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Posts posted by Debk

  1. I have the white 1.8 x 1.8 clear gloss labels and the white weatherproof labels. I was thinking of making the clear for the pretty wand tubes with gold caps. My business name is Little Creek but was thinking maybe going with LC and ovrlap the two letters if I can remember how, lol. I hate this part of the business (labels), lol. I want to keep it simple but elegant. Any suggestions welcomed, again, lol. Thanks.

  2. Ok, for some reason, I have forgotten which size to change my photos to for my web site. I use photobucket. Should I use something else? I have tried different sizes, copied but will not work when I paste to url or thumbnail on website. If you look at my site you can see the sugar scrub pic on the right does not show up. duh, lol.

  3. I am interested in trying the mineral make-up since that is what I use personally. What would be the best to start making first? Eye colors? I would be selling them in my vendor's booth. Also, where is a good place to get the items I need without costing an arm and a leg, lol. Thanks. :embarasse

  4. I got the tubes from Kangeroo yesterday. They are nice except they won't hold three meat ball size bath bombs. They are great for bath salts or beads though. when I put three bath bombs in, the cap would not go on. If I only put two in the tube, it looks too empty.

  5. I added .08 % to my 8 oz. body lotion and whipped it up. It is real nice. I also added a tsp. of shea butter to it. Not greasy. Ended up like a mousse. the shea prevented the drag but could use hydrance (sp). I did not need to use it though since the shea butter helped.

  6. I found a nice receipe to make the lip gloss thicker and it uses Castor oil and Jojoba Oil. Is it necessary to use castor Oil? I incorporated some vit. E and shea oil in it. Could use sweet almond oil also or honey for flavoring.

    6 tbs. glycerin (3 oz.)

    1 tbs. castor oil (.5 oz.)

    1 tsp. jojoba oil (.16 oz.)

    flavoring to taste

    sweetner to taste (I use Kissables from BC so I don't have to mess with the sweetner).

    I only fill my wand tubes 3/4 full because of the rubber cork. The gal suggests to leave 24 hours before putting into tubes since it thickens more (which it did but just right). I added a 1/2 tsp. shea oil and 1/2 tsp. of jojoba oil. Could have done a 1/2 tbsp. of castor and 1/2 of sweet almond. I used Vanilla Ice flavoring!

    Any other suggestions or receipes welcomed! ;)

  7. I am getting a sample of a plastic tube that will hold the 2 inch bath bombs. They only go up to 3 inches and that would squeeze the bath bombs I think. I was wondering about a plastic tray on the order of a votive tray that you could place the bombs in. The hard bath bombs are not a problem, but I use Asheebeans bath bomb receipe and it is too soft to package in a tube or separately. Any suggestions

  8. I was wanting to find some tube containers that will hold at least 3 or 4 bath bombs. I want to stand them up in my booth at the vendor's shop. I think if they were displayed in a tube they would sell nicely. anyone know where plastic tubes big enough to place bath bombs in?

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