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Everything posted by Crafty1_AJ

  1. Well I've had 4 batches that turned out kinda weird for me, and the only difference was lye water that had been sitting around for a long time. I usually use it up as soon as it cools. LOL These batches were soft and oily at first. They cured out just fine, however.
  2. BC has DRakkar, I believe. ANd I've got hot buttered rum fo for sale ... cleaning out my supply cabinet. Let me know if interested ... sent ya a PM w/ details.
  3. I lub strawberry. As long as it doesn't smell like a fakey children's candy. LOL
  4. Majestic Mountain Sage. They have a lye calculator for soapers on their site. Sorry for the confusion. Oops, posting at same time as the above reply. LOL
  5. Mine needs new soap pics but those are a comin'. Lotsa new stuff for spring in the works...I like to keep things fresh too!
  6. Yeah, I can't single wick a jar that size either. Too wide. I double wick. Only way I can get clean burn w/ no wax hangup on the sides of the jar.
  7. Last time I checked on the Fair Labeling Act (don't hit me if that's not the exact name -- my brain is getting dusty), yes, we should. I put the weight of the wax on the label, not counting jar, etc.
  8. Here's mine: http://www.ajscountrycottage.com Also in my siggy.
  9. Aren't lousy shows a disappointment? :embarasse But your work is fabulous! SO pretty!
  10. Yeah, I ran it thru MMS and agree w/ 9% superfat. A bit higher than I typically go, but not bad. The only thing I didn't check was your water amount. Are any of the oils smelling kinda "off" in the containers? (Any chance you used rancid oils in the soap? Or old fragrance?)
  11. I scent mine with a sweet honeyish scent.
  12. Let us know how it turns out! I've had softer soap at first when I've used lye water that had been sitting around for awhile. Just my experience; your mileage may vary!
  13. No, a temp of 93 F sounds reasonable. I'm puzzled. I've made hundreds of batches of soap, and no lye smell whatsoever, even on the unscented varieties. Interesting. My lye doesn't really have a scent. Are you sure it's lye? Or could it be something else? Are you soaping with lard? Or milk? Those things can give off an odor in the finished soap sometimes.
  14. I use a box similar to that one too! Do you use 2 labels, or is that one large "wraparound" type label?
  15. Well it's true that it takes time to make the chunks, but they SAVE time by eliminating repours. LOL So no, I don't charge more for them.
  16. If it's going to be sitting out in the hot sun or the heat, don't shrinkwrap. Otherwise, it should be fine.
  17. Just joined CT and didn't get a chance to know you, but I wish you the best on your surgery and recovery, and the next chapter of your life.
  18. They can be a pain to wick, it's true. Ask me how I know. LOL
  19. I adore Old Mill's Lemon Drop one. It's a nice vanilla-lemon blend, and I love both citrus and vanilla, so it's one of my all-time faves.
  20. Just make sure your chunks aren't too thin and wispy, or they'll melt from the overpour. I don't have to wick up on my chunk votives. I fill the mold with small chunks, tap the mold to compress, then fill a bit more. Then do the overpour. HTH I have a pic of how they turn out posted here in another votive thread. Edited to add the link for you. If you don't like how mine turn out, you can adjust to suit yourself. Scroll down to see my pic; it's the red & white votives. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17950&highlight=chunk+votives
  21. This batch of sandalwood moved slowly enough for me to get in three separate colors of swirls. I like when that happens. LOL I used Dragon Lily's red, orange and yellow. This batch is Gardenia Garden. I was going for a darker green but it set up on me faster than expected, so this is how it turned out. Remember, we just like to THINK we are in control of the soap. In reality, soap has a mind of its own. Anyway, I like how the texture of the top turned out. Unique for me.
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