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Everything posted by asheebeans

  1. I think Nature's Garden used to carry one with that name. Do a search on their site and see what you come up with. I think it is a cross between honeydew and berries.....someone correct me if I am wrong here! :undecided
  2. Natures Garden has a fragrance called Apple Orchard that reminds you of taking a bite out of a sweet, juicy apple. You can almost feel the apple juice run down your chin when you smell this fragrance! That is a good replacement for Mac Apple, I have heard. Their Pumpkin Spice is out of this world and I HIGHLY recommend it! Very strong in soy, Joywax and OK6228. (Don't know if anyone is even using OK6228 anymore....gawd do I miss it!! ) Finally, for the blueberry muffin fragrance.....OMG, Nature's Garden once more!! Very strong, true fragrance!! Love it, love it!! I hope this helps you some. It's nice when you can find three great fragrances in one place! Their customer service is top-notch too. Give them a try!
  3. Okay you enablers.....PAYBACK time is here!! Who else is getting ready to shop now??? heh heh
  4. No changes noted here. I have put up with the cracking and frosting though, because I love the wax.....but honestly I am getting tired of taking precious production time fixing cracked, frosted candles!!! I've used it since it came out and there is no way you can tell me that wax hasn't changed!!! I haven't changed my pouring temps or anything and I never had candles that looked like this before. It really chaps my arse that they couldn't just leave well enough alone. JMO.
  5. I'm really befuddled at the claims their fragrances are bad! I've used them for over five years and have only run into two bad ones. (One had a bad description and smelled nothing like described "Baby's Room", and one was weak. "Pralines") Other than that, I have had nothing but great experiences with their fragrances! There are a few that WSP carries that other suppliers have too, (ie: LoveSpell) but I will buy WSP ones because they perform better in my CP. Their shipping is a bear, I will agree with that one. Unless you are ordering a little...and take advantage of the flat rate shipping, or order JUST fragrances from their sister site and getting the free shipping w/ $50 purchase....it can be pricey. Thank goodness I live close enough I just go and pick it up when I need an order. I know alot of folks don't have that luxury, though, and end up paying quite a bit. I may be in the minority here, but I say their fragrances are pretty good!! :smiley2:
  6. Wow, thanks for the update! I'm looking into making liquid soap myself, but it will be a bit. I'm waiting on my book to arrive so I can study! You'd think I was still in school! LOL Thanks for the warning about the bubbling and hissing too....I would probably run screaming from the room thinking that I did something wrong if I didn't know any better!
  7. Any other places that sell this in smaller quantities? I want to try my hand at liquid soaps, but can't store ten pounds of KOH in my house right now! Ebay has really been honking me off lately too. I'm getting sick of deadbeat sellers AND buyers! (but that's another post altogether) I prefer to buy from a reputable supplier first, if possible. Thanks in advance!
  8. Dah-yum, those are some mighty fine swirls!!! Your first swirls???? My hundredth swirls aren't even that good! :embarasse Awesome job!
  9. Thanks for the link! Wow, you can even buy it online and pick it up at the store! Wooohoooo!!! Last time I bought lye I picked some up at the local hardware store. I asked one of the gentleman "Do you carry lye?" and he told me no, they didn't. I walked down the plumbing aisle and....miracle upon miracles....there it was on the shelf!!! LOL I walked right past him on the way out, holding it up like a trophy!! heehee
  10. Hi there! I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old and if I do not have someone to watch the babies while I can make a batch of soap--I don't make soap, plain and simple! It's not worth it to me to risk them getting hurt, and they are very inquisitive by nature! Even when I have someone such as my oldest daughter or my husband watch them.....I still mix up the lye water outside. I swear, my neighbors must think we are up to something! Between me slamming my pillar wax slabs outside on the concrete to bust them up--to me going outside with goggles, gloves, scale and pitcher.....oh yeah, they must think we are one weird bunch!!!! Oh, I keep a full bottle of vinegar on my counter at all times, in case of a splash too. I also keep my molds out of little ones' reach and I keep my curing bars up as well. I try to think like a little person so that I can keep mine safe, KWIM? I'm itching to try liquid soap but I hear that it is a loooong drawn out process so I'll just have to wait until the grandparents have the babies for a day! It's killing me to wait, but I want to make sure my littlest folks are safe! I hope this helps you some!
