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Posts posted by Dixie

  1. Hi everyone - I just wanted to jump in and reassure everyone that each of you that has requested a sample will receive them. Outside of the box and wax issues, it is simply a matter of how MANY requests we got (and we do appreciate them all and giving us the chance to show our product). I know it is frustrating when you read the reviews and you want to try it too and you requested them a while back - but please know that we are doing our best to get these out in a timely manner. We have not forgotten anyone, we are taking them in order that they were received. As we complete a date, we do go back and check through our emails to try and make sure that we have covered everyone that requested it at that time. Orders and storefront do come first so that you can keep making candles and we can keep sending samples :) . I appreciate your patience and understanding.

    I don't know if any of you remember the commercial on TV where a group of people launched a web site and their first order came in and everyone was around the computer and cheered. Then more orders came in and they were very happy. And then the number counter started spinning and they all sat there stunned - that's us :shocked2: LOL! Once again, we do appreciate the requests and the fact that you are willing to spend the time and effort to test our products.


    We are so glad things are going well! Your generous samples have alot to do with it I am sure. Keep up the good work!


  2. Finally got my Greenleaf poured today. I got the rasberry cream FO. I poured a 12 oz metro, which really holds about 10 oz, and an 8 oz metro, which really holds about 6 oz, so I used up all the wax. The 12 oz I poured a familiar FO so I could compare the throw with another like candle I have here at home and the 8 oz I used my rasberry cream from Greenleaf. I wicked these with the 700 series from wick-it. 1 725 in the 8 oz and 2 725 in the 12 oz. I will report tomorrow on the scent throw and burn.....if I can wait that long.


  3. top, in your opinion, what IS the best container wax available out of the ones you have tried? (Preblended)

    I realize that you create your own blends with your additives...but if you were to use a preblended container wax, which one would it be?

    Why don't you give Greanleaf 70/30 a try or one like that. They are really nice.


  4. You know, I just keep measuring by drops, the same as all the other liquids. I don't have a micro scale yet. I don't understand why weighing would be better than drop counting anyway. I was so surprised these were liquids, I guess when I saw we were to weigh them I thought they were powders. Plus, they do have a chemical smell. This surprised me too.

    The bottles they come in can be so messy compared to the eyedropper bottles most liquids come in. Oh well, I shoundn't complain the colors do turn out pretty.

    Do you think you need a scale or is measuring drops working fine for you. I do not have a micro scale either and am trying to avoid buying one.


  5. Just curious...Did you hear back from the credit union?...Also, the e-mail address could've been typed incorrectly by accident (it's happened to me before). Also, try a site called www.zabasearch.com with the persons name and state. You may get a phone number.

    This sounds like a bogus order, but there's also the change it's legitimate.

    Great website....I just wish I wasn't too cheap to pay to get more scoop.


  6. How long did it take for you to get your dyes? I ordered mine on the 22 of January and still have not seen them. I have an order I need to get to work on, but I wanted to be able to start testing with some of these colors. Guess I will have to rethink my plan.

    I ordered mine on Feb 1st. Still waiting as well.


  7. I gave up on using 12.5 oz. status (metro) jars because I could never get them wicked right. I decided to keep them because I can get them locally for less than $1 each now. I'm tempted to double wick these suckers. Does anyone that uses 4627 comfort blend wax have any luck with these and a single wick? I don't want to know what you used, I just need to hear that it IS possible. However, if you want to PM me and help me out, I'll repay you with CP soap. I got the 7oz jars wicked no problem.

    With my blend, zinc wicks suck so I don't even try them anymore. I blend with soy and the zincs hate it.

    I'm going nuts, and for me that's a short trip anyway.

    Where do you get these jars so cheap. They are my only jars I use and I have not found them that cheap. I use a 70/30 blend and use 2 710 wick it wicks for these jars. Just wondering!


  8. Just one question......how does the GL 70/30 compare with JBN 70/30? I know not all waxes are created equal. I do like the JBN 70/30 real well and I am waiting for my GL sample to compare. If I like the GL better I will go with that one. Just wondering if any of you knew the difference.


  9. Dixie, this IS the fragrance section of the forum. People ask about fragrances in hopes for some feedback... If we just wanted to point people in the direction of GS or another board for information we would have a read-only link section instead of a dedicated fragrance section for Q & As. :wink2:
    Sorry. I guess that is why I don't post here very often because when you do it is wrong. I will read only from now on. Just trying to help.
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