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Posts posted by Debk

  1. I use 2 oz. less water than what it calls for and let oils cool to room temp. before adding fusion. Then I let that sit awhile before whipping up. Nice an creamy and no pilling. This is the receipe but I don't use 25 oz. water, I use 23 oz. and I add 1.5 oz. fusion or cream maker. Makes a nice body butter. Feels a little greasy at first (not bad) but quickly absorbs and no pilling, even after weeks of making. Customers like this for the spring and summer weather. You could even go less water and stay with 1 oz. fusion.

    25 oz Distilled Water (I use 23 oz.)

    7 oz Liquid Shea

    3.4 grams preservative of choice (.12 oz easier to weigh in grams) 6 grams FO or EO (.21 oz easier to weigh in grams)

    1 oz Fusion Magic (I use 1.5 oz.)

  2. I really like the natural look using the clays like in your receipe, asheebee. I need to figure out how to package these babies since they are not as hard as regular bath bombs and crunble easily. Any ideas greatly appreciated! Also, what should I charge for them (meatball size) or ornament size.

    what does everyone charge for citric bath bombs meatball size withouth the mango or shea. :confused:

  3. I made this receipe today from kB. I used 23 oz. of water instead of 25. It feels a tad bit greasy when it first goes on but quickly absorbs and keeps my skin feeling soft. I am waiting to see how much it thickens up. It is a creamy stage. I know you can add .05 fusion to make it thicker but it should thicken up more after sitting. I have tried the fusion before and thought it was too watery but this receipe is really nice. I wonder what other oils would be nice to use. Maybe soy or rice oil? The Shea Oil is a lot less greasier than using butter.

    Shea L'Vie Cream

    25 oz Distilled Water

    7 oz Liquid Shea

    3.4 grams preservative of choice (.12 oz easier to weigh in grams) 6 grams FO or EO (.21 oz easier to weigh in grams)

    1 oz Fusion Magic

  4. Here is a receipe a friend gave that is wonderful (thanks Jami). You don't have to use the brand name stores for this

    Silky Suds

    16 oz baking soda (walmart or grocery store)

    4 oz citric acid (Kangaroo Blue)

    8 oz SLSa (Kangaroo Blue) - optional but it makes a great bubble bath

    7 oz sea salt (walmart or grocery store)

    3.5 oz dry non-fat powdered milk (walmart or grocery store)

    25 drops of FO (or just scent the bath salts to avoid clumping of other ingredients which is what I prefer to do)

    colorant if wanted

    • <LI class=MsoNormal>Place baking soda, FO and colorant in a gallon zip lock bag, squeeze all the air out and close (double check to make sure it is closed good). Knead bag as if kneading bread dough to work in the FO and color. You might need to add color one drop at a time til you get the desired color. Mix after each drop. When you add other ingredients the color will be diluted. <LI class=MsoNormal>Add citric acid and SLSa GENTLY so it doesn't "puff up" and you get powder up your nose. Again knead the bag to incorporate all the ingredients.
    • Add sea Salt and dry milk. Once again, knead the bag.

    You are done. Use 3 TBSP in your bath.

  5. Thank you. I have items in a shop that sells rustic/primitive items so the one on the left will go faster than the one on the right since that is what people are looking for when they come into a shop like this. I have 6 done and 4 more to do plus now have orders from friends who saw these. I knew I should have made more products, lol.

  6. Thank you. The rose is chocolate. I made chocolate mint bath and body, lavender and vanilla bean. I have large buckets like the one on the left that also have chocolate mint CP soap in them. I have about 10 more to get done, lol, before the weekend.

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