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Everything posted by friendlyMOM

  1. thanks gonna try it tonight, they are sooo soft no need to grate them, LOL
  2. I added too much milk to my rebatch is there a way to save it? Could I rebatch it again and just put in the pot longer to cook out some of the water or is it dead:sad2:
  3. http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/tipstricks/qt/qtsalt.htm here is a link on the salt adding for harder bar, HTH
  4. I see on the soap qualities the averages for a good bar from hardness to creamy lather, but what if you exceed the range, I just wondered if you made it higher, would it be bad? I could see not exceeding the hardness, but what bout the cleansing, and both the lathers, would it not make for a good bar? Just thinking cause my recipe had higher numbers than the range
  5. ohh TY I was wondering the same thing, thanks bunches
  6. yep lucky me, I started one right after that batch, LOL. I have all the recipe I want to try in there and I keep the date and recipe with the soap but for some reason I moved this soap to make room for another batch and lost this one, guess I wont do that again as I am getting shelves put up this weekend for drying my soaps and I'll tape the recipe below the batch from now on.
  7. Has this ever happened to anyone but absent minded me, I tried a soap that was 2 weeks old and absolutely loved it, hoping it stays that way, so anyway, I go looking for the recipe, which i normally keep with the curing batches under the soaps, but for some reason this time, I decieded not to I guess, so a hunting I go, well I cant find it, and this bites cause it is a good hard bar with awesome lather! Guess now I have to choose another one for my favorite, I cant believe I lost it somewhere in this small house. Just wondering if any one else had soap recipe ghosts too, LOL
  8. it is almost 4 weeks old and the FO is completely gone, it was cucumber melon, it was a light scent to begin with butlike I said I added 2 oz of it to the mix, will try to up it once if not wont use the scent again, I have some from peaks now, not the other supplier so will try it in the mix, thanks for the help, but one question never got answered is their such a thing as too much FO? thanks for all your help
  9. Okay just tried to get fiance to test out one of my first soaps and he wont touch it because it has no scent, but when I made the 2 lb batch I added 2 oz of FO, it was cucumber melon, can I up it on the FO and if so how much? Is there too much like in candles where it will just seep out? It was a good hard bar just no smell anymore
  10. I buy from alabaster because they are close enuf for me to drive to and their products are great (IMO), I just got some of their lye and it seems to work the same as the type I got at lowes, HTH, but I got the lye from a fellow who lives a county over and he got it from Alabaster he liked it but stopped selling so I got all his supplies, and did made a batch with it 2 days ago, so far it seems fine
  11. where did you or where do you get a 40% off michaels coupon?
  12. wow it is detailed but thank you so much gonna try find the alchohol and try makin me sum, thanks bunches
  13. those are just too cute! get a medium size plastic fish one thats not so easy to swallow or put a not for kids under such and such a age on them, they are just sooooo cute
  14. Is it possible to make MP base at home instead of buying it? Have been trying to hunt down how to make it with no luck
  15. you did not add any FO, wonder why it smells, does it smell chemically or sour or what, I hope it turns out for you too, maybe one of the pro soapers will have better answers for ya, good luck and let me know it if changes scent
  16. My goat milk, oatmeal and honey stunk bad for a few days but now it smells great, they say the milk curtling makes it smell and I thought I would have to throw it out it smelled so bad but now it has a sweet smell to it, you may try letting it cure for a week and then it may smell better, but I am new to soap making, that was just my experience with my batch
  17. okay now I have ginxed myself, my color (mica) is seeping out of my soap batch I made yesterday guess I used too much, they are so pretty is there a way to fix this?
  18. the mica got on my hands when I mixed it with the FO, I spilled half of it on me and it stayed,LOL, but it washed off today
  19. I just had my first to and wanted to know how to wrap them, they are 3 weeks old and I have tested them both and had 2 other people test them for me too, I was not planning on selling now just wanted to store them, and since i started I have made maybe 7 batches, I just made 2 today and 1 yesterday and my space I use to cure them is full and my first are cured now and I wanted to store them in a box but wondered about shrink wrapping them, as with candles I test all my products too, and I mark every detail on the printed lye calc sheet where I printed the recipe, and I tape it to the shelf above the soap with the date made. Just curious bout the mica, they cant be wrapped for weeks, I just made the batch and will test it of course it was just a thought when I seen dye spots on my hands
  20. 1) I just made a batch of cp with mica and I made swirls, now my question is, when I use this product since I made orange swirls wont it stain my wash cloth? The mica stained my skin so I just became conserned bout it staining my wash clothes or making my skin orange too. 2) I have 2 batches that can be packaged now but I wanted to shrink wrap them, and got to thinking AGAIN, LOL, that wont it mess with the soap not being able to breath? Just wanted the pros and cons of shrink wrapping. Boy, I really need to stop thinking of everything that could go wrong.
  21. thanks I knew I saw a list just could not remember, can anything be added to the soap to make it more cleansing, additive wise? like lauric acid
  22. its water dispersable, so maybe I can just take a little of the water b4 adding the lye and mix then add at trace??? Gonna give it a try after dinner
  23. Is coconut oil the only oil for cleansing quality?? I wanted to try a good recipe to make a cleansing bar but cant find a combo without it to be cleansing any suggestions? Thanks
  24. okay today got my titanium dioxide in but needed to make sure on the % per lb. I am going to test it on a 2 lb batch of goat milk and honey, should i add 2 tspn ? I think someone said to add 1 per lb, just wanted to check b4 adding it this evening, and will take some picks to post of my results, ooohhhh and when do I add it?
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