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Everything posted by tlc26

  1. I gave my bestfriend a soap making tutorial. She did just about everything and I just walked her through it and helped a little when trace started moving quicker than she could work. This is what we came up with. My basic recipe and the fragrance is Peaks Fruit Slices that I have renamed to Fruitopia
  2. Here is Mystical, the only pic she "let me" take!!! lol And this lake is down the street and around the corner from Kim's house and there is one more of us signing! Kim was belting it out! She is a great singer! She does a great Meatloaf!!
  3. Maybe Becky just has a problem because most of her oils don't have any scent throw. oh-no I might end up banned! Going for banning from 2 suppliers!! lol The few oils that I got from JS that were actually had scent throw and that I would use, I just get elsewhere. I don't bother with JS anymore. Why would anyone care if they were banned from there?
  4. Mystical, I could post the pic but you covered your face and that creepy dude is in it!!!
  5. They are still a reputable company. I didn't mean to ward anyone off. I have no doubt that they will make right any problem that anyone else would have. In fact other than my friends that I picked up for that shared the same problems as myself, I have never heard anyone gripe about anything other than the outrageous gouges on the shipping prices. It seems that many of us that have been in the biz a while have a serious gripe about a supplier. For exapmle who is Becs? What company are you referring to Carrie? I know plenty people that won't buy from one company or another because of a or a few bad experiences.
  6. We really do know how to have a good time and get some candles made too!!! I will be up there soon for a soaping excursion!!! You think I am dye challenged wait until you see me with soap!!!!! Come to think of it I did just fine with the dye this year. I only used a few sprays of the GOO GONE instead of almost a full bottle!!! I did have Mystical fill the dropper bottles for me though!!
  7. stearic will make a harder bar but it will cloud your once clear bar. I really don't find any difference in the SFIc from the WSP bases I don't do much mp now that I discovered the joy of cp but I used wsp Crystal clear base and it lasted at long as mp soap can last Hey PA I had a bar of that soap you speak of, it was hot pink with curls in it, the FO was great some kind of apple rosemary mint something! It was my fav bar of that swap!!!
  8. I hope I answer all the questions. Like Kim said I don't get online much! the red is colorona bourdeau mica that I got in a co-op Kimberly hosted some time ago. It is my favorite red colorant for soaps. You can see it pictured in the background of the pic where the counter is slopped up with soap. I had originally gotten it to tint lip balms though it would have made a lovely lip color. I have sensitive combination skin in the winter. Dry patches and oily areas. Kaolin clay is oil absorbant but doesn't dry my skin out. I actually use this soap year round. It also makes a great shave soap too the clay gives a slip for the razor here is an excerpt that explains it well.. .from http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/learn/kaolinclay.html White Kaolin Clay is found in virtually all powdered and dry cosmetics and most wet cosmetics. Its natural adsorbent properties makes it essential in hygiene products and is often found in soaps, scrubs, poultices, deodorants, facial powders and masks It is the mildest of all clays and is suitable to add to products created for people with sensitive skin. It helps stimulate circulation to the skin while gently exfoliating and cleansing it. It does not draw oils from the skin, so it can also be used on dry skin types without negative results. Kaolin Clay is high in calcium, silica, zinc and magnesium, which are beneficial for oily, blemished skin. The clay's mildly drying and disinfectant properties help heal existing blemishes and inflammations, while preventing new ones from forming. It can also be used as a scent fixative. Traditionally, clays are used to reduce swelling and inflammation, and to draw impurities from the skin. Cosmetic clays are made up of different mineral contents, and each clay type has a different effect on the skin. The high mineral content of White Kaolin Clay rejuvenates the skin while the clay exfoliates and stimulates blood circulation to the skin. Regular use of clay facials will remove dead skin cells, improve circulation to the skin, remove debris from the pores and bring about a smooth healthy glow. Now as far as why they banned me from WSP... You know I feel bad for even saying anything about it. It was like a year ago and I wanted to say something sooo many times and held my tongue (fingers) It is probably bad karma but every once in a while when I am itching to order but can't I get a wild bug and get angry about it. They basically banned me because the systems that they use don't work and some how that is all MY fault. Every time I ordered from them there was a problem. Stupid little things like they threw my cases of jars in my trunk and broke a jar and gave me a hard time about replacing it. They charged my credit card twice for one order and when I asked them to reverse the one charge they told me "that is not our problem take it up with your bank" I asked my bank but seeing as it was only $8 it would have cost me more headache and hassle than it was worth. Mind you, I've handled many credit card transactions in my career and only once have I ever accidentally keyed in a card for the same amount 1 time and I refunded it before the customer ever called me, I called them in fact saying that I got my statement saw there error and already corrected it and offered them a discount on their next purchase for the inconvience. Anyway they got me with that stupid dontaion thingy too but by that time I was only placing my order online and paying in cash upon pick up because they screwed up my charges before, so I had them reverse it before I paid for my order. I had countless stupid problems smaller and larger with them EVERY single time I ordered. It also didn't help I am sure, that every time they screwed something up I very vocally reminded them of their shortcomings! Meaning, I have a big mean mouth and I gave them an ear full plenty!!! They even said they sent me a certified letter stating that I was banned and why! I never got such a letter. To this day I have never seen a sign of that letter! They slandered my name and went about telling other custmers that I was banned. Thank goodness it was a friend of mine who called me a told me. I called them asking for them to e-mail me a copy of this certified letter and they refused!!! flat out said "no we said everything we had to say in the letter" They told me that they rcvd confirmation that the letter was rcvd at 1 pm on Friday. I explained to her that I was at my desk at work 12 miles from my home at 1 pm and left from work to go out of state and did not return until the following Monday. I told her that I live ALONE and there is no one at my house to rcv such letter and that my mail is rcvd in a key locked compartment at the front of my community and not at my door step like most. She still refused to believe that I didn't sign for a letter. The postal service said it got there so you are a liar, is basically what they said to me. I checked my post office there was nothing waiting for me. They just didn't like me and quite frankly I don't like them. I am perfectly happy ordering elsewhere until I want the few things I can only get there. Like my favorite oil and 2 other oils I use for my 2 best sellers for the Christmas Season. Don't ask me what they are. I won't tell you and I mix them anyway.
