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Everything posted by Donita

  1. You must be sick of me posting pictures all week.....but the devil made me do it.....:rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 ....this is for a customer who wanted a yellow beeswax orb with white flowers. I told her I would post it...... I love the dogwood because it reminds me of SPRING....I added some little buttercups to brighten it up a little and some tiny white hydrangea....the "wild vine" heart was an afterthought. My neighbor is on his roof at this moment with ski poles banging off the ice dam. The entire back of his house is covered from roof to ground...like an igloo. We had a guy come this morning to shovel the deck....$100. EEEEEEEEEEEK. It was over 7 feet in some places. Way too much for me. I would rather be in the cozy house making candles......and remember....the steam from any pots you are using for a double boiler to melt the wax is good for you body. Now I have to go out and shovel the path to the satelite dish....oh joy!!!!!!!! I take my cell phone with me in case I get stuck in the snow....... Donita
  2. Soapbuddy.....the azaleas are too delicate to dip first. The little roses I dipped. The buds I didn't. If you pour in your wax and then really give it some good taps it will allow the wax to move around the flower better. Don't water bath it for a few minutes. As soon as you put it in the waterbath...the wax will set up. It's like doing a picture hurricane. We always wax the picture first. If I don't like they way it looks, then I spray some Krylon varnish over it......or over dip it in wax. I just go with the flow and somehow it just works:) .....I hope. Donita
  3. Mark....I think one of the most used word on this forum board is "practice"....that is the only way you learn what to do and most importantly....what not to do.... . I always pour my canes a lot higher tha picture or just more than I want. When the cane is cooling and starting to shrink in the middle, I just pour in a little more hot wax. It keep it from getting that angeld side. I always do that. Sometimes it still shrinks, a little. I have a professional leveler that I use for pillars.....but I often use an electric frying pan, one from a thrift store, and it catches the left over wax and I can reuse it. Anyway....you are doing great for a beginner. I quit in the beginning until Sharyl helped me.....then I went for the gusto and made so many I can't even estimate. If you make some more, you will get the feel of it. There is so much in the timing. Donita
  4. The Duck speaks the truth ...........Donita
  5. Thank you everyone. Pam....the round ones are 2 1/2" and the tiered ones are 2 3/4". Donita
  6. Using up my scrap wax has been fun. I found my old jello molds that I thought I had lost. Then recently I found some new ones at my thrift store....very deco in design. I made the two tones with the old molds and used just the top for tarts. The two tone remind me of a tiered wedding cake...... The candles are wicked with #1 SB and it burned for hours in a little dessert cup. I packed some up for my sister. An early birthday present. I took the pictures in a hurry so they are pretty messy, but you get the idea. I added two pictures of the burn. Donita
  7. Thanks everyone....just using up my scrap wax....now I have to order some more....the rosebud one is gone already. My step son was over last night an asked if he could buy it for his girlfriend. Of course I gave it to him along with some little "Jello Mold" candles. I will post a picture of them later today...maybe. Donita
  8. Here are just more hearts. :smiley2: Some flowers embed well and some don't. The picture on the left has three colors of azelas...very special because I picked them from my neighbors house in Virginia. Almost two years ago. She was 93. What a woman. Nothing wrong with her. She went outside everyday 12 times and walked around the yard picking up twigs and leaves and dead flowers. Kept her healthy. She insisted that we pick about 100,000 flowers. I have so many (smile)....The center cane is just small whole open roses and the one on the right is tiny rose buds. All are done with chunks and a round insert. I am officially out of hurricane wax. I will order some tomorrow. Donita
  9. Hi Cindy.....I think just about everyone here except you knows that my favorite hurricane wax is 5055 with 1/2 oz micro 180 added per pound. However, since I can't afford to ship from the east coast anymore, this last case was from Genwax and it has an even higher melt point. It is around 160. The micro helps to keep it from being brittle. Definitely a must for me. It doesn't fade. Unusually whites discolor when stearic acid is used. Hope this helps....Donita
  10. Very pretty. I just happen to be one of those people who love pink. Donita
