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Posts posted by Debk

  1. I am putting together valentine baskets loaded with bath and body and candies. I have some CP chocolate mint soaps I want to put in the baskets. I hate to wrap or won't see the vanilla and chocolate soap. Any suggestions?

  2. I love EZ soy but have had a heck of a time with frosting, air bublbles wet spots for the past couple months. I figure it must be the weather. I usually have smooth candles with it. Even if I have warm jars , not warm jars, clean jars, they are still frosting and not attaching to jars well at all. I wondered about crisco, will that take away the scent. Ez soy throws has a good scent throw. I use 8 oz. masons with CD 16 wicks.

  3. Thanks so much for the tips. I have a soap mold (4 lb.) wooden. I was wanting to purchase the no liners with cutting tray. Does anyone have any advice on where to purchase these and which sizes would be best. Also, I saw somewhere once a way to fold your paper to line your wooden tray but can't seem to find it now. Sorry for all the questions. Today is the first day to make lye soap and I am going to try making chocolate soaps in the crock pot method :tiptoe: . I am going to take some of the oil and mix my cocoa for coloring and hopefully, with the crock pot method, I can drizzle my coloring on the bottom of the wood mold, pour soap and then take a knife to make design. I have valentine gift baskets to make and thought this would be nice with chocolate mint bath salts. I was going to use grapefruit vanilla for the soap fragrance but decided on the chocolate mint Fo for valentine gifts. Any suggestions appreciated.:)

  4. These soaps look wonderful. They would be great for valentine baskets. I am making my first batch of soap tomorrow morning, yikes. Do you make three batches of soap for the nepolian or can you just divide or batch of in three different containers make the three different colors. I know this is probably a dumb question but had to ask, lol

  5. I need to find the soap calculator. I know I want shea, coco and jojoba oil or rice oil. This soap calc will give me specific amounts to put in a receipe? I hate the percentages, they drive me crazy, lol . I need ounces and lbs., lol

  6. Hello,

    Been awhile since on here. Finally going to try to make my own soap after doing melt and pour for past year. I think i will try the CP first but wanting a good receipe that includes butters and oils for softness. I have reviewed making the soap in a crock pot and to be sure to add the lye to the water/ I have seen some receipes online but would really like to get a good receipe so that is why I am asking you pros. I am shaking in my chair just thinking about making my first lye soap in the morning, lol.

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