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Posts posted by Gravity

  1. You're evil.... that's all I needed was someone to back up my desire for the waffle scent. Next paycheck, Daystar samples, I think. ;)

    I'm not a big fan of raspberry... is the rasp. jam butter cookies REALLY strong on the raspberry note? I know it'll probably sound odd, but I have severe acid reflux.. and the smell/taste of raspberry reminds me of heartburn for some reason... <gag>

  2. Everytime I see you guys go back and forth makes me want to order a bunch of samples from Daystar more and more.... I've gone and drooled over the scent descriptions (The cinnamon apple waffles one sounds like it's right up my alley) many times.. but haven't had the guts to go ahead and order them yet. Don't ask me why! I think I'm afraid to fall into this bottomless Daystar Trap you're all in! ;)

  3. I followed NG's directions for their soy wax to the tee, and after reading some notes on here (regarding oils blending better at a slightly higher temp) I've refined my style.

    The suggest to heat to 175, which seemed to ALWAYS happen right as the last few clumps of flakes were dissolved. So, now I pretty much just watch for that... Then, they suggested to drop the temp to 150 for FO, but after hearing so many people adding FO higher, I ended up just melting, coloring, and then add FO in that order, as soon as it comes off the double boiler. Everything's been working fine, and to be honest, the last few batches I've made haven't been touched by a thermometer.. and they've all turned out great!

    I bet that'll all change as this wacky winter weather really kicks in, though ;)

  4. You're right Candle man. I got the louvered doors through Freecycle and they were already stained that dark. Don't know how to lighten them up without painting them. I also use them for the Farmers Market so they get some heavy duty use. Afraid the paint would chip and look tacky.

    You could always do a crackle-paint finish on them... and wear-n-tear chipping would look intentional!

  5. You can also find great starter kits from a number of online suppliers. Find a supplier that's close to you with a soy starter kit. They'll generally include everything you need to get started, and most make anywhere from 4-12 candles. It's a good way to dig in without investing too much money.

    It's an expensive hobby, as I'm sure you've gathered... but it's well worth it. I find it incredibly relaxing.. even through the frustrating times. Once you get something you're proud of, it's very rewarding.

  6. So, I'm looking for ideas to rename this bad boy... and I'm drawing a complete blank... so, I'm coming to you all for some creative input.

    I'm thinking of coloring it a bright yellow-green color due to it's citrus/greenery... I dunno, it sounds right in my head.. but I'm open to color suggestions as well! I don't want to go for the whole political thing, so that's the desire for rename/recolor.

    " This unique fragrance has a very fresh greenery base of clover, ivy and aloe, combined with exciting notes of grapefuit, orange, tangerine, and persimmon. "

  7. The pots are coated on the outside, but not on the inside - I was originally wondering if I would have to do that, but the wax from the candle seems to completely seal the ceramic. I have one of these that I poured quite a while ago as a test, and I've burnt and refilled it about 10 times now with no noticeable scent carryover, cracking, or leakage. We use a very fine clay mix in the pottery, so that may help too...

    I thought I read somewhere that using ceramics w/out glazed insides can be dangerous... absorbs FO and can basically become a fire hazard, the ceramic itself turns into a wick filled with FO...

    I know I read it regarding terra-cotta... but I dunno. I'll admit I'm completely ignorant to the ins and outs of ceramics.

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