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Everything posted by Livelovebath

  1. yeah there was palm in my batch... so thats what happened eh... is it still usable... it is still in the mold obviously so I guess I will see when it is cut... what can I do to stop this from happening?
  2. Hi all... I was making some soap today... going along as I have for all my other batches (lol all two of them) and this time the soap went lumpy... this happened before I had added my FO. Anyone else ever had this happen? Does anyone know what could have caused this? Is the batch ruined? Ah not my day!
  3. VERY TRUE! thanks for adding that
  4. those are really great hun! not gooffy at all... 'kids' of all ages will love them!!
  5. I am a newbie too but one thing that I have quickly found is that throw away cups for lye and lye water are great!! you dont have to worry about who touches after your done... just toss them out in a bag!
  6. I love the round ones.. they look great!! too bad they were hard to get out... but I think it was worth it;) the other ones are great too... look just like blue sky with big fluffy clouds ...great work
  7. looks great! and my cousin would think it was 'roxy' soap ... good job
  8. looking good... you always have such great soap!
  9. ditto that! I have found that all soaps... m&P, my new cp, and other cp I have recieved has behaved differently at my house and other houses I have tried it at... My guess would be the differences in the water... cause it was the same bar tested at three different spots...
  10. those are so great!! good job!! I love the layers and LOVE coconut lol... got me thinking of making me some icecream bars lol... for my third soaping attempt lol sure they wont turn out great like yours though...
  11. you are getting them wholesale right... so wouldnt you just mark up your product as you would anything else... It has been my experience that if you buy something wholesale you charge double what you paid for it... Not that that really answers your question but thats what I thought when I read this
  12. thanks for shareing... I wouldnot of thought of bottles... I would have thought that the head would kill them or at least warp them..
  13. looking good... what did you use for the round soap... if you dont mind me asking
  14. your soap looks great!! what is your next batch? JMC is somthing that I want to try desperatly... soap,,, candle.... melt... FO anything!!!
  15. LOL yep and it is in the gallery too... the raspberry guava one... I have batch 3 4 and 5 planned too but gotta wait for the supplies....
  16. NO KIDDING lol... now I am out and I have to wait till I can get more lol... shoot!!! no palm or coconut!!! I am going into withdrawl!!
  17. it is wonderful Tasha!! wow... love the colours the swirls everything... you KNOW I gotta get a bar of that!! as for a name... hummm now you got me thinking...
  18. its funny how the DH gets draged into this soaping habbit eh... I have yet to get my hubby to try ANY thing I make... let along want his own bar... lol congrats! and they look good to!
  19. very nice soap! I love the layers and the swirls! ah to be a pro like you!!
  20. I add ribbon to the edges... with doubble sided tape... smooths it out... the ribbon should be taken off the pic after the soap is gone cause it doesnt look the greatest then...
  21. looks good hun! Last Oct. I helped my Uncle and Aunt get ready to open their antique shop... it needed a lot of work and we lived there...we actually tore out the drop ceiling to reviel the original tin ceiling...why they covered it up I will never know... good luck with your shop... I am sure you will have a blast with it.
  22. Thanks for the comments... And no i dont have a smaller plant... well not that is soo green lol... I dont have good luck with gardening...
  23. I have made these... they are very fun.. .and when the soap is all done its neat to have the pic laminated for on the fridge or in a wallet... You can get lamination envolopes at craft store or dollarstores that work with just your iron... these are a great favor idea
  24. Well here is the second batch of cp... raspberry guava... not the look I was going for but its ok... sorry for coping the pic style but these garden pics on here are soo pretty.
  25. thanks for your concern but I am not useing Mortons, and as I said above the supplier I spoke with said they were safe. besides the label on the bag clearly say what the rocks are... if someone who I gave these to didnt want them in their tub they are very easy to get out...
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