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Posts posted by Kymber

  1. It really depends on the retailer. I WS for 50% of suggested retail BUT I have a few accounts that if they can't 2.5 X my WS price they won't carry it. I also use some price breaks on some of the items...larger the order the better the price. I usually do that with my B&B and Resorts. But in my experience if they can't double your WS price and comfortably sell them for that....they aren't interested.

  2. Southern Soapers Tranquil Spa, Mineral Salt Spa and Botella De Ecensia. I also did a huge WS Gift Mart this past week and the 2 top scents that everybody wanted in my "stuff" was Sweet Pea & Rhubarb and Sandalwood Amber.

  3. I got mine from the Scent Works.........and they are a PITA!!! I did boby butter samples in them for my WS Gift Mart show last week. The lotions I used the little 1oz malibus and people just loved them....they felt I was really giving them something cool cause they could throw it in their purse! And the really cool thing was I gave little soap samples (in those little jewelry bags) with my business card attached and the little 1 oz lotion sample and the next day I had people coming back and saying...I got one of your soap and lotion samples yesterday and i tried it last night and OMG we love it so we are back to order for our store. It is well worth the expense to put them out there!!

  4. I just received a sample of Tranquil Spa from TCS. Do you know if the one you posted is the same or similiar? I need to pour this tomorrow.

    Good Heavens...didn't realize how old this thread was...LOLOL Anyway to answer your question I have no clue as I have never smelt TCS's. I know that Southern Soapers is very very nice!

  5. I have Adobe photoshop 5.0 and I want to resize a couple labels that are just the background. I have 2 backgrounds...one is 2x4 and one is 2x3. I need to end up with a 1.5x1.5. When I go into resize, it of course will not let me resize either of these labels to that size. I need a 1.5x1.5 because that is the size that fits on my little 1 oz's and i use the primera and have that size in stock! Am I trying to do something here that just isn't possible?? TIA for any and all help!

  6. and read the markets......soybeans were $15 a bushel last week, with wheat being $20 a bushel. My dad and MIL are estatic over these prices!! That is close to a 5X increase over previous soybean per bushel price. You don't think that is going to come right down the pike? Stock up before the new contracts comeout because I think you are going to see it go up ALOT higher then .10 a pound in wax. Pretty soon when the wax is melted we will be able to call it liquid gold! LOL

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