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Posts posted by Michi

  1. I have bought from them before, and they were super quick with my order (of course I'm in CA ;) ) and they were prompt with their email invoicing/notification.

    I ordered a straight paraffin wax from them, just to try it out, but didn't want to mess with having to mix additives an such for container candles, but I also ordered two different FO's from them, one was an apricot that smelled NOTHING like apricots :/ and the other was a patchouli (one of their higher end FO's) and it was STROOOONG, as a matter of fact I made a pillar out of it and it's in my hutch and everytime I open the hutch the scent just about knocks me out. :D LOL

    Anyway, I think they serve their purpose in some regards, but some of their prices are too high for me, and they don't carry any name brand waxes, etc. but they DO have a large selection of FO's and pretty good prices. ;)

    I hope their hurrican wax works for you Lezli, cuz I know you're really close by to them and that would save you a bundle on shipping charges. :)

  2. Ok, since I'm just barely starting out on this B&B adventure ;) and am currently using a body spray "base" and not the cyclo I'm not really familiar with it at all, so just tell me to shut up if I'm way off base here. LOL

    I've only begun testing with this base that I have this week.

    I just know that the two FO's I tried in my "base" did NOT mix at all, I have to really shake them up in order to be able to use them, which is a PITA. (BTW-they are WT&G from Peak and Freesia from BCN).

    What if you added polysorbate to the cyclo? Do you think that would help with those FO's that "sink/do not mix well"??

    I had heard that just using cyclo would elminate this problem, but I see that it is still a problem with certain FO's.

    So much testing, soooo little time. wink.gif LOL

  3. Yep, I thought they might think it was strange/odd. ;)

    That being said, I HAVE taken my previously store bought body sprays and used them on my bed linens. ;)

    Actually I do it quite often, while remaking my bed, I don't wash the mattress cover weekly like I do my sheets, so I spray the mattress cover before putting my new sheets on, and also my pillows before putting new cases on. :)

    Hmmm, there's gotta be a way to market a product like that, that people wouldn't think was strange.

    I mean, I know I can't be the only one who does this with their body spray right?

  4. I've only just started TRYING to make body sprays, so still playing around with ratios and stuff, so not really much help to you Beth, but I have a question along the same lines:

    DO you think people (meaning customers/consumers) would think it strange to buy a room freshener that can also be used on your body/hair?

    Oh, and I like my body sprays on the stronger side, and also like strong linen/room sprays, as a matter of fact I like strong candles, oh everything strong! :D LOL

  5. Have you ever done this at the same time? Tested two of the same scents from different suppliers?I'm gonna do that right now (just poured the first FO).I don't know really what my question is, other than is there a way you go about doing it? I mean, I guess I'm just looking for the one that throws and burns the best, and smells the best just like if I was doing one scent-DUHHH LOLI guess I'll just wait and see which one does better, since they both smell really really good, although a tiny bit different. ;)

  6. Those are darling!! I think they would be easier for kids than the bagged ones (still can't figure out how they would work???). :DYes, please post instructions/recipe for these,when you can. :)I think those would sell really well.Oh and where did you get the clamshells like that?

  7. Well I couldn't wait for the replys here and just went ahead and did it! ;)

    I think it ended up being about 3lbs.

    It came out soooooo darned cute, if I do say so myself. :D I filled my mold up with the curls, then melted the clear soap, added my FO, and made sure it it was cool enough and just poured like Jcandleattic suggested, pouring back and forth so as not to stay in one spot too long.

    I only had ONE curl slightly melt/bleed that's it, otherwise it came out perfectly, except that I cracked my "mold" (a drawer organizer) in three spots trying to get it out.

    I'm not too sure about the FO I used, I really really liked it OBB and even have a 1lb. bottle on it's way to me, but in this soap, I just don't know if it smells "soapy".

    My daughter gave away three big slices of it to a friend for her birthday (along with $20), and big slice to two other friends of hers. I guess it was a big hit at the birthday party.

