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Posts posted by CandleRush

  1. Ahhh, hot processed soap! 🌸

    Made my fair share of this soap. Something that helped me was to find a recipe that was already successful, there are many on line I’m sure. Also, watching a tutorial, there are a few out there as well, because hot processed soap goes through several stages and it’s important know what they are. Once you learn the stages it’s all up hill most of the time! And of course run everything through soapcalc.

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  2. Trappeur, Initially I started with coconut wax from Northwoods, the candles got increasingly better with a long cure. I then began to blend 464 and Northwoods coconut was, 50/50 but still cure them longer if I can. I do not see a huge difference scent wise. Both are the same, wether blended or not. I’m just stunned how they improve 1 month out. I do use 7-9 % f.o. I prefer the blended wax, seems to solve any cratering or issues 464 has time to time. I also don’t want to be married to one wax cause what if? Maybe someone else can chime in.


    talltayl, yes, agreed, just embrace the wet spots, save your fretting for other stuff!!!🌸

  3. Great questions and posts!

    Artists struggle with the same dilemma, do I make what I like or do I make what consumers want?

    I loved Milos response. You can see he started out making a product, he was open enough to listen to his customers and make what they want. We all have ideas of how our business should be. I would say the process evolves as you go.It’s important to just begin and be open and flexible to add new products or remove them. Also, your craft fair customers and Etsy customers may vary in what you offer.🌸


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  4. I’m so happy with my coconut waxes, just goes to show you how we each have our own experiences and are so varied. I’ve never had any sooting, sink holes, bad pours or trouble with wicks. I do find they need longer cure times for sure. I’m burning coconut candles I made 4 months ago that are fantastic. I’ve used both lab co and Northwoods wax. Because of my impatience for an earlier hot throw, ive been blending with pro blend 600 which is almost 50% paraffin with great results, a way less curing time and no issues. I would consider trying the new blend but I’m so satisfied with my custom blends, maybe down the road. I am always interested in everyone else’s experiences.

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  5. I use Eden Botanicals palo santo essential oil. This oil in general is not cheap. Not sure if there is a fragrance oil version but I can tell you I use it in my wax and it it strong. It’s been a very popular essential oil lately which is why you see it in products. It’s popular in my yoga and meditation classes I teach. Called holy wood, cousin of the frankincense tree. Only the fallen trees are harvested, beautiful inscency smell. I’ve used it in body oil and perfume blended with other oils with success.🌸

  6. I’ve been experimenting with straight pro blend 600 which is soy/ paraffin, almost 50/50 and I poured it in the morning. Because of an immediate super strong cold throw I burned it later that evening. The hot throw was strong as well, sea salt and orchid from c.s. 

    My coconut and soy take 2 plus weeks, longer is better from my observations.🌸

  7. Jerry, coconut milk is fabulous in soap too! I found the best way for me is to add the milks/creams in my oils first, stick blend a bit then add lye and of course blend more. These soaps do take longer to set up, sometimes I leave them in my round molds 2-3 days but in 4-6 weeks they are cured perfectly.

    My first soap recipe was made with crisco! That’s all I had in the house at the time, we always have olive oil here. After I mixed it I poured it in a shoebox lined with parchment paper. Cutting it into bars was so rewarding! Hook, line and sinker at that point! Looking back it was one of  the best soaps. I saved a bar and years latter, still great.

    Sounds like your having fun!🌸

    • Like 2
  8. I’m grateful for your reply, as always insightful. And you are correct in saying each of us can choose or not to choose what we share, certainly no pressure. 

    All good!

    Love the copper wire work. I have a box full of copper too! Hammering copper blank bracelets is lots of fun if you haven’t tried!🌸



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  9. I feel we may have hyjacked the original post by ,talltayl, which I thought was excellent but here goes!

    I appreciate your views.

    Everyone has their own opinion and ways of doing things for sure and that makes it interesting.

    It’s true we can’t assume everyone is working as hard as we do. But really that does not matter cause their lack of work does not keep me from working hard.

    If I have a talent and worked hard to get there I’d rather share it. I’m not afraid of someone stealing or copying my methods. 

    I look at it like this, two people make a cake using the same recipe, both cakes turn out completely differently. 

    Im just not guarded I guess.

    I personally gain more when I give. 

    I do believe it’s possible for someone to sell after a few short months, heck we all learn differently, how can you be sure that person did not do the work? I wish I was that person, but I love the process and journey too much and I love knowledge more!

    There are some amazing people here loads of wisdom, generous.

    At the same time I’ve also noticed a level of anger, and candle snobbery in this forum that I never anticipated, why, I just don’t get it. 

    In the end, maybe forums are not my cup of tea! 




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  10. I love your post talltayl!

    Im surprised by some comments though about working hard to get where you are so on and so on and how you want to guard your experience and not wanting to share everything. Of course that’s your right. Maybe I’m an over sharer then. I’ve given recipes to anyone who asks and if they succeed using my recipe great. That’s a refection on me. I look at it this way, we are meant to help each other out, there is plenty to go around for everyone. That newbie who asks still has to do the work, he or she will soon discover learning something new takes time. Since I joined this forum, my first ever at 64 years old I’ve learned loads and while most here share freely with great advice, it’s me putting in the work.

    If you look under the General Discussion label it clearly says, ask questions, get answers. That’s what a forum is, I thought. Don’t be afraid to share your knowledge willingly, it will come back to you in a good way. 🌸

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