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Posts posted by jakalex

  1. I am still testing the CB135. I have still not decided on a wick. I am still testing the 8oz sq. mason. So far the LX24 is OK. The Hemp 1400..OK. I just wicked one with the hemp x-large 40032 will see how that goes. I have some cotton and paper core wicks on the way and some CD's.

    I have FO's from ICS and BCN. I am keeping notes so when I get some good results I will post what worked for me. I have been pouring at a lower temp to avoid frosting and of course I am getting pour/sink holes now! Ugggh! Should I add BW? Does it really help with the scent throw?

    What size room should my 8oz room scent? I know I have ordered some that scent a large room!

  2. A lot of FO's will do that to plastic cups; and papercups, they like to soak through the cup as well. Better to measure in a shot glass or a metal cup, just to be safe. FO is too expensive to waste. :D

    Great Idea Kaybee23! I was really disappointed too! I was mixing banana, blueberry and strawberry! I will invest in some shot glasses this weekend!

  3. I sent my Mom to the store the other day to get me some paper dixie cups to weigh my FO's in. Well she came back with the little plastic type. I used them for several fo's. Tonight I did some mixing of FO's and the concoction ate through the bottom of the cup! Makes me wonder what I am breathing in!:undecided

  4. Sounds like you got a full melt pool on the first burn and the second was just an aberration. Trimming the wick too short isn't the most common thing that happens out there, LOL. Maybe consider wicking down a notch because that smoke situation isn't gonna get any better as you get down into the jar.

    CB-135 will mushroom even without FO. I wouldn't sweat it.

    Amen to that! Every wick I have tried mushrooms! But like I said it does not bother me. It did at first when I was new to buying soy candles...but you just get use to it!:D

  5. OK. I am testing the Hemp wicks in the 8oz sq. mason jars with the ecosoya cb135 and BCN Strawberry Jam and a 1400 hemp wick. 1st burn went great! Second burn...now about 3 hours still not reaching the sides. I did trim the wick pretty short though. Will see how the third burn goes. Of course the wick is mushrooming...but as long as it does not interfere with the scent throw I am not worrying about it. Every soy candle I have ever purchased the wick has mushroomed! I really do like the scent throw after only 24 hours! Will update later!:D

  6. I posted a previous thread and stated in that thread that I was looking for the cotton cored wicks. I should have reposted the cotton core part in this thread...Here is that thread:


    You guys did help me and I appreciate it. I have read alot on this board and I know from some threads I have read that when newbies ask alot of questions some comments have been made that they do not want to test and want everyone to tell them what to do , what they need, etc. I just wanted to make it clear that I was not like that. I love this board and have learned alot and hopefully I will be able to help someone in the future.


  7. I am in search of a wick and not sure what it is. I have ordered several soy candles with this wick in it.

    It is a rigid wick...does not curl and is cotton cored. It is tan in color. It does mushroom...but no soot and good scent throw and melt pool. I know I am asking alot...but any suggestions on what type of wick this might be??????:rolleyes2

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