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Everything posted by realmarcha

  1. I sell my votives in packages of 12 (same fragrance). See website addy for how package mine: http://www.sunshinecontainer.com/candles.htm Currently, I use Item# VPD12. However, there are many votive packaging options you can choose from. Here are other options on the same site. http://www.sunshinecontainer.com/acetatevotive.htm If offering more than one fragrance per container, you will need to shrink wrap each votive so the fragrances will not mix. HTH
  2. Well I tried the cotton wicks, and they did not work either. Large flames, and some dancing. Not as bad as the wicked up CDs, but bad enough. I am now waiting on the CSN wicks to get here. Will post those results as soon as I test. Patience all!
  3. Hey Chris! I am finding the wicking to be a real bitch! I wicked up on the the above posted fragrances, and now I have dancing flames; like they are doing the "Twist"; remember that song?! :laugh2: I just ordered the CSN wicks and am going to try those. In the meantime, I am going to try my "old" trusty cotton and see what happens. I will post my results later. Thanks for your input!
  4. S&P is Strahl & Pitsch. Here is their website addy: http://www.spwax.com/datasht.htm
  5. Second burn (5.5 hours): Here is the burn results on the second burn: Vanilla Sandalwood CD16: The scent throw is excellent and so is the flame height. Had an almost full melt pool and still a bit of hang up, but doing good. Balsam Fir CD16: The scent throw is awesome, but the flame height has gotten smaller resulting in quite a bit of wax left on the sides of the tumbler. Will increase wick size to CD18. Eucalyptus Mint CD14: The scent throw is awesome, but the flame height has gotten smaller resulting in quite a bit of wax left of the sides of the tumbler. Will increase wick size to CD16. Cleopatra is curing. Did not get to pour anymore testers tonight...hopefully tomorrow. Stay tuned...more to come!
  6. First burn results (4 hour burn): Balsam Fir with CD16: Awesome throw with 1/8" mp. This tumbler I did not put in a closed room; only have so many rooms . I had it on my dining room table; with windows open; a cathedral ceiling, and I could smell it, smell it, smell it! Cleopatra with CD14: I would call this a good throw; very passable! It was in a closed large bedroom. Had an almost full mp with a very little hang up. I am going to let this one sit for 48 hours and see if curing it will improve the throw. Keep in mind, I like my candle STRONG, so for others this might be an awesome throw. Vanilla Sandalwood CD16: I would call this an excellent throw; a bit below awesome. I will continue to burn this one without cure time. Had an almost full melt pool with a bit of hang up. Eucalyptus Mint CD14: This one blew me right out of the room...AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME. I could probably cut back on the fragrance load with this one. Had an almost full mp with a bit of hang up. All in all, I like this wax so far. My wick choices seem to be right on, but we will see as they burn further into the jar. Except for the Cleopatra, I will test burn these one more time this evening...stay tuned!
  7. Thanks Becky for posting. I would love to hear your results. Look below for my first burn results. Lookin' good!
  8. There are allot of different opinions on how much fragrance a tart needs...some candle makers say less than a jar candle; others say more, and still others say the same. You could start with 6%, and work your way up from there. Another consideration for tarts is the wax you use. There are all different degrees of wax consistencies with each one performing differently. If you are using palm wax, try mixing a bit of the "trouble" soy you have with it. You could start at 50/50 and see what happens. The soy will help soften the palm wax, and might work better for you in a tart warmer. You could also do a search on this board by putting in the word "tart" and a ton of information will pop up. There is no "standard" answer for this question. You will need to test, test, and test again in order to find out what pleases you. HTH
  9. For those of you interested in the crystalline container palm wax(es), I am testing S&P's 487, which I understand is very similiar to the Glass Glo. Since there is not alot of testing information on these waxes, I thought I would start this thread and share my testing experience. I poured 4 different fragrances: Balsam Fir, Vanilla Sandalwood, Eucalyptus Mint, and Cleopatra in 7.5 oz. frosted straight sided tumblers with a diameter of 2 5/8". I heated the 487 wax to 200* - 205*; poured into a heated pour pot; added the fragrance (10%); stirred for 1 minute, and poured into the room temperature tumblers. For now, I did not use color. After setting up overnight, I found the tumblers definately need to be heated since around 1" of the bottom of the candle did not crystalize. I did read that the tumblers should be heated, but since I have been spoiled for the last 7 years with a one pour wax, I decided to take the "lazy" way out and see what happens. Lesson learned! I used a larger fragrance load (10%) to see if the wax could hold it without seepage, and to my surprise it did. Now, keep in mind, I live in Michigan, and the weather here is cooler than other parts of the country, so your experience with a larger fragrance load might be different. I poured these without a wick so I can change out testing wicks. I took a shish ka bob skewer and poked a hole for the wick. This was an experience in itself. I had a heck of a time getting the skewer to push down into the wax, so next time I will use a small diameter flat head screwdriver for more leverage. When I pulled up on the skewer, the entire candle released from the jar and came out. This does not bother me, as it does others. As a matter of fact, I like when this happens so I can put a wick tab on the bottom of the wick. This allows me more testing time since the wick does not flop over into the wax when there is an inch or more wax left to test. I wicked these with CD wicks: 2 with CD14s and 2 with CD16s. I am now on my first burn with no cure time. I purposely did not cure them to see how well the fragrance would throw without having to cure. The fragrances are wicked as follows: Vanilla Sandalwood: CD16 Cleopatra: CD14 Eucalyptus Mint: CD14 Balsam Fir: CD16 I started my first burn at 10:45. I have placed each candle in a separate room to determine fragrance throw. Keeping my fingers crossed! I will be pouring a couple more fragrances this evening, and will heat the tumblers, and possibly add some color. I will keep ya' all posted on the testing results. If anyone else has experience with the palm container waxes, please feel free to jump in here and share your experience. More to come!
