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Everything posted by sharyl55

  1. Depends on your costs including your time and what your market is like. I sell mine for $1.99 ea. or 3 for $5.
  2. I use a gold elastic cord I get in the jewelry section of a hobby shop. It is time consuming to do multiple colors but I like how they look and I sell the dickens out of them. If you want to do Christmas trees with swags you'll have to use a light green for the tree or the swag won't show up. Just have fun with them.
  3. Smart kid, good Mom. They are never to young to learn.
  4. Hi Bud. I hope they do too. Expect questions on essential oils. Now they are on a discussion on whether EOs are safe for cats.
  5. OK, I bite. What in the world is a 'shrinky dink oven '? Sounds perfect for some candle operations. Don't know what it would be called in the States.
  6. I started with poly pro bags, folded the top over and stapled a bi-fold card I had made. Now I use poly pro zip lock bags and staple the bi-fold header card on. Since it can take several days for some FOs to be absorbed I do try to make these up in advance of shows, etc.
  7. It would help if you would give a little more info. What wax did you use? How much FO per lb of wax did you use? Did you get your FO from a reputable company or is it from a craft store? Did you use any additives and if so how much?
  8. Just a warning to those of you doing craft shows this fall. I have just posted a series of candle safety tips on the dozen cat boards I belong to. This is what I had to say about hand made candles: "If you buy a candle at a craft show, talk to the candle maker about how to safely burn the candle. Ask them how the candle was tested and how long they have been making candles. Unfortunately, some people start selling candles before fully testing them. .......All the reputable candle makers I know want you to safely enjoy their creations. They will be more than happy spending some time with you explaining how to safely burn their candles." So if someone at your next craft show asks you how you tested your candle ask them how their cat is doing.
  9. Thanks I just need enough for Eugenia's class. I don't know how much is needed to make a shoe box of soap. I did find the castor oil.
  10. e, would the GL coconut oil work for this soap? http://www.greenleafcandlesupply.com/butters.htm There is some for sale in the classifieds.
  11. Thanks for posting a picture of your light box. I tried making one out of poster board with little luck. Sorry your cat wanted to check it out. Maybe after one crash he'll leave it alone.
  12. You should be excited. Can't wait to read what she writes. Be sure to get copies to put out at shows, shops etc. Another celebrity in our CT family.
  13. Glad to hear that Georgia. I've been getting my blow outs between 5 and 6 hrs. This is fun. I just have zero confidence in wick selection. They are a mystery. Not really rustic but not smooth either. Can't wait for the rustic class.
  14. Those are some great looking pillars. Love the green one.
  15. Dee, you can spray them. I'd use a couple of good coats. I over-dip mine in wax after the water slide decal has dried. Felt they would last longer that way but who knows.
  16. If you want them perfectly flat on top just bake them another minute or two. Depending on the cookie cutter I'm using I like some flat and some with some texture.
  17. You folks are too kind. I needed Christina to come over and video what I did. I was running back and forth to the computer to look at Scented's instructions. Ended up with something not really wavy and not really rustic. Now to get to the hard part - wicking. I need a partner. I make and she wicks. LOL Ginger, I have 1 plug. I use it, a fishing wt. and a socket thingy for a socket wrench to hold down the tea light cup. I really like the plug cause I don't have to worry about centering. The socket thing works well also. Off to do see if these wicks work. The list of wicks that don't work is getting longer. I do OK for up to 3 hrs. But run into problems after 4 hrs. Does everyone wick pillars for marathon burns of 6 hrs? I figured that is what I should end up with. A pillar that works for up to a 6 hr burn for those customers that just don't read instructions. Starting to look like a lost cause.
  18. Love how these look. Hope you sell bunches.
  19. Trying Christina's molds for a palm everlasting. Usually do these in a 3" pillar. Wanted to test if a smaller diameter around the glass tea light cup also works. If this works I will do some in green for Christmas. Picture leaves a lot to be desired. Sorry about that.
  20. This is what happens when you wick your molds, melt, color and scent your wax and then find out the class is next Sunday. LOL Thought I'd try waves and use my notes for rustic. Goes to show that I need the class. Have no idea what you would call these. Will give me a chance to test wicks. Also trying another everlasting with a thicker glass tea light holder.
  21. Got them out of the molds. Not really waves, not really rustics. Not really sure what they are. LOL I'll level them and post pictures in the gallery. Maybe the experts can tell me what I made.
  22. Do Ocean! Do Ocean! Do Ocean! I love Peak's Ocean. Can you tell?
  23. Tina, once you pick yourself up off the floor laughing, this just goes to show how excited I am about your class. My wax is melted, my molds are wicked, I even made up some little cork mold tilter thingies out of wine corks. Even set the alarm clock so I would be there on time. LMAO Guess I'll go practice some waves.
  24. I've looked in classroom and here but can't find the tilted rustic class. HELP!!!!!!
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