  9. You are truely an artist!! Take a bow and pat yourself on the back! You made some beautiful soapies!!! :highfive:
  10. Scents Left to Right Apple Pie Cider Sugar Cookie Pumkin Crunch Cinnamon Buns Cleveland Christmas
  11. Valkyrie "In Germanic religion, any of a group of maidens sent by Odin to select slain warriors worthy of a place in Vahalla. They rode to the battlefield on horses or, in some accounts, flew through the air and sea. Some had the power to cause the death of warriors they disliked; others guarded the lives and ships of those they favoured. According to various myths, they were either purely supernatural or human with supernatural powers; they were associated with fairness, brightness, and gold as well as with bloodshed" Or Brunhilda -the most beautiful of all the Valkyries (but not many would know or understand that)
  12. I still like some WSP products!!!! Even though I am banned I still refer people to them. Even though I am banned and can't order from them anymore I still have and use some of their oils. This one is White Nectarine and Pink Coral (type) This is likely my favorite scent of all time!!! This recipe has kaolin clay! Works wonders for my skin. I almost forgot the clay!! I added it after trace was getting really thick and this batch got a bit messy on me! that is why I love that butcher paper!!!
  13. I don't smell any pine. Nothing like pine cedar or fir I am horrible at describing scents! It is floral but not stinky floral. The undertones of tea are very light. It is very feminine, a lovely fragrance that I would consider wearing as my body fragrance. In fact it will likely go into a body spray, foot soak and lotion.
  14. and because I know I hate waiting for cut pics!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. It has been a good long while since I have posted any pics. So here ya go!! It is white soap. I didn't trust my recipe seeing as I have never soaped it without any colorants so I added TD. This fragrance is awesome! I had gotten a sample some time ago and tossed the bottle after putting it in wax. Everyone that sniffed my 1 lonely candle loved it. I hunted it down and found it at Backwoods. I did recall I had gotten the sample at the Ohio Candle Gathering. I ordered just about the last of what Connie had. As soon as it arrived I had to soap it!!!! It is a beautiful scent and it soaped beautifully too!
  16. It has been a long while since I have posted any candle pics. If anything going to Kim's for the fundraiser sure does get me inspired (well, motivated)
  17. I use cyclo for dry oil body sprays and it is great. I haven't put it in lotions I use dimethicone for lotions! I had to search high and low for Dimethicone when I first started using it. I saw it listed in the ingredients of my favorite lip softener and I had to have it. I'm not sure where it is that I got it. I will look it up for you after I get home from New York. I do remember that it was not a place that I usually order from.
  18. Looks beautiful. I have been sitting here trying to figure out how you did it. Did you cookie cut out the butterflies and embed them? I would love a tutorial!!! It really is very beutiful! I checked out some of your other threads too, you really do some amazing soaps! you go!!!:highfive:
  19. You could try WSP's honey almond. I don't think it is similar but it is good and I sell plenty of it. I also haven't sniffed anything from Hobby Lobby in quite a few years, but it may be a starting point for you
  20. I sent an e-mail to find out where to mail my registration fee to!!!
  21. Hey! they all look great! perfectly beveled! I always expect perfection from you. I simply must know what colorant you used to get that gorgeous color for the violet..it is beautiful!
  22. Very pretty! great colors and great textures and finishes! very diverse
  23. There is a girl that I work with that is into making her own cleaning products. She also says that she sells EO. She is very secretive about the suppliers that she uses, but to be nice I bought some peppermint oil from her (I needed it, no shipping, no wait time, etc.) I personally share everything. I have no problem telling anyone where I get stuff and giving recipes (even my own persoanal brain children) So that kind of irritates me that she won't say where she gets anything. Then one day in conversation she said that her cleaning agent is just a jumbled mess of whatever she throws in a bottle (eo, water, borax, a laundry detergent) She also stated that her son has severe allergies and that is why she makes her own concoctions to use for cleaning. This made me angry. I told her that she better do some research and figure out what she is doing before she makes her son more ill than he already is. Now she is coming to me weeks later asking for help. I want to help her so I gave her some tips but I don't want to hold her hand and make it for her since she thinks her stuff don't stink and wouldn't even offer me a name of a supplier. But she can't get her cleaner to mix (oil and water don't mix without a surfactant) so she asked me for help. I gave her a few tips on what she can use. She stated that someone told her to use something begining with a "P". I confirmed and told her that you can use Polysorbate. She then said she didn't know where to get it. I felt like she was trying to work a suppliers list out of me, but wouldn't give me hers. Sorry kiddo, doesn't work that way with me. I'll share if you share but it is not a one way street. So, I don't buy Polysorbate and don't use it but I know of a few places she could get it and one place even locally but (I feel childish about it) I don't want to share if she couldn't. I mean really it is not like she is even competition. I don't sell oils. I sell finished products (that are completely tested) not just some stuff thrown in a bottle and shaken. sorry had to vent! tell me what you think or what you would do
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