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Everything posted by stacien

  1. Some suppliers try to rename but I haven't seen anyone really pushing 402 anymore. They have been using 415 instead. Try Jason at Golden Brands maybe he can hook you up as to what supplier carries it.
  2. Do you realize how much eaiser that would make our work? We wouldn't have to package them just wick, pour and pop a label on them.
  3. I use Peak's it throws awesome in Soy. Hot and cold.
  4. Though the Sweet Tart name doesn't infringe on the Sweetart candy because of the spelling. Yank** does hold registered trademark rights for the word Tart. Whether or not they will challenge use of the name is unknown because if you look up the words candle tarts or sweet tart there is a dozen websites using that word. There is also several candlemakers on this board alone that use that word in their websites. So Why the hell not use it. You are just starting out unless you are posing a threat to their business they won't care.
  5. I was looking for a very special FO that reminded me of my honeymoon because I use to wear it until Victoria's Secret discontinued it. Well I came across this website called The Fragrance Witch. I noticed she carried it. It was called Tranquil Breezes. It has a Canteloupe, Cucumber smell. So I bought some and in addition I bought sample of: Lemon Buttercream Strawberry Banana Vanilla Whipped Cream Needless to say I ordered them on the 7/16 they just arrived today in my mail box. In 95 degree weather so all of the bottles leaked all over eachother. Then one bottle was dirty on the inside. None of the sample bottles were the same. It was very unprofessional looking. The topper is the Tranquil Breezes scent doesn't smell anything like it at all. Oob the strawbery banana is weak. The lemon buttercream smells like all lemon and the Vanilla whipped cream does not smell like whipped cream. Beanpod makes a killer whipped cream candle and this scent smells nothing like it. I am going to try them but as far as service goes. I have been turned off big time. There is no refunds unless they screw up the order nothing more is what it states on the receipt.
  6. The Whipped Cream scent is great hot or cold.
  7. I would follow Geeks approach. I do the same and if I get a bad top I just use the heat gun. I did notice the heat gun works best if I let the wax settle over 8 hours to a complete solid wax. Then they are perfectly smooth tops. No problems with scent throws yet and I have had great success with CD's. Geek, the CD's work great with 464 in Melting pot jars.
  8. If I were you before setting sight on one particular wax buy some sample packs of different brands. Not all soys are the same. If you notice a lot people who buy the case of wax and then end up not liking it and are stuck with it unless someone buys it off of them or they stick it out and use it. Or ask for the starter kits from various suppliers you can test the wax and receive some supplies such as the melting pot at the same time. As for the crayola crayons. I don't think you read that on this board. Maybe for B&B but not vege wax. Crayon wax clogs the wick and causes more smoke in your candle. It definetly isn't cheaper by any means. You can buy each color for about $3.00 a color and get several candles out of that plus be able to blend you own colors. Wicks have sample packs too so if you are confused about wicking order some samples of various wicks and test out the ones you like best. Just make sure they are suited for vegetable wax. Don't bother priming yourself you have to attach the clips then and that is extra work. Unfortunately everyone has different experiences with wicks so they can't guide you as to what wick works for what container because it is all based on your waxes and you environment. Safety. Don't be nervous just be careful. Keep you wax under 200 degrees and you won't have to worry about fires. For basic soy the melting point is usually 125 degrees anyway. Just don't walk away and leave it unattened. The key is to just be patient and start out slowly. Make a few candles then work your way up. You will find nobody starts a business with soy candles overnight. There is too much testing to do. But most of all enjoy it.
  9. I am looking for a strong fresh strawberry scent. I have been using up the rest of my Nature's Garden which I am not fond of. It smells too candy like. I want that Fresh Strawberry smell. Does anyone recommend a supplier in particular. I have a sample of peaks but it wasn't enough to make a larger candle to throw well in my house.
  10. I have an infrared thermometer that my husband purchased at an Arbor Freight tool store for $20.00. He owns a HVAC company and he uses them to check the temp. They are acurate I have checked them in conjuction with a mercury which is the most accurate thermometer. The reason I know this is because I was a nurse and till this day docs and nurses are taught with all of this technology that good ole mercury is still the most accurate. Anyway I love the infrared because I am not waiting for the mercury to rise up. I just point and get a reading. Its the absolute best when I do palm wax pillars.
  11. The term Festival of Lights stands for Chanukkah. My husband is Jewish and everything his family does is celebrated in Blue and White. I was actually going to make them all that scent this year.
  12. Did you try Millcreek? Glorybee Foods might have it too!
  13. Those are psycadelic colors. My mother was a hippie in the 70's and she would always buy candles in the those colors. Wiccans would love those too! I bet those would be popular around Halloween
  14. I have that same problem with tealights. I notice it becomes worse in colder areas I store them. It looks almost dried out. I have however been storing my melts in the little zip close bags made for chocolate and they have maintained great. I don't use the clamshell molds because I have a LOAD of chocolate molds because my mother in law use to own a chocolate business.
  15. A lot of people on this site use Golden. I use the 415 and 464. I like them both.
  16. Apparently he has drink products using that name. I personally cannot stand celebrities who pay that extra amount of money to their lawyers to step on the little guys who just want to borrow a simple thing like a name. I would be a pain in the butt and name all my tropical products as close to his songs as possible then. That jerk should be flattered a candle was made after his song. Maybe even buy one to look like a good guy. If it wasn't for Alcohol and Fraternities his career would have been over a long time ago.
  17. What size square mason? Usually anything bigger than 3 inches is best off double wicked for soy. I do know some square based jars are a pain also. How is your melt pool is it at least a little over or half way? If you notice the pool getting lower but the wax on the sides is rising above it then your wick is too small. I would then try out a 10. Most likely the next time you burn it, it will tunnel or burn itself out. I love 464 but sometimes I have to wick up than that of 415 on my smaller jars.
  18. I think with tarts container wax isn't too bad. But with melts I noticed they melt in your hand to fast and are oilier to handle. I asked Jason at GB if he recommended any certain blend of the waxes and he said 416 was great for tarts.
  19. Can anyone tell me where I can find the cheapest candle tins? I know a lot of people use Specialty but is that the only place?
  20. Maryann, BCN's Strawberry and Champagne throw pretty well in soy.
  21. Cotton candy is nice from there but just not strong as I'd like. Christmas Splendor Baby Powder (my husband is in love with that one) Buttercream Home sweet home Victorian Rose Romance Ocean Endless Love Moonlight Path Mardi Gra Tickle Me Pink I shop around but these are what I like from there so far. I still have more samples to try. I also use these in 415 and 464 soy.
  22. That should be no problem at all. Yes you do have to use a thermometer and keep it under the dialed temp because it will heat up fast. Just to give you an idea I use a turkey deep fryer with the spiggot on it that is as direct as you can get to heat. No problems or fires. You just cannot leave hot wax unattended with any warming method.
  23. Those look great! I know those jars bought a few myself at Wallyworld.
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