    I don't have my printer hooked up so I couldn't make a good looking label for it, but I named it "Funfetti Soap" and just wrote that on a label and put the scent below it.

    I wish I could show you pics. but I don't have all my computer equipment hooked back up (we had new flooring put in and had to take our computer desk apart to get it out of the room, and my hubby broke the leg, so we're using a temporary "desk" until our new one comes in). If I can figure out how to hook my camera up directly to the computer, I think I can do that right? hmmm??

    Anyway, I'm having tons of fun with this soaping stuff, and trying to find other "stuff" to put in the M&P bases. :D

    Tomorrow it's CP soaping - I hope- that is if I got all the ingredients I need to make it. ;)

    I'm addicted!

  8. I'm just starting out eith B&B stuff (mostly M&P soaps and such) but I would LOVE to do some sort of swap!

    I've only been in one other swap-the tart swap a couple of months back, and that was sooo much fun, like Christmas receiving that box full of everyone's goodies. :D

    I'd even be willing to host it, if someone would kind of guide me as to what I should do exactly. ;)

    Come on everyone, you know you want some goodies too. :D

  9. Geesh, reading this, I'm thinking maybe I don't want to try my hand at CP soaping!! I'm all confused! :shocked2: LOL

    I've never been very good at math, and I'm thinking you have to have a good math head to do this, right?

    As a matter of fact, the night before last, my daughter who's in 8th grade, was asking me for help with her math, and I looked at the problem, and just sat there feeling very very stupid. :( Seriously, she's doing major algebra, and I flunked PRE-algebra TWICE in HS. :(

    I'm rethinking my decision to do homemade soap now.......

  10. I want to make some confetti looking soap, so I made a bunch of unscented pretty colored bars of goats milk soap, and have been shaving curls out of it since last night (need a bunch if I'm going to make a whole log).

    I'm starting to worry though, that when I do the clear base over the curls, that they will melt. ??? Anyone have any experience with this?

    The curls are pretty thin, as I'm using a potato peeler to make them, and I plan on filling most of my mold with them, and just overpouring with a clear, scented M&P.


  11. I'm catching the bug from reading and seeing all the pics. of the soap you've all done, I now want to try my hand at it. ;)

    My problem is all the different oils and such are very overwhelming, and I'm not sure where to start? I mean, is there a way to buy small amounts of oils and such?

    I guess I should figure out what I want from my soap huh? Like what I want it do and how I want it to feel etc. and that would probably lead me to recipes which would then lead me to which oils etc. I would need right?

    It just seems a bit overwhelming and me being the worst decision maker in the world, I think I may need someone to just say, "hey. do this recipe, and buy these ingredients, and get to soaping!!" LOL

    I mean after three days, I'm STILL trying to decide which FO samples to order from Peak. :rolleyes2

    It took me 6 months to decide which flooring I wanted for my house. I'm terrible about making decisions, always worried about spending the money and then not liking it KWIM??

    Ok, I've rambled long enough, off to look at some recipes again and see if I can make a decision. ;)

  12. I can attest to the fact that the picture of this soap does not do it justice! :D

    Cheryl sent me a piece and it's really a creamy soap with a slight reddish and pale green swirl which is soooo pretty.

    I haven't tried it out as of yet (still using the WT&G bar she sent me ;) ) but am anxious to try my very first bar of homemade soap.

  13. Ooooh I like those, they look very creamy and I bet they smell good too.

    Congrats on your first batch!!

    I think I'm catching the CP bug, although I'm still overwhelmed about all the oils and such I would need. :shocked2:

  14. I think they rock!! You might want to mix up the girls' hair color though (some brunettes, redheads,blondes, etc.) just my opinion. ;)

    I think my 13 year old daughter would think those were COOL. :D

    You are very talented girl!! Everything you do is sooo creative!

  15. I really like it, and even though the jars and lids are "simple" your label adds the Pizzazz and elegance to it that makes it shine. :D

    I think I would make your logo just a wee bit bigger though. I love your logo and think it should stand out a bit more. ;)

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