  10. OK, I went hunting and found this! http://www.cargill.com/news/news_releases/2005/050720_naturewax.htm Sounds to me like Cargill's waxes could be both veggie and soy, or are they one in the same? Can soy be considered a veggie? Now I am totally confused! See what you have done to an old woman Stella! :laugh2:
  11. Hey Stella! Here is a phone number for Cargill (877-727-0696). When you call, ask for Tim. He is one of the chemist there, and a great person to talk to. I tested the C3 wax, when it first hit the market, and talked to Tim quite a few times trying to figure out how to get rid of the cracking and sink holes. I did not want to do a repour, or use a heatgun. I never did figure it out, but Tim is very knowledgable and honest about Cargill's products. I do believe the C3 wax is a veggie wax with additives. I do not remember it ever being a 100% soy wax. Could be wrong; old age and all, but that is what I remember. HTH
  12. Another pillar wax option with additives already added is KY143 Paraffin Pillar Blend. I just love this pillar wax! Here is the website addy: http://www.kycandlewaxsupply.com/paraffin.htm Works great for me!
  13. Here is a site to find the effusion lamps: http://www.candlewarmer.com/Products.aspx?cat=3 Hope this helps!
  14. I voted "straight from the box". However, I have given up on the soy wax world, whether it be with additives or not. I have tried it all in my 7 year soy wax experience. My reason being, the inconsistency of the soy wax(es). You can never be sure how the next batch you purchase will burn, or if it will burn at all. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to retest my line due to the inconsistencies. I am now looking for another container wax. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but I feel honesty is the best policy. This has been my "personal" experience. Others may feel differently.
  15. Thank you to all who have answered my post. Looks like I will not be fragrancing the orbs, but will fragrance the tealight, or votive. I hate to waste anything, and have done so many times testing candles...just makes my heart ache. You are all FANTASTIC people to know. A special thanks to Donita who has taken her time to email me and answer my questions. If you need orb instructions, order Donita's tutorial...it is very informative, you cannot go wrong.
  16. OK! I have read the posts on this wax and thought I would do a poll. For those of you who use it, or have tested it, what is your opinion on the scent throw! When answering, please include your fragrance percentage. Please help a fellow candlemaker who is totally fed up with soy, and needs to make a container wax decision like yesterday!
  17. Thanks Stella for your response! I truly appreciate it!
  18. I would call IGI and ask them whether they package wax weight per supplier request. (ex. 55 lbs., 60 lbs., etc.)
  19. Even though I do not do wickless soy candles, I do use soy wax. What you are describing sounds right for soy. You have a soy candle that is partially melted which would explain it setting up lumpy, bumpy, craters, etc. Personally, I would not worry about it. As long as you are getting a good scent throw from it, and it is cooperating in every other way, you customers are not going to notice. Even the wicked soy candles do this once they are burned. HTH
  20. I am so sorry to say, nothing will be in my pot this weekend ! I have to clean up our home to put it on the market for sale. So depressing, but necessary! For all of you that get to put something in your pot this weekend, have fun!
  21. Hello Everyone! I am going to try my hand at orbs. I am wondering, if you use fragrance in the orb, will it scent a room using a tealight, or light bulb? Or are orbs basically used for decoration? As you can see, I am a real beginner with this project
  22. Warmers...but you may need a sales tax ID to purchase! www.candlewarmer.com www.jackelus.com www.levinegifts.com Hope this helps!
  23. For those of you selling wickless jar candles, do these sell well for you? Or do the wicked jar candles sell better? I am trying to get a feel before I decide whether to introduce them to my wholesale accounts. Thanks in advance for any input you can pass my way.
  24. Try the Jar Store; they are in Connecticut. I would use a midsize tumbler with a lid. The Jar Store offers a frosted and clear votive tumbler. You can find lids for them at Anchor Hocking. As far as the fragrances go. I would go online and do a search for Aromatherapy fragrances. Once you familiarize yourself with these type of fragrances, you can contact Royal Aromatics; they have an extensive line of aromatherapy fragrances both in essential oils and synthetic oils. HTH
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