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Funky Monkey

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Everything posted by Funky Monkey

  1. Hey.. did you hear that sound? I'm me running screaming from the building!!! Just a little humor! FM
  2. Hey Bizzy.. I can't PM If you dont mind.. send me an email so we can get in touch! my email is gjustice @ justicewebdesign dot com Thanks!! I can't wait to see what you've come up with!
  3. I agree with all that you said EXCEPT (maybe I read this wrong - but just in case I didn't) that the comment about asking God was rude and unhelpful. The point of asking a question is to get replies on directions to check out. The person that suggested asking God - was just pointing out another direction she should search in. I don't think it was unhelpful, in fact, I feel it was very grounding. She has just as much right to post that as someone else would by saying " check your inventory and multiply it by FO then divide by EO then spin around twice and click your heels." I'm not intending to start an argument. I don't have time for that. I just feel that everyone has a right to post an answer to a question they are asked, regardless of whether everyone else agrees with them or not.
  4. Wow! A workshop! I can only dream about one right now! Looks like a good place to work! Don't be surprised if you wake up one morning and I"m in your workshop making my soap stuff!! :highfive:
  5. Thank you very much. On the way to check it out!
  6. oooh... how cute!! I like that one too... Oh my.. what's a girl to do?
  7. I've tried searching online for the "Avery Pro".. is that the name of the printer thingie you guys use? I can't see to find it, however, I am interested in checking it out. Can someone point me in the right direction, store wise to search? Thanks!!! Funky Monkey
  8. Errr.. that didn't come across as intended. What I MEANT to say is that I would love to work on yours. Send me your information and I'll get to brainstorming. I believe this forum is talking about doing this for several other people too. Didn't meant to imply that they (the others) couldn't work on yours because they were working on mine.. sorry about that!!
  9. Hey.. PM your information and I'll work on yours while they're working on mine! :highfive: I'm a designer too.. but have a complete block over designing my own. Ginger
  10. I'd love to continue with this. I think it is a great idea, and it looks like plenty of people think it is too. The purpose of my post was NOT to get her any nasty emails, but to clarify that I wasn't asking for anything for free. Not my style. Ok.. let's continue.. I'm so loving the stuff you guys are coming up with! I espcially love the first monkey that was posted. Question - logo types.. with b&b products, is it easier to place a label that is round or rectangle? I am considering carrying salts (long slender tubes) as well as scrubs (obviously, round containers) and soaps - not sure how I'd do that (really like the cigar bands.)
  11. In fact.. I do have an idea that you might like. I tried to PM you. but apparently I'm to new to the board to be able to do that yet. Give me a hollar when you get a chance please.
  12. Hey Sani. Very nice site. The only thing I didnt see was keywords for search engines. Not sure how much you know about web design - so please don't take this as talking down, so not my intent!! Sites need meta tags (Keywords) for the search engines to locate you. If you want or need help, I am more than willing to help you with those. Just send me a PM. OH! as far as design.. very clean. Good job!! Ginger Funky Monkey
  13. Hey guys. I'm not really sure what to say.. I just got my arse handed to me from soapmafia over on the soapdish for even ASKING for help with my logo. Evidently since I only signed up recently (August 8) I am not worthy of asking for help. I know she is also on this site too. Please realize - I hope it is obvious - that I have NOT asked anyone to do this for me for free. I have received several PM's about design services and I have responded to those directly. The purpose of this post is to please not jump the gun and flame someone just because you THINK they are doing something that you do not approve of. Geez.. this is why new people are afraid to post on forums. AND! I love the ideas you guys have come up with. As I have posted in several PM's and also on the soapdish, hubby takes care of the financials. He has asked me to wait a bit before paying someone for a logo. This doesn't mean I can't go ahead and pick a new logo, it will take a few weeks (2 or 3) to be able to pay the designer. I am not the type of person to use a logo that I haven't paid for. Being a designer myself, I know what goes into a design and wouldn't dare expect it for free or just take a design. That being said..
  14. This is my favorite. I just love the simplicity of it and it would transfer into all types of media very well. I would chose this one! :yay:
  15. Curious.. how would you know it is dead? Never come across that one before. I have tm'd information for client websites before though. Funky Monkey Ginger
  16. You guys are really awesome! I so appreciate the stuff you've come up with!! My husband thinks this is so funny that I am a designer and can't design my own Anyone have any ideas for a logo in the circle shape? Just a thought. Having a friend log on to look over the logos already up. I'm so enjoying this!!! You guys rock! Ginger Funky Monkey
  17. I'll have to take your word on that one.. I haven't smelled it yet.. but it does sound interested! Gonna have to order some and see what kind of damage I can do!
  18. LMAO - now that would go perfect wouldn't it? It could be my "signature" item!
  19. Not a new name.. but a new logo.. I love my company name.. I think it's catchy.
  20. I'm all over that like ugly on an ape! Let's get it started!
  21. oooh! that would be really cute!! I don't have the know-how to do that either. Yeah, the "body products" are spread out to try to make it a solid logo - the top and bottom matching in size. Evidently it didn't do what I had intended it to do! I've tried embossing the letters, changing the colors. I've even added this monkey (can't use this particular one as it belongs to someone else... ) Anyway.. all comments are welcome.
  22. Hi there. I woud like a clipart monkey - I think. It would be easier to duplicate than a real monkey. I like this monkey... just I "borrowed" it.. can't use it. Also, I embossed the lettering... how's this look? I appreciate the help.
  23. I know this is an older post... but I just got one at the kitchen outlet store up the street for under $5.00. I used it last night to make some Sweet Pea Bath Bombs and they are G O R G E O U S ! :yay: :yay:
  24. Just beautiful!! I have yet to try my hand at liquid soap, but this makes me want to try!!! Good Job! Funky Monkey
  25. I've posted this on another forum, but wanted to ask here too. I am in need of a logo. I have a makeshift one now, I love the colors, but would like something with maybe a monkey or something. If anyone is interested in trying their hand, I would love the help. Thank you in advance!! Here is my current: Thanks all, Ginger
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