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Everything posted by k&g

  1. I've gotton to 1 out of 4 WG's 'near' me and grabbed a tray of 8 so far - seems as though that's all they have - when they have them. I agree they look nicer in person. My mom and aunt really like them. Have filled one and did a marathon burn today. Off to 2 of the other stores tomorrow!! Thanks for the heads up!
  2. yes, please please post a picture! I bought out a few WG's last year before Christmas - they had great 'loaf crocks' for .99/ea! I'd love to see the ones you're speaking of. Thanks.
  3. I also love these jars - and the colors you made these and the blue candles are so pretty. Where did you get the jars from?
  4. Ok - I know this is a very old post - found it when looking for something else! It has some great ideas. I use empty and cleaned out cat litter containers to store my wax flakes/pellets. Much easier to haul to the melting pot and I don't have the big 50 lb. wax boxes sitting around. The containers fit under the table in my craft room or stack on top of each other against the wall. Once had a visitor that couldn't figure out why we'd have that much litter with only 2 cats in the house - probably have about 30 containers! Also use them to store votive molds. Plastic shoe boxes - stores about 2 dozen votives and are stackable and you can write the scent on the outside. Big plastic baskets - store FO bottles on shelf - easy to haul around also. Stretched out wire hangers hooked to the bottom of a shelf store many spools of ribbon - pull and cut. Plastic zipper bags you get sheets and pillowcases in - storage for anything!
  5. lovin' the leftovers! Surprises are great. Like the way you tagged them - the string, cards and beads all look very nice.
  6. do you drill holes in the top of the pan and pre-wick before pouring? That is one beautiful centerpiece!
  7. Pillars, pillars and more pillars ... probably pouring and testing the new apothecary jars I got in this week - 4oz, 10oz and 16oz. Decided to totally change my style of containers! Preparing for a drop-in candle party Sept. 9th - so all weekends will be 'candle-making' filled! Hope everyone has a great and productive weekend.
  8. Lauren - try Alabastercandlesupply.com - they have the 4 oz, 10 oz and 16 oz jars. I'm placing an order with them tonight - only problem is they don't give you the shipping. They are probably the closest to us - 1/2 the distance to TN!!
  9. The indentation is from the bottom of the wick pin. A dime is thicker.
  10. Tish, We're preparing for our second 'drop-in candle party'. Basically same deal as posted before ... we had the first one at our house - on a Saturday - from 1 - 4. No demonstrations. Just set products up on bookcases, coffee tables, folding tables, etc. Covered all tables w/borrowed Holiday table cloths. Had a few dips, sodas, coffee - nothing major. Everyone could leave w/their products unless we didn't have something they wanted - mostly a certain scent in a different container than what was already available. They ordered what they wanted and paid in advance! Passed out invitations at work and to family mostly. This time I plan on leaving some at the salons I go to for hair and nails. I also bought the 'scratch off' labels and will be making each invitation a winner - nothing huge. Some w/free votives, free soaps, $5, $10 off after purchasing a certain amount of product, etc. I thought that would encourage people to come by. Having it at our house was great - except the cleaning up before the party!! Going to do one Sept. 9th and if needed - may do another in November. Last years was in November. Problem here is it's hurricane season and that could mess up any good party!! Good luck to you.
  11. I did use a wick pin I always use them on the inside of the mold The pillar is not upside down There is no hole in the top of the candle - may look that way in the picture. This is the way I have made candles for years. It may not be the way anyone else does it - but it works for me. Thanks to everyone that thought it looked nice.
  12. Just a regular 4 x 4.5 - although it has no wick yet! Thanks for the complements everyone!!
  13. Had leftover wax in a few melting pots that I wanted to empty ... this is what turned out! I 'think' the scents are orange creamsicle, heavenly and bird of paradise. Even though there is a yellow stripe I didn't pour anything yellow! The orange creamsicle is pretty strong so that's the scent I'm picking up most.
  14. I can't take the credit for these - my partner made them. We'll be selling them and giving a 20% donation to Relay For Life. The Freedom soaps have a yellow ribbon and are layered red, white and blue - scented vanilla. The Breast Cancer soaps have a light pink ribbon and are layered white and pink - scented pearberry. The Survivor soaps have a light purple ribbon and are layered white and purple - scented lavender. Unfortunately there are a lot more ribbon colors to make - I just thought these came out pretty cool and wanted to share. Please excuse my terrible setup - just wanted to get a picture out.
  15. looks great - love the colors!
  16. How much are they at Wally-World and how much do they hold? I'm about to place an order w/my local store for other jars and would like to see if she can order these. Thanks.
  17. I have also tossed this idea around and noticed Wally-World sold them pretty cheap - when you consider shipping, etc. Wouldn't make much on them - but thought it would be best to have a few so to encourage people to buy the tarts if they could get the warmers at the same time.
