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Posts posted by Gravity

  1. Verbena Berry is the same, but she was asking about Lemon Verbena, which is a BCS scent :D

    Thanks for the tips everyone... my sister is intent on the Lemon Verbena... so BCS it is! ;)

    And... I know I'm upping the ratio of guys to gals around here.. but I am in the guys group. ;):cool:

  2. Thanks for the responses!

    Didn't find it on Aztec, or BCN... did find it on BCS, however... so I guess I'll try there and keep my fingers crossed on it throwing well in soy! ;)

    I'm wondering if the stuff you got from BCN, junebug, is the same from BCS.. because it wasn't to be found on the BCN site?!?

  3. Bruce: I should have clarified... I meant 'newb' to the board. ;) No harm, no foul.

    Fern: Thanks... but, chuck me into the ranks of the guys... I'm trying to up the minority numbers around here. ;)

    Everyone else: Thank you again and again! It's a big relief to get such positive feedback from you guys! You're all much respected in my book!

  4. Anyone picked up any FO's from the Scent Event yet? I ordered two bottles last night. Just wanted to hear from anyone who's taken advantage of the deal, if you've recieved the FO's yet, and what you've thought of them.

    I ordered Toasted Almond Crunch and Morrocan Orange Clove... both sound interesting! ;)

  5. I have Christmas Splendor... it's a LOT like their Mulled Cider (to my nose anyway) with just a HINT of pine... and the pine that is there, smells true (no pine-sol scent to be found). I really like this one... I'm actually burning it right now!

    I haven't tried the Wassail, Thyme, or Cabin... so I can't compare to those, sorry... but from what Terrie said above... the Splendor might be what you're after if you're looking for less pine.

    I also reccomend their Santa's Whiskers... a bit heavier on the pine, but the sugar cookies rounds it out very nicely without one overpowering the other. I really, really like it!!


  6. They have wicks! They last around 10-12 hours each, and they also do wonderfully on a candle warmer.

    I went for the shallow and wide tin so I could get a large melt pool, and let the customer really get a sense of the smell. They effectively scent a decent sized bedroom, and I tried one in my living room/kitchen (open floor plan) and it threw quite nicely. Had it burning on the kitchen counter, and I could smell it sitting on the couch at the other end of the living room.

    Friends/coworkers are going nuts over them! I was originally only going to charge $2-$3 dollars for them seeing as they're small, and literally just testers for the scents... that was until everyone said they'd be willing to pay $5 each!! So, I compromised, and right now I'm doing them $4 each or 3/$10. I've got so many orders now, I'm trying to keep up! Hopefully, they'll quickly turn into jar orders! ;)

  7. Here's what I've been up to for the past month or so...


    Across the top: Snowed In, Honeysuckle Morning, Cranberry Apple Tea, Lavender Vanilla Mist, Spring Breeze, Cucumber Melon Cooler, Emerald Isle, Hot Spiced Cider, Chocolate Raspberry Torte

    Bottom Row: Vanilla Pear Glaze, Georgia Sunrise, Old Saint Nick, New Orleans Nights, Blueberry Baker's Dozen, Christmas Eve, Vanilla Silk, Gingerbread Men

    I've also got a hanful more scents that aren't pictured here, because I haven't printed the labels yet. :D

    These are my 2 oz. sampler tins. I've grown accustomed to people not reading the label, and just asking "what's with the label?"

    Here's a closer look:


    There's an instrument panel from a car across the top.. which confuses until you read the label, which may be a little difficult to read in these pics. Since these are my tester tins, basically just to see if you're into the scent before investing in a large jar... I've dubbed them " testdrive " Ahh.. see, now you get it! ;)

    Feedback/comments are appreciated.. this is the first time I've shown off my work here, and really nervous about it! :o And yes, they're all 100% soy, only add color, FO, and UV inhibitor to my candles.

  8. I have tried the coffee and it doesn't work..

    Sometimes the coffee thing isn't enough to clear out my candle nose, either. I've recently resorted to opening up the kitchen cabinets, and grabbing a jar of spice and giving that a good whiff. Montreal Steak Seasoning seems to clear out the candle nose quite well... Sounds bizzare, I know.. but it works! :D

  9. Well, I didn't think about having a brand new candle to test against. Hmm...

    I still have more that need repoured. I was a doof and totally threw the wrong wicks in a bunch of different scents... so I've got more to test against. I'll see about pouring a brand new one and having a 'Great Burn-Off Challenge'

    Perhaps, to do it right... there should be 3 competitors.

    1) Candle recently poured (less than 24 hours-- just set up overnight)

    2) Candle curing for 2 weeks

    3) Candle recently repoured (less than 24 hrs- set up overnight) after cured for 2 weeks.

    This could get interesting. You guys are gonna turn me into a mad scientist, aren't you? ;)

  10. Well, I tested one of the tins last night that I repoured yesterday. It was a blueberry muffin FO... and, it was throwing like crazy. And, I think for me to notice the throw after smelling the full on melt from 6 tins... that says something. That one little tin beat the candle-nose? Yeah. I think the recure issue is out the window.

    Unless it was just that FO... (DUN-dun-dunnnnn~!)

  11. Another NG "Clean Crisp Air" user here...

    I wasn't sure at first.. the OOB smell was just okay... then putting it into the wax was just way too much for my nose. Ran me clear out of the room. Smelled like someone had opened a GIANT vat of blue lysol.

    After it set up overnight, I aprehensively took a whiff, and it calmed down quite nicely. Now, I actually really, really like it!

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