  11. They are even prettier when lit. Thanks for posting that picture. They are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Donita
  12. If I think I am going to have a problem....I just put my candles in damp sand. Usually I make chunk candles that cool quickly so there isn't a problem, but with a regular pillar, mottle or plain, they really have to be sealed or they will leak. Lots of tape or using wick pins. With wick pins, you don't have to worry. Do some research about wick pins........I put some metal tape on the bottom, place in the rod, pour in the wax....then after it is cool, insert a pre waxed wick......then level the bottom and the wick is sealed in. Donita
  13. The colors are so soft and pretty.....they do remind me of spring....but I don't think I will ever see spring again. The snow in my back yard is way over my head and the icicles keep crashing down around me. Thanks for the breath of spring. (smile) Donita
  14. If your friends are power burring them for a long period of time, maybe the wicks haven't been trimmed. An untrimmed wick can produce a large flame too. When you have someone besides yourself testing a product, you really don't know what is going on unless they write it all down. I keep a list next to my testers and write the exact time I light it and when I extinguish it. I know what my candles do.....when I am in control. The trick is to get a candle to burn under all conditions because the average consumer doesn't really know how to burn a candle. I let mine burn for hours and hours. Then burn only for an hour and blow it out. I really try to abusive them to see that happens. Donita
  15. Mark....I like the plastic tea light cups because they allow the flame to glow through better than the aluminum cups. I am using fuel cells now too. Donita
  16. A lilttle more burn time will probably help. It sure looks pretty and I like the flowers in the background. Donita
  17. Ok Sharyl....I see where you are going....not a burning candle but one that will withstand the heat. I don't know how much the mp will be raised with 4045 and still be able to be rustic. I think that the clear crystals will stop the rustic. But...still a thought to be considered. I am going to do an experiment.....one of these days (smile)....Any candle can be made to be an "everlasting" but it has to withstand the heat... if you actually want to have a flame.....(smile) ... That is why I have only used the 5055. To make a rustic.....now that is the question:) Donita
  18. Nice colors....and the tarts are just the extra wow. Donita
  19. Christina....nothing wrong with that beauty. I love it. Moving is the pits....but hopefully you are moving to a better house. I miss living near you and Sharyl. Sorry we didn't get to have a girl candle party. Why the crystals added to the wax? They tend to make my candle smoke. I haven't used them for years. I am curious to see how this works for you. I do love the 4045. Have some other IGI coming probably today:sad2: It's ok but not the same. Donita
  20. Very cute but unfortunately it reminds me of SNOW......I am tired of SNOW.....it is SNOWING now..... But.....on the other hand your candles are pretty. Donita
  21. If you are cooling it in a cool garage, put it upside down and it should just fall out. When you lift the mold you will know if it is sticking or is just falling out. Be sure the garage isn't too cold or the wax can crack. Donita
  22. Hello my friend. Those are some beautiful hurricanes. You have such a wonderful creative spirit and talent. They are very beautiful. Donita
  23. Our cat bit me last week. He isn't supposed to do that. I am very unhappy with him. He really doesn't like people. May not be curiosity that kills him. He really can be viscous. No one likes him and they are all afraid of him. Not my doing. I have only been in his life for a year and a half and he is much better, but still has that wild mean side that I just don't trust. I think that I might get a girl kitty in the spring and hopefully that might be fun for him.....if he doesn't kill her. Sammy loves my candlemaking. I always have pots of water sitting around and he likes to take a sip. He has his own fresh water but likes the smell of my candles. Weird. I have sand in containers that he hasn't used......yet. Thank heaven for that. He likes to watch me break up wax with the hammer....then grabs my hand with his claws. I swear, if he could pour a candle he would. When I am poking my candles for refilling, he loves that hand motion too. I bet he knows all of my secrets (smile)......Sorella Donita
  24. Sabrina and I are on the same page. Curious as a cat (smile)..... We both love to learn new things. Hi little sister.....how are things in Italy today? We have MORE snow....and it just won't quit.....I may never be heard from again..............Big Sister, Donita
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