  11. I whip up my sugar scrubs right before I hit the shower.....so I don't use a preservative. I just took some demerarra sugar and mixed in sweet almond oil until it was the consistency that I liked. I added a little bit of warm vanilla sugar fragrance and threw in a vanilla bean just for ambiance. It was a heavenly scrub and my skin was so soft and glowing afterwards! I'm going to have to whip up some more of that stuff, it was great!
  12. If it is anything like demerarra sugar I'll bet it can take the hide off of a steer! I made a scrub with demerarra and wow did it scrub!!! :embarasse It had nice big scrubby crystals and a sweet, almost caramel scent to it. Yum!
  13. Hi! Do you have soap yet?!? You'll have to post a pic to let us know how it turned out!
  14. Very pretty!!! Are those very time consuming? They sure look like it! Great job!
  15. Lovin' them!!!!! Love the layers! When I tried to do layers, mine looked like.....well, not like that!! Great job!!
  16. Hi there! I use the 40/42 Lavender EO from Lebermuth. It's great stuff! I use 0.5 oz. ppo and it is super strong! I highly recommend it. The scent sticks wonderfully in CP. Maybe you can get someone who is ordering from there to order the essential oil for you, to beat the minimum order, then they can ship it you. I haven't made CP since December and the batch of lavender that I made still smells as strong as the day I made it!!
  17. I use the 40/42 from Lebermuth and it is awesome!!! I only use .5 oz ppo and it practically runs me out of the house. Great stuff, I highly recommend it! Edited to add: Oh, what a nitwit! I just realized I posted twice to the same thread! Well, 40/42 is THAT GOOD!! heehee
  18. I gave a friend from work some shea for her mom who had severely cracked hands. After applying the shea daily for a few weeks her hands have cleared up completely! I am so happy for her. I guess from what my friend said, her hands were so bad that they were like cuts. Even the prescription stuff the dermatologist gave her didn't work!! She used my lavender-chamomile soap to wash her hands and then applied shea...and her hands are crack-free now! Yay! So I would suggest some shea butter for those cracked, chapped hands!
  19. I agree. I use WSP's base too and I have to scent it more than they recommend. Other than that, it's a nice base!
  20. My absolute fave is Pink Sugar. Sorry, love it! My best seller is also Pink Sugar. :embarasse
  21. Hello! I think they mean that they will only give you ten options, if you want more you have to code it yourself. Not too hard if you pay attention to how they do it. Look at the code generated for the ten items listed. Copy & paste that code into your site, like Paypal says. Now you can go to the portion of your site that contains that code you just pasted. The code before and after each choice, plus the choice (such as apple pie scent, blueberry scent, etc.) will be what you will have to code yourself. Say, (and this is just an example) the code for the choices was <blah>apple pie</blah><blah>blueberry crisp</blah><blah>candy corn</blah>....and so on and then you got to your ten. You could just continue with typing in yourself the rest of the options you want using the code they used. Don't mess with the beginning or ending code....just the middle stuff where you are adding your choices....and you should be fine. Sorry, this was probably clear as mud! LOL Hope it helps you a little. I am by no means a HTML expert, but I have learned a bit by just trying things out and reading alot. (HTML Goodies is a good site) Good luck!
  22. Thank you, thank you!!! I think I am saving that slimey mess to clean up until tomorrow....it sure isn't going anywhere! Hopefully the scale company contacts me tomorrow and we can get this sorted out. Thanks again!
  23. I've used Cotton Balls & Blossoms in Joy and MP and it worked well in both applications. I used it in shower gel and body spray too....spectacular! 7 Up Pound Cake....couldn't get past the smell of it. Absolutely hated it and sold it off in a sample sell -off! Never even used it in anything! Baby Powder: Now this one is dead on and very strong! I'm not a big baby powder fan but this one is for you if you are!! Great in Joywax.
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