unique and eye catching!! :D

    I really likes Indescents site and love the tag line: If someone asks if you're whipped, say yes I am!!" LOL :D

    I really like the catchy phrases you've used etc. very nice, and your products look awesome too.

  13. My very first order ever and I have NO clue how to price these?

    Ok, I know that I have to take into consideration all my costs etc. for supplies and such, but how do I decide what my labor is worth?

    These are going to be for friends of ours, mind you not super duper close friends, but they are our neighbors, and I've known their daughter (the one getting married) since she was 8 years old, AND my son MAY be her ring bearer in her wedding also.

    Since this IS my first order and they ARE friends/neighbors should I give them a "deal" ????

    I know that wedding favors can get pricey for any wedding, but until I get a break down of all my supplies costs, I won't have any idea of an "estimate" at all.

    I guess I'm just looking for any advice/help from people that may have done big orders similar to this in a similar "friend" situation. ;)

  14. Can anyone tell me where I can get these fairly reasonalbly?

    As some of you may remember from right before the old board crashed, I've got my VERY FIRST order and it's for wedding favors. :D

    I think I've got them decided on these 2oz. tins (instead of the mysterious glass tealight containers with lids???? that she originally was looking for, that I can't find ANYWWHERE????).

    Since I need at least 250 of them, I'm looking for the best deal out there, and actually don't even know who sells the clear topped tins at all.

    Can anyone steer me in the right direction?

  15. I'm sorry I'm just now thanking you all for your advice and supportiveness-I've been having computer issues and haven't been able to get online for a week! :eek: Having major withdrawls!! LOL

    I STILL have not tried the M&P yet, I'm such a chicken. :rolleyes:

    So, no matter what you do with M&P it sweats and must be wrapped immediately? Does anyone know exactly WHY this is? Just curious.

    Ok, I'm hoping to try some of this this week.

    I've got about 5 different types of bases, and about 6 different colors plus the glitter, so should be interesting once I finally get into it. :D

    Thanks again everyone!!

  16. Ok, I know that sounds really stupid, but I am. LOL

    I'm afraid of messing it up.

    Ok, few questions:

    How do you know how much fragrance oil and colorant to put in? I know you don't want to use too much colorant and that the lather should remain white, but how will you know this until you use it???

    Also, I bought glitter for it, how do you add it? Do you just sprinkle it in, and swirl it around or what?

    I've looked around but can't find real specific instructions on M&P. ??? If anyone could point me in the right direction maybe I will get the nerve to start using my supplies.

    I bought all these supplies to make soaps (about $150 worth) and it's all just been sitting here for about 2 weeks now. :eek:

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