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Sharon in KY

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Everything posted by Sharon in KY

  1. Nevered ordered from Peak but plan on ordering the Egg Nog and Sweat Pea. So what else can I not live without? TIA
  2. Call Wick-it and ask for a sample pkg of their new Premier 700 series. I think they are very "stiff" and am testing now in soy. I use the square mason jar and the 755 was just a little to small, the 765 may be a little too hot. Going to try the 760, it should be perfect. We'll see, using the cd 14 now and it is not stiff like this one. 18663942548
  3. Since most you see for sale are glass I would assume that is what she uses. The shorter wider candles work best. The ball wide mouth 8 oz are great for this, the bottom of the jar should be about the same as the warmer. Now if she has the candle warmer from Lanz??? then they are huge and are only for 28 oz or larger candles. See what kind she has and if it is the flat warmer type like they sell a Michaels then the smaller jar is fine. You can also place a cup or bowl on them and melt tarts. They work great but just don't last as long as a large candle but are cheaper and scents can be changed often. HTH
  4. Was reading Lavender and Pumpkin Pie Spice smells great, I was making both so thought WTH and it smells so good. Has a clean scent that I can't describe.
  5. I got a bar from a soaper one time that was made with WSP's Pumpkin. I sold the bottle to her cause it wasn't spicy enough for me in candles. This soap was so good smelled wonderful. Wish I had kept it but never thought of using it for soap. Now I want to buy some just for me. Yummy And could you send me the pumpkin fudge recipe too? TIA
  6. GE 1 or 11 is good, 1 is cheaper and harder to find. I use the clear and love it, I buy the kind you use with a calking gun and it last for a very long time. The only way my wicks pull out now is if they are not crimped good. The wick will not slide on you anymore. I wick about a hundred at a time just so they are ready when I need them. I use the wick stickems when I'm testing wicks and the silicone when I have the right one. Good luck.
  7. A little more testing and I may want to split some. Give me a few more days. The 755 is still a little small. Going up to a 765 and see how it does. Thanks
  8. Salt did not work for me and the corn cobs just didn't last very long. I want to try the Vermiculite, where would I get about a lb for testing? Thanks
  9. Just got a sample pack and tried the 740 in a square mason with soy 435 and it was way too small. The wick looked like it was going to go out but kept burning with about a 2 inch wide melt pool. Not big enough for the jelly jar I wonldn't think. Tring the 755 next so I'll keep you posted. Really like the looks of these wicks so hope they work.
  10. Tenn has a great Pumpkin Pie, very spicy, really good Love Spell, love their Carmel Corn, it's the best and Christmas Splendor, Cinnamon Bun and Butterscotch are all good smelling and all throw well in soy.
  11. Their Georgia Peach is wonderful and throws very well at 1.5 pp in soy. Also the Apples and Berry is great and throws great at 1.2pp. You may be able to use less, I just always go strong on scents.
  12. My daughter works for 911 and I thought I would take a candle out there for the cops to judge. They should be experts, but she said I better not.. She has no scents of humor.
  13. Love that scent, maybe it's under another name. Needs to throw in soy.TIA
  14. Lilacs in Bloom, I can't get this scent to throw in soy. Love it OOB and cold throw but no throw. How long do you let it cure?
  15. I love Scents for Soy's , not a strong throw but smells so good.
  16. The stuff I have seen in the store bought ones has some kind of silvery tan foam type, I thinking it is a floriest thing. Like what they mix with soil. Not the ones that absorbe water but something that has no weight hardly at all. Help me here I know what I'm talking about but does anyone else?????
  17. What difference does the wick coating make besides keeping the candle straight when pouring. I know a high melt point coating helps keep the wick from going limp when pouring hot. Is their any other tid bits I should keep in mind? TIA
  18. I melt about 8lbs at a time, and laddle it into a pitcher to mix color and FO. Also have one with a spigot that I have on a shelf and put the pitcher under the spigot to fill. I do not pour from the Presto Pot so don't feel 8 lbs is a problem.
  19. I love making tarts out of container soy. They have a whitish powder look and smell wonderful. They are hard to remove from the molds but a little time in the freezer and they pop right out.
  20. I just got some plain 415 to test and after first burn it has a cauliflower look. So going to try again to day to see if it does it again. This wax doesn't have a batch date but is from Aug/Sept. Getting ready to order wax for the holidays so need to deside if I want 415 or 435.
  21. I think most people use 2oz per lb. Try adding the bees wax to 402 without color or scent and pour into your molds. You should be able to tell how much will work best, then just remelt and add scent and color. So you don't waste any wax. Good luck.
  22. For some reason the bulbs lose their heat after awhile. I have just put new bulbs in and the tarts melt fine. Also with the light bulb type it is a little harder to melt votive/pillar wax than container. So check to see if the warmer will take a larger size bulb. Most mine will use a 25w or 40w.
  23. I have so many tops that I would never be able to use them all. Send me your address and I'll send you some for when you don't get them with your scents. Believe me I have plenty to spare. I'll PM you and send my email address. HTH
  24. Heather, you can use that wax but you need to add a pillar soy or bees wax to harden it & get it out of a mold. But if you want to stick with that wax pour into the cup cake papers. That way you don't have to remove the paper until it is ready to b melted. This is a low melt point wax and is not the best for tarts.
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