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Everything posted by katshe

  1. I will explain how the system works , maybe it will help in naming facial scrub is a gentle exfoliater that also cleanses without stripping and has antibacterial , healing eo's to help clear and keep skin from freaking out. The toner contains anit oxident, anti inflamatory extracts along with it being a gentle astringent serum is formulated with oils targeted for acne and eo's for healing all three are formulated to be gentle yet effective in healing and preventing acne but Ya! i can't say that
  2. Just wanted to share! My son has had problems with acne for years now and has tried many products and even went to a dermatologist buy was still having issues. I gave him some scrub of mine to test out- I made with special eo's for his skin. He just called and said , "Mom I need more of that scrub , I use it all the time. This stuff WORKS!! I am so excited! IT WORKS! Now I am thinking of changing the name of this particular scrub. I make two others and basically call them facial scrub, Creme wash And his I labeled as facial scrub with eo's Oh yeah, i also made him a special toner and serum I guess If I rename , I should name the whole bunch My brain is not coming up with anything other than :THE WORKS" So, any suggestions would be super
  3. sunburst bottles carries them bu it seems they are out of stock. try bottles&jars essentialsupplies.com Just do a search "colbolt blue jars, california" you will come up with a few Good luck
  4. I was wondering if anyone makes a hair cream like V05, I have really course hair I just tried the V05 and it looks shiny and really nice, but, I just read the ingredients and it contains mineral oil and petroleum... Does anyone know how to make something like this with natural ingredients?
  5. I am thinking about making a clear soap with the info I read on the millers soap site. Just wondering if anyone has tried it and if so- what alcohol have you used? This guy on the site says it is cheap to make but I figure , you add the vodka, that adds a bit of cost to the soap , about 70 cents more a bar if my figures are right.
  6. You're welcome, I wanted to note here that different cp soaps have different qualities and it will make this scrub texture a bit different for each person I make a special soap just for this scrub... it is a bit softer bar and more cleansing than my usual bar but the bubbles are high (35) I think all the qualities work together with the oils in the scrub to make it a creamier and luxurious scrub.
  7. yes i make a scrub that I add natural liquid soap to
  8. go to the recipe section and you will see kat's sugarbee facial scrub , the newest one that is...i think I posted that recipe quite awhile ago ...but the recent post is on the first page of the recipes. It notes that I am changing the all jojoba to jojoba & castor (Which, for me is more cleansing) it also contains liquid soap
  9. Dolphin146, I make an emulsified sugar scrub for the face and by leaving out the sugar.. it is a nice cream wash
  10. I list it as the ingredients on the bottle that I purchase...Not sure if that is the right way but a liquid soap base could be a lot of things ...mine is all natural and has just a few ingredients...so I put something like saponified oils of palm etc..
  11. Yes, it's a typo , should be salt, your welcome
  12. a little more info on this recipe hardness 46 cleansing 18 condition 50 bub lather 25 crm lather 34 iodine 50 ins 164
  13. oh my , I just can't throw out 6 lbs of soap I am working on fixing it , I did add more oil but still a little zappy
  14. There is no water in this recipe but I use it in the shower and water may be introduced so to be on the safe side I use a preservative I wouldn't sell it without preservative...
  15. Made soap hp cooked in oven 2.5 hrs got zap -returned it to oven 30 min left set overnight still zap reheated this morn -2 hrs, still zap CAN THIS BE FIXED!????? PLEASE HELP I have been making soap for a year now and this has never happened before. this recipe I made co, palm, castor in a smaller 3lb turned out fine. the 6lb is the one I am having zap issues with
  16. Sorry I responded without seeing the word soap Liquid glycerin soap is soap I get at the health food store , you can use any liquid soap that you prefer. I have even made this when I started out with shower gel just to try it out. Sorry for the confusion AkainePSP
  17. Just a Note This recipe is for about 30-40 ounces of face scrub I make and sell this - It will make about 4 & 3/4, 5oz malibu tubes filled You could size it down if you like Let me see here I'll list ingredients only for a smaller batch (not the process, please refer to pg 1 for instructions) Say 7 1/2 oz 1TB jojoba 1/2 TB stearic 1/2 TB ewax 2 TB Glycerin 1 TB honey 2 TB liquid soap 1/4 c white sugar 1/4 c br sugar preservative eo's ..if using
  18. AkainePSP, Check with a drug store , not sure if walmart carries glycerin
  19. Dana mae, homemade liquid will work, I use a natural glycerin made i think with palm and something. I'll be waiting to see hear how it turns out. keep us posted Preservative - should use the recommended amount..germall plus liquid is 0.1% - .5% you multiply oz x % gives you what you need to use so if you are making 40 oz and preserv at .5% 40x.5% = .20 Please check to see usage for your preservative. I do not like to give amounts in case someone is using a different preservative the usage may be more or less. Tas, if you use melt and pour it will definitely be thicker and you will have to adjust other ingredients. I choose to use liquid , it keeps it soft enough to squeeze out of a malibu tube. I have another recipe for sugar bubble scrub, my revised recipe that uses my homemade bar soap and it is a firmer body scrub.
  20. I suppose you could skip it and add more oil and glycerin Never tried it that way. I use the soap so that it is not too oily of a scrub and will rinse off nicely.
  21. has anyone tried and how did you like?
  22. I could only find info on using cyclo, fco & fo 4 parts cyclo 1 part fractionated coconut oil 1 part fragrance oil Not sure if fo is at a different amount if only using fco
  23. I have the mango lip solutions from mms, very nice
  24. preservative is in there I use germall plus liquid This is just how I started to make this and it is wonderful- just use measures
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