  18. The wicks in the red container are 48-28-18 C from earlyamericancandlesupplies.com. I decided to go back to Big Lots yesterday evening and get the rest of the containers cause I figured if the test burn didn't work I could always return them and I just knew if I didn't go back someone would buy them ... well 2 were already gone so I grabbed all the rest - 15 in all! I'm torn as to whether to go to the other store about 30 minutes away and see if they have them also. I really think I can sell most of them at the party I'm hosting in September which is going to be an early Holiday party w/gifts for Christmas and such. I liked those tin containers also - and it's my own fault I waited so long to try them. I first poured straight parrifin and it got so hot it was dangerous. I put the box on the shelf and never opened it when I started using soy and just thought about trying it again when I was rearranging 'the room'!
  19. Peach from earlyamericancandlesupplies.com - it's the only one I've used for years. FYI - just made M&P soap log w/it and my aunt's only complaint about the soap is when she uses it, it makes her crave Blue Bell Homemade Peach icecream!!
  20. I started with 2 wicks last night on the red take out box and could tell it wasn't going to work. Pulled everything out, remelted and poured w/3 wicks. Have been doing a marathon burn today and it seems 3 wicks will do just fine. Will keep you posted. I should have been clearer and stated I did not get the tin holder from Big Lots - it came from sunburst.com a couple of years ago! Now I see they don't carry them anymore! Figures!! Lori
  21. Went to Big Lots today and noticed they are starting to put out their Fall items - nothing for candles yet though ... BUT ... I took a gander over by the glassware and found these wonderful ceramic take out boxes! Poured one today and am burning it now - seems as though I might need 3 or 4 wicks because of the large top. Anyway - thought I'd share. Bought for $3.00 - should be able to sell for $20! It holds about 2lbs of soy! They had 18 on the shelf and I'm seriously thinking of going back and grabbing them all! There are about 3 different sayings ...happiness, dreams, peaceful ... The tin is something I've been having and just decided to fill w/soy also ... Lori
  22. Ok - now we've got to make these!! They look GREAT! Questions: what are the PVC molds placed on when the capper is poured? how big is the PVC pipe diameter that is used? 2", 3"? how thick is the PVC pipe cut? Sorry to ask so many questions, but we love the idea and want to get it right and be pleasing to the customers. Thanks for any info. Have a great weekend.
  23. Thanks Candleman! I edited my already lengthy post to say I'm actually using aluminum molds. Great idea about the magnets though - I'll have to remember that for use on metal molds ... and I've got rolls of magnets for another craft thingy we do.!
  24. I've been making hurricane/luminaries for a few weeks now. While I think they're coming out pretty cool I'm having problems getting them out of the molds and when I put them in the freezer for a few minutes (maybe 10) the wax cracks. This is what I'm using: started with 4w x 4.5h molds; now am using 5.5w x 4h straight paraffin wax - from Yaley no additives seamless aluminum molds Does anyone use mold release? I would think this would cause a problem with trying to get the picture to stick to the mold ... I also think I could be wrong! Also - what do you use to plug the holes - I didn't have a problem with the smaller molds, but keep having the wax leak out of the larger molds - I may be pouring too hot - approx 185 - and that's what I think it's suppose to be. Thanks for any suggestions. BTW - I've found so many new things to try here I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for putting me in even more debt! Have a great weekend!! Lori
  25. Ok - people that can afford to shop in the stores that sell these things are constantly relying on the store owner(s)/workers to furnish them w/quality products - no matter HOW MUCH it costs - or how expensive or cheap looking the packaging is. A close friend of mine owns a home interior store in our small town. He has loyal customers that buy from him year round. This includes my SIL! I make candles - quality candles - great smelling candles - I've been told. Sell them for much lower than he does and my SIL chooses to buy from him! Trust me - she could have all the free candles from me she wanted but she spends mega bucks on candles from his store that I don't think burn as good as mine do - and that's her choice!! He sells a rock glass size for $16 or $18 that is packaged in a clear celophane bag w/a bow around the bag and one around the glass - and when I tell you a lot of times there is so much wax stuck to the sides and what doesn't have wax on it has black soot stains - I just can't believe they sell like they do! He has molted pillers that he sells for unbelievable prices. I've been in his store at all times during the year and these things fly out the door! If a store has loyal customers that trust the owner(s) they will spend gobs of their money on whatever they are selling - no matter what it looks like. So of course if Oprah says it's good, then darn it we all should be out buying it because we are all such loyal devoted fans! Right...Not!!! Especially since she's getting all the FREE product she could never ever use her whole life just by mentioning a product on her show!! Don't get me wrong ... she does wonderful things but I'm not running out and buying something cause she says to do so! Ok ... does any of that make any sense! Oh and about those candles that this was originally about ... I would NEVER spend that much money on a candle that size no matter how great it smelled!
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