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Sharon in KY

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Everything posted by Sharon in KY

  1. Maybe soy is just too much work for the big guys. I also think soy needs to be explained and our smaller shops do that. And of course we candle makers tell everyone that will listen.
  2. Confort Blend?? Maybe what I had wasn't confort blend. The stuff I had looked like vaseline, came in a tub and was so messy to work with. Looked beautiful, creamy and soft but had a lot of soot. Thought it would be great in wickless candles but it was just too hard to clean up. But then again I'm use to soy, soap and water, you know, easy. I was talking about GF 402, all soy shortening, although they have added a completely new wax division so it might be called wax. I use GF 435 now but still have some pure soy. The NARS candles must not be soy or veggie or I'm sure they would say. Have you seen the ones that are 100% soy, 8 oz. poured in a Stainless Steel gravy bowl? Light for 5 minutes or so, put out and then pour on skin to use for a message. 3 Lightly scented & 1 no scent. $29.95 each . I'm on a hunt for gravy bowls now... OMG can you imagine only three scents?
  3. I have several pink tops if you want I can send you some. Also use zip locks, one for the bottom. Put it on with the zip in back and pull plastic tight over where you read it and use clear packing tape to hold. Then I use another on the top part, zip to the side I have my wax on, so when dripping all over it goes mostly on the bag. Cut slits on bottom of top for legs that go in scale.
  4. I'll have to remember that cause I haven't tried any of their FO's. They have the best liquid color and glitter. Just got some CB from RA if you want me to send a sniffy.
  5. Sweetcakes Green Tea is not the same as B&L. If you order from RA you might try a sample. I haven't tried anyone else cause I liked B&L so much. But I did get a sample of SC's in a swap.
  6. Their Georgia Peach and Apples & Berries are great and are strong throwers in Soy. Just made some Black Cherry tarts but haven't tried yet but OOB it smells wonderful. Very nice company to work with.
  7. A ladle is fine. I like using a cheap metal pan, 1 quart cause it gets more wax out and it will not fall in pot all the way. I use to use a metal measuring cup but would drop and in the wax it would go. Keep a thermometer in the wax at all times so as to no get too hot. I prefer the ones I have without the spigot cause it need to be higher to fill a pot. Use a separate pot for coloring and scenting. That way you can just keep melting that wax. HTH and good luck.
  8. Confort Blend is a sticky paraffin, very creamy looking but oh what a mess to clean up. Don't think you could even rub on your fingers, to gooey. It says no paraffin but doesn't say veggie either. And the soy I use is a veggie shortening not a wax. Ha Ha I'm sitting on a fortune, all I have to do is raise my prices $60. a jar. What was I thinking?????
  9. Maybe it's Crisco... Just looked them up and a set of three votives, burning for 18 hrs each is $80. I can't even think of a natural wax that is that soft. Eco 120 was soft but not that soft. Is it like Confort Blend in feel?
  10. You still have to pour soy cool if you add color. Try at 110* if it's not slushy. I never checked temp. and find it's hard to keep watching the darn stuff to pour at just the right time to get perfect colored candles. Just when it turns like buttermilk but not cottage cheese. Never heat the jar but I guess it doesn't hurt. I bet those jars a pretty.
  11. I don't understand how anyone can ship something with out an invoice. But I get them all the time, nothing in or outside the box. What if the address label got ripped off some how? Another thing I would like to see, along with the name is what is it for? and how do I use it? I have some soaping stuff that I can not remember what the heck I got it for. I know this is my fault but I put instructions on everything I make/sell.
  12. Thank you for the toilet paper idea, I'm off to see if it will be "the quicker picker upper"...
  13. I love mine and use with silicone too. I find if I use too small a dot of silicone it will not pull off the magnet. Use a bigger dab and it will work perfect every time. Also the jewerly crimp tool works great cause it is made to push in and fold over but with a tall tab you may have to work it up the stem. I had a batch of wicks that would not hold, kept pulling out. I called the company and they replaced them. New ones were much better. If you have electric wire crimpers they will work too. HTH
  14. Have no ideal if it works in candles but have a lb on the way. Guppygirl, made me some body scrub with this scent and I love it. I want it for every thing. If it works in wax that's just a plus cause this bottle is gonna be all mine.
  15. on The Beach. I have from At Wicks End, Steve's, WSP, Royal, BCN and they are all kinda the same. Bla.. to me. Just got one from Scent Works and it is really different. Has anyone else smelled it or used it in soy? Just wondering how people would accept it since I have already sold this name with a completely different smell.
  16. What the heck type wick are you using that you don't get a mushroom? Sounds good to me...
  17. I hate testing too.. Seems like it just cost me more money and I keep going back to what I've always used. The sounds of this FO, wax, wick, color works so much better, always draws me in. I got to get back at testing the 700 series wicks. I only have a few hundred wicks left so it's either get busy testing or order more of same. Use the 8oz. square mason and tried the one sugested but was too small, now to find my notes to see where to go from here.
  18. When you use the Frostop do you still pour cool? Or does this work when pouring hot, around 150*? I have the Pryme colors but I want to know if Frostop works with any other color? I try to pour cool enough to get no frost but it is a fine line between perfect and yuck....
  19. Those figs are even frosted, how perfect. You could pour soy hot for a change and hope for frost.....
  20. Alright, have I missed a post or something???? What is Green Leaf Perfect Blend?
  21. Would glue dots work to hold stuff down? The candle ones are kinda big. I think I read you should paint something on real fruit before using, same with nuts, they need to be coated first. I had a really nice info paper but not sure where it is. If I find it I'll post what it said to use. I have always wanted to make molds but just haven't tried it yet. I do remember silicone sticks to silcone so don't use calking to glue anything down.
  22. I did a search and can't find it. Have you had it long? And where can I get one???
  23. Much too clean.... How can you work in a place like that? I too want to know all about the melter, looks like no teflon, that means no little black bits. Yea. I usually don't ship of Fridays so I have time to run to the store. Just in case, TIA!
  24. http://www.rusticescentuals.com/ has some very nice candle glitter. Plus they have a whole bunch of colors. They also have embeds. If you get glitter from them try some of the squirt bottles on the bottom of the glitter page, they are great to put the glitter in and spray it on your stuff. I prefer them to the shakers but they also have the shakers if you want them. Good company to do business with. And if your looking for liquid colors, their's are the best, very concentrated and true.
  25. If you order from At Wick's End get a sample of their's. It is really good, throws great hot and cold in soy.... Best I have smelled.
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