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Everything posted by Livelovebath

  1. lol you are too funny, we are going to have soap coming out our ears the two of us lol It is coloured with a bit of cinnamon.
  2. anyone going to make an order and can add some of the warm orange gingerbread for me to it PM me...lol... I need an enabler lol...
  3. Ok I know this soap is VERY plain looking... but for fall I really want some clean natural bars... this is the first of 3 I have planned... and then one 'fun' bar too... It is scented with BC Apple Spice... but I am calling it Apple Cider. Smells devine... my house smells like fall!! Thanks for looking! PS A big thank you to Mimistarts for the great scent...once again you were right I LOVE it.
  4. looking good... I wouldnt worry too much about the colour (although I understand compleately cause I aways do) ... it will turn out wonderful... just you wait!!
  5. ooohh cant wait to see this cut... I love JMC... I so need to get me some of that to soap.. I have only had it in candles.
  6. i love them all... the umbrella is a cute touch... and the last one is sooo nice... I love the bucket!!!
  7. totally agree... m&p takes soooo much longer and is in a lot of ways more 'fussy'.... I am so hooked on cp... i have a 25 lb block of m&p i got almost 3 months ago that I havent even touched lol...
  8. This bar turned out great... there is a slight plan 'swirl'... I didnt want a lot...just a tad bit of white... so I got what I was going for... there is baby oatmeal in the soap and a bit of whole oats on top to add some appeal. It is sented black coconut... right now it is VERY light... I hope it comes out a bit more... I wanted it to be a light soap but a little stronger then nothing would be nice lol The 'soap deck' is a wooden coaster
  9. WOW those are some great looking candles!!! I LOVE them... and this FO sounds just incredible!!! I may need to get me some of both!!! Outlandish ~ do you have a website?
  10. Passionate Kisses!! Man I love that one...and NGs is the best!!
  11. Thanks for sharing hun! I too got confermation that it was ok to use the brand that I am using...
  12. another thing I have been using is a silicone bread pan... i have a box made out of wood for it...to hold it up and then i just 'line' it with the pan... easy... soap pops right out... just a thought
  13. OMG thank you ... I have no idea either!! Now I feel better! Just googled it...and I think you use it with the wool on from what I can see..
  14. thanks for all the nice comments.. I am pretty happy with this set of soap... and it will soon grow lol... The blue colour was made with a bright blue oxide.. I am not sure where it is from... and right now its MIA... probably with my crinkle cutter some where... I AM SOOO MAD!! lol
  15. a heavy garbage bag will work... you will still have to trim the sides up a bit... frezzer paper really is the best that I have tried so far... but my first 4 batches were made with garbage bag liners...
  16. Well here is one of each of the soaps I have made in the last few weeks... Man this is addicting... I have about 5 more batches ready to go in my head lol... From top to bottom Left to right: A seriously messed up batch of my blend of Cucumber Papaya (stupid sb was stuck on turbo and i didnt know) -4 batch ever Raspberry Guava - second batch Lavender Vanilla - 5th batch... I am sure that this one will discolour due to the vanilla... but it was just made yesterday with lavender buds on top Kaluha Cafe O'Late- 6th batch... this one has cocoa powder on top "Snuffy Buster" - My versoin of a vicks type soap for colds and allergies 3rd batch Chocolate Marble Fudge: My almost fully cured first batch... discoloured to a nice brown but I love it!! Thanks for looking
  17. lol its funny what gets them interested in soaping... lol i to mentioned that I wanted to try pvc as a mold... Jeremy was all but in the car to go to home depot when those words came out of my mouth lol.... we didnt make it there though... between Nicholas and me being super sick last we we didnt get anywhere...
  18. oh i bought some of this a LONG time ago... its sort of like shaving gel right... I didnt think they made it any more... but maybe they brought it back I have know idea if this could be made at home... I imagine like you said it has a lot to do with the bottle... Hummm trip to the US in my future I think... this is really the only product I would buy now...
  19. ok whats all this talk about fishermans soap? what is it? what makes it fishermans soap? you used all coconut oil.. thats it!! humm I have to Know more
  20. watermellon... everything here thats for kids is watermellon!!
  21. those are super!! great work!!! I am sure they will be adored by those who recieve them!!
  22. I think that this soap is great! not boring! just looks super natural which I am sure will be one of its selling points!!
  23. looks good hun! this is a MUST smell one... spice Mandarin... that name alone draws me in...
  24. Tasha I love it!!! where was that soap last week lol could have helped the spots I bet lol... Great work... you continue to out do yourself!!
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