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Posts posted by Michi

  1. Puppy Breath??? :lipsrseal Definitely would NOT want a candle with that scent! LOL

    I think this will be a great opportunity for you and LOVE the fact that you're supporting one of my FAVORITE causes! :D

    I like the idea of just doing container candles with a cute "general" logo with the "gimmee shelter" tag line, and the cute names that Debscent just busted out with (you amaze me woman!! ;) ) would be sooo darn cute.

    I agree that putting different breeds on them wouldn't really be appropriate since most "pound puppies and kitties" are mixed breeds, and people have their favs. So keeping in generalized with one pic./logo would be better.

    I'm anxious to find out how this goes, as I'm trying to join a shelter group here as a volunteer (lots of application process to go through) and could get some ideas from YOU. :D

    Good luck to you and the shelter!!

  2. red currant is really strong IMO

    cool citrus basil

    blackberry sage

    This is at 1oz. per pound, and they are run you out of the room strong IMO. ;) I think especially with the red currant you could even use at 1/2 oz. per pound and still have a strong smelling candle.

    I think most of Peak's FO's are pretty potent, and I like REALLY strong knock your socks off, drive you out of the room scents. :D

    Even Plumeria, White Tea & Ginger, mandarin plum are strong/potent although "lighter" scents-does that make sense? LOL

  3. Thanks for all your "reviews" ;)

    lol. Again, I laugh at the subjectivity of scent. I think it's interesting that different ppl smell differently. I just love the uniqueness of us human beans.

    This is sooooo true, and I guess the only thing to do really is try them out for ourselves, I just wanted to kind of get an "idea" of people's preferences, and such, b/c if I had it my way, I would NEVER purchase/pour anything that smelled like trees, or blueberries or buttermints, and such. LOL

    Just like with this cherry FO hunt I'm on, I'm not a real big fan of cherry scents, (they just smell really "fake" which they are I guess, b/c REAL cherries don't really have a cherry scent at all??) but the girl I'm doing the wedding favors for is a BIG cherry fan, and wants them in cherry, not black cherry, not cherry vanilla, but CHERRY. ;)

    I've had a cherry blossom and have smelled the one that BBW carries, but don't think that that scent is anywhere near a cherry scent, and wouldn't be at all what she is looking for, thanks though.

    But, I want to make a variety of scents that will attract the "majority" of people/customers etc. and I know that I can't just rely only on what *I* like, KWIM??

    I HAVE tried the red currant and it's one of my FAVS from Peak, along with the many many others! :D

    Anywho- still haven't placed my order yet, still wishy washy on what to get, I hate this, having to make a decision on just 10 scents LOL.

    Thanks again!!

  4. Yah Angela, some of the ones I picked are just ones I've been wanting to try and figured I'd order them now. ;)

    So, Home for the Holidays is a "pine" scent?

    Spruce Christmas is also a "pine" scent? Hmmm I'm not big on pine scents, but everyone seems to really like this one, so I thought I'd give it a try. ??

    So, you have the wild cherry, but haven't tested it as of yet? Dang it, get busy woman!! LOL I really need to find a GREAT OUTSTANDING cherry FO for this wedding I'm doing, and really need to start testing (if I can ever find the dang tins I want!!!! :mad: ).

    Well, maybe I'll go back and delete one of the "piney" FO's. ??

    Decisions, Decisions........ :rolleyes2

  5. Well, the description says it has a "fruity" note/smell in there also, so maybe apple or pumpkin or pear or a berry of some sorts, or a combo of any of those??

    I haven't smelled it as of yet, but I'm going to be ordering a sample of it today, as most everyone has raved about it, and I'm trying to find some "wintery" scents. :)

    I'm sure someone who is familiar with this FO will chime in to help you more so.

