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Everything posted by pocha

  1. I've never had a problem with CD's smoking...I use 464 and 9%fo. Lili
  2. I had noticed this problem when I was only curing my testers for 48-72 hours. now 1 cure 1-2 weeks and I've notice that this does not happen as much. I get a really good burn from CD wicks btw. Good luck! Lili
  3. Here, here!!! I am in California too and we definitely need a supplier out our way! I use the GB 464.
  4. I am using cd wicks after having tried various other types (Eco, RRD, HTP, etc., but no papercore) but am getting ready to try the 700 series. I may try the paper core as wll later on. I have been getting better scent throw after letting the wax cure longer...1-2 weeks appears to be working.
  5. I am a soy newby and I noticed the same thing. I had been testing my scents after 48-72 hours and thought the throw was weak. Then I burned one that had cured a couple weeks and it was MUCH stronger. I must admit I was "sceptical" about the whole soy "curing" thing (I was used to making parrafin candles) but I was wrong!! Lili
  6. Just as an FYI: if you have one of those "Seal a Meal" type vacuum food sealers at home you can also use those to seal shrink wrap (at least smaller bags, etc). I tried it myself and it worked like a charm! Just be sure to put it on the "seal only" setting and not "vacuum & seal". Lili
  7. They have priority shipping on small orders but you have to SPECIFY IT IN WRITING in the "comments" section when ordering from their website OR they will automatically default to UPS shipping. i recently got reamed for shipping on about 1.5 lb worth of product because I foolishly assumed they would automatically ship the least expensive way possible. WRONG!!!:embarasse
  8. I've only purchased 1 50lb case at a time of the GW464 and they gave me a great price (actually, the best of everyone who sells this wax)!!! No bulk purchase necessary. Great service and fast shipping!!!
  9. I get mine at Gateway (1-877-220-1963). No website (that I know of) but they are very nice and even shipping was decent! I called around and they had it the cheapest. Lili
  10. Great info....I have a Harbor Freight close by so I will check out the infrared thermometers!!!
  11. I am a "newby" to soy and the 1st (I only) wax i tried was the 464...I really like the smooth tops and it was easy to wick (you can wick down). I get a little frosting, usually a few days after pouring, especially if there have been variations in temp...but no one but me seems to mind it! I initially had issues with the scent throw but i think longer curing has solved them...(at least 5-7 days curing is necessary, IMO). Overall, from what I have read...in comparsion to other soys, it seems like it is relatively easy to work with and gives good results. AND it is inexpensive ($34/case) which makes it possible to ship (I live in CA). HTH Lili
  12. While we're on the subject, anyone have suggestions for a good "quick/instant read" thermometer? What kinds of thermometers are most of you using...? I'm using the cheapo (analog) Yaley candle/craft thermometer which has the paper inside the glass and which seems to take forever to get an accurate reading. I've been meaning to get a "good" one but don't know where to start. Lili
  13. I "second" Chestnuts & Brown Sugar...smelled delicious and threw well in 464.
  14. I'm a newby but here are a few of the "citrus" scents I've tried that did not give me ANY fuel smell at all (I use soy): ICS- Raspberry Lemonade Candlemaker's Store- Grapefruit Ginger BCN- Verbena Berry BCN- Lime Leaf & Lily Hope that helps!!! Lili
  15. I have to vote for Specialty...since I am in CA the tins come out cheaper than SKS for me due to shipping. I get the tins with the clear tops and they are packaged beautifully: individually wrapped in tissue and their service is excellent...I ordered late thursday night (online) and had my tins yesterday (wed.). I have been very pleased with their service. Tins (in general) are pricey, though! But people seem to love 'em and you don't have to worry about wet spots!!
  16. Thanks for the response...I think I will start testing using 25% 464 since i don't think I will be doing votives any time soon.
  17. You may want to take a look at this thread: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14275&highlight=tins I use Golden 464 which allows you to wick down from say the 415 (accdng to what I've read here) and I use CD 10's almost exclusively in the 8oz tins. I also tried Eco 10, RRD40, LX 18 and HTP104/105 with decent results. Remember, you would proabably wick UP from my results. Good luck! Lili
  18. What percentage of the 464/474 did you use for yout testing. I'm thinking of trying to make tarts myself and i already have the 464 and some sample 474 at home and would love to give it a try...Thanks! Lili
  19. I have an order of samples waiting for me at home as we speak...and many of them are on your list. I use the GW 464 wax which is very particular about hot scent throw. This is my forst order from JS and I am hoping for the best!
  20. I too have noticed the "vanishing scent throw" after the 1st few burns with this wax. I also though it was "just me." I did recently test a scent that managed to burn strongly the whole way down (Steve's Grapefruit Ginger...super strong and delicious and $8/lb!!) but it seems like my other scents (from BCS and ICS) did not do as well. I hope we can get to the bottom of this because I bought 50lbs!!
  21. I get my EVO liquid dyes off an eBay seller called "Bayou Candle Company". They provide the dropper bottles and everything for a good price. I also bought them somewhere else but I can't remember off hand (if you do a search of the threads...you'll proabably find the other supplier). Regarding the GW 464...there is also a great "testing" thread if you do a search. I think most people are adding scent at about 170 and pouring at about 150 or slightly higher (that's what I do, anyway!). HTH! Lili
  22. I am a newbie & I have never tried the Ecosoya but I do use the 464 and I almost never get any frosting if I pour at the right temp and since I started using the EVO liquid dyes. Just my $.02. Good luck!!! Lili
  23. Do use those scents in B&B or candles? Soy or parrafin? I'm dying to try some of Tradewind's scents but need to know if the throw in soy candles. Thanks!! Lili
  24. I have been using CD 10's for the 8oz tins...but I use gw 464...a 100% soy which, from what I read, needs to be wicked DOWN a little when compared to regular 100% soy. Good luck!!:rolleyes2
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