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Posts posted by Luci

  1. I do body sprays but being extremely small time make them to order. I keep a couple of what I sell the most of on hand ready to go, but that's all. I'm doing a large festival next month and plan to take some of the 8 ml body misters and will probably just do 6 or 8 scents--mostly popular dupes.

  2. I just have issues with using beer for something other than drinking. I consider that alcohol abuse. :P But, every now and then someone leaves some off-the-wall beer that I don't drink. I suppose I could use that and not feel guilty.

  3. Debra, the questions you raised about color and eo are why I'm reserving passing judgment just now. I have felt that it was a fad that would pass but am still getting asked on a weekly basis after a couple of years now. Just yesterday, a young man (young to me--early 30s) asked if I had these available because he and his wife enjoy them.

    Gel candles aren't as popular as they were for a while, but I made those and sold quite a few. There was bad publicity about those as well.

    Some of us don't have a huge customer base and have to go with what the customer wants at the time. I'm trying to be openminded. (Even though I can't see myself ever wanting lotion like this.)

  4. I don't really understand your question or if you have one--what do you mean by "something I'd like to try"?

    If you've never visited, the market is quite large. There are a good many permanent vendors there. Some are out in the open and set up each day. Some have very permanent stores that can be locked up, etc.

    I haven't walked through there in a while, but it's fun except in the blistering heat of summer.

  5. I've stayed away from these for a long time cause I just don't get it. When I want lotion, I use lotion from a bottle. Plus, the liability issues bother me.

    However, not a week goes by that I don't get asked if I make these. A local company at one of the main tourist areas here sells thousands of these. There will be a demo session on making these at the GA gathering in April, so I'll just wait and re-evaluate my thoughts at that time.

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