  6. I want to try out some of the more "wintery" and/or holiday scents, plus I'm still looking for a Cherry for the wedding I'm doing in March. ;)

    What do you think of these scents that I picked, reviews would be nice. :)

    Amish Harvest

    Buttermint Candies

    Frosted Carrot Cake

    Green Clover & Aloe

    Home For the Holidays

    Mountain Lake

    Sage & Lemongrass

    Spruce Christmas Tree

    Sugar Plum Berries

    Wild Cherry

    Has anyone tried Peak's Wild Cherry? How does it throw for you? Is it a strong Cherry scent? I really want to find an OUTSTANDING cherry for these wedding favors I'm doing, as this is my very first order, and I want to make a good impression KWIM? ;)


  7. Well, I was going to try and copy and paste some info from their site onto here, but I just can't figure out why this board won't let me?????

    Anywho- they say that they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind in orders etc. etc. and I've seen some others from here complaining about not receiving their orders for looooooong periods of time, AND I emailed them asking just how long it might be before I rec'd an order if I placed one, and never ever heard back from anyone-sooooo......

    I really don't feel very confident in these folks. :rolleyes2

  8. OMG I was just thinking of buying some White Linen (it's the only perfume my MIL will wear -she's real sensitive to scents and such) and I know that WSP sells this, but have never tried it, nor do I know anyone who has, but I thought I might buy a small amount and see how it is., but I guess maybe I wont. ??? Did it just not smell true to the scent, or what?

  9. Thanks for the help. I'll look at those sites Cheryl, and also check Ebay. I did notice on one site, it said to add about 1/2" of soap to the column molds, and then let it set up, to kind of seal the bottom, then add the rest of the soap to the mold, I wonder if that would really work?

    So Cheryl, you had a disaster with your heart mold? Did it leak all over or what? :shocked2: I didn't even think about that, I guess I just assumed if they were made for soap and such that they would make them so they wouldn't leak. :rolleyes2 Wishful thinking I guess.

    I did see some really nice tube molds, that looked like plastic with a rubbery type plastic cap, they seemed like they would hold the warm soap in better??? Not sure though, but that's the site that charged the $5 and $2.75 :rolleyes2

    I'd just really like to make some cute embedded soaps and it seemed like it would be easier to make a log type and cut them rather than doing individual embeds and then adding them to individual bar molds, KWIM?

  10. Rena, you said that you've been getting most of your supplies in CA, could you tell me what sites you've been using? I'm in CA, so that should help ME with shipping charges. ;)

    I'll keep my eyes open for any places closer to you also. :D



  11. I'm looking for tube/column molds, plain tubes and also shaped tubes to put inside the plain tubes, has anyone bought these or know of a reputable company that sells them?

    I went to one site that had what I was looking for but when I put the stuff in my shopping cart, I saw that they charge a $5 service charge for orders under $35 and also a "handling" charge of $2.50 on all orders!! Add in the shipping charges and :shocked2: :shocked2: That's ridiculous!!



  12. I know it's hard to "like" them when you were really hoping they would look differently than how they turned out, but I really really like those, and think that they would sell in a snap! :D

    I love your presentation and how you curl your wicks, very nice. ;)

  13. Lezli, I'd be interested in knowing how the "leather" scent go over with the Harley crowd, since my husband rides, and basically our whole street has bikers on it, I was thinking of offering special "biker" candles, and was thinking the leather FO would be a good one too. ;)

    I've actually been thinking about offering a whole "biker" line of candles but it's still in the "thinking" stage right now. :)

    Hope you do well, and get these accounts and Will you please let me know how it goes?



  14. To be honest when I first glanced at it, I thought the leaves in the background were spider webs, and thought, huh?

    I like it overall, but I think the leaves need "something", not sure what, but just a little "something".

  15. I've heard that SFIC are supposed to be the BEST M&P bases, but haven't tried them as of yet, although Abbie just held a co-op on these, and I bought a whole bunch of different ones (goats' milk, clear, shea, honey, etc.) so I can let you know in a few weeks how they compare to the WSP and others I've gotten. ;)

  16. Well poster asked what "Peaks" FO's so I'm pretty sure everyone is stating their favs. or best sellers from Peak Candle Supplies. ;)

    Here's my list in no particular order and like tlc26 said- "subject to change at any time!" :D

    Red currant

    Balckberry Sage

    Sweet Pea

    Juniper breeze

    banana nut bread

    white tea & ginger

    fruit slices


    coconut milk


    fresh baked pie crust


    Oops, more than 10-guess I got a little carried away there. LOL :D

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