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Posts posted by Michi

  1. the other night my daughter and I made little duckies and fishies out of some goat's milk M&P I have. They came out sooo cute, but were kind of hard to get out of the molds. :P

    Today, I took some clear M&P and put irridescent glitter in it, and embedded a ducky in it, and it's sooooo cute. :D

    I've had all these soap supplies for like two months and have never gotten around to trying them out-now, I don't know what I was waiting for??!!

    It's sooo fun, and much easier than candlemaking (no dang wicking problems! LOL) that's for sure.

    It DID take me a while to find a "mold" that would work for what I was trying to do with the embedded ducky-ended up using a 1/2 cup plastic measuring cup. ;)

    Anyway, now I'm hooked and can't wait for my youngest to start school on Monday so I can have the whole mornings to myself to play with my supplies. LOL

  2. Thanks Angela, that is a much better idea than buying a new scale. ;)

    yep, I've had that problem with weighing FO's and such, it seems it takes a few seconds at times for my scale to catch up to what's actually being weighed. :rolleyes2

    I can just imagine how easy it would be to be pouring away from your spigoted pot and then realize you've gotten a bit too much. :eek:

    Thanks for the help everyone, now If I can just find some time to make some candles........ ;)

  3. Ok, so it looks like I need to get a new scale, since I'm pretty sure that mine does NOT have this tare feature. :undecided

    I know that I CAN tare it when the item is on there, but I'm pretty sure when I take it off, it goes back to zero. :undecided

    I swear everytime I think I'm saving a little money (my $5 garage sale presto pot) I've gotta spend more and more money. :rolleyes2

    Thanks for the help and answers everyone.

  4. I've been using the 6oz. and 8 oz. tins, and what usually works for ME in the 6oz. tins is a 51z, 44z is too small for ME, and the 8oz. tins, usually an HTP 93, I tried the 60z for these, but it was too big it seemed, it smoked.:undecided

    Haven't ever tried the 4oz. tins though sorry.

  5. So, you would have to lift up the pot right? I mean to get the spigot up high enough?

    I don't have a spigot on mine, but I have a feeling I'm not gonna like the mess of using a ladel/measuring cup, and gonna have to have a spigot on it some time soon. ;)

    Thanks, I knew it was a stupid question, but just had to ask, since I think I've got brain mush lately. LOL

    I'm blaming it on the fact that I've had a million an one things going on all at once-we got new flooring throughout the house, so I've been trying to get the house back together (never realized just how much crap I had in this house!! :eek: ) school started for my middle daughter today, and school starts for my youngest (yep, my baby is going to kindergarten :( ), so we had school shopping etc., plus our truck took a crap, so that's been in the shop, and a million other emotional things also.


  6. Peaks

    Just Scent

    Bear Lab.

    B/c those are the only ones I've actually tried/used in candles or B&B.

    I have samples from BCN and BCS, CandlesandSupplies and a few other places, but haven't tried them as of yet.

    You won't be disappointed with Peak or Just Scent FO's, they are strong and awesome!! :D

  7. The first link that Robin gave (teachsoap.com) has info./instructions for making different types of soap. :)

    If your sister wants to start with Melt and Pour soap (you just melt the blocks, add your scent and color and whatever else you want), they have some real basic instructions on that site, plus some really great "recipes" also.

    This is the site I have been using in preparation for doing M&P.

    Tell your sister to hoof it over here though, she'll get tons of help and info. :D

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