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Posts posted by CandleRush

  1. 7% is a good amount.

    Yes, 464 will benefit from a week or two cure and then you’d get an idea how it smells. It might be you won’t care for that scent at all. Each of our noses are so different.

    My experience was the same. While everyone raves about this scent I did not immediately like it but when I relit it latter I loved it.

  2. I use pumpkin soufflé from candle science and it is fantastic. I also love Flamings f.o.s


    Sniffing out of the bottle won’t give you the full picture! 


    The best way to judge is to put it in your wax. Depending on your wax let it cure.


    The fragrance needs to combine with the wax.🌸




  3. Agree!

    Learning from a video is a small slice of learning for sure.

    when I rewatch those videos I see I’ve come a long way. I see that his wick choices, etc. differ from mine. 

    Im the type who always questions everything! This forum is the bulk of my learning, thankful for that!


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  4. There are those that will cling on to his every word and those who will listen and observe and go on to do it their way. 

    I can say I have learned a thing or two from watching his and many other videos with an open mind.

    I question those who think his way is the only way and the right way. You should always question.

    He is his own success, right or wrong. There is lots of energy and time he dedicates to His candle making process. I guess I respect that.



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  5. I love this one but my candle turned bright yellow in spots and was never in direct light. I’ve read numerous posts here just wondering if I dyed it yellow would that fix it?

    I have the same problem with Flamings bday cake which is fantastic and yellow. Thanks whoever has an answer!😀

    Feel free to move this if it’s in the wrong place!

  6. Who knows what they use! A blend I’m guessing. 

    Do you think they purchase their wax from C.S or am I thinking to small? 

    I enlarged some of there pics, the candles do appear free of wet spots, there are some crystallized looking things on a few near the lid.

    Photo shopped most likely and their labels cover most of the jar.

    The book niche is big now and lots of them on Etsy doing the same. Each candle tells a story.


    So who here is buying one of their candles to satisfy our curiosity? 🤪

  7. I think this can be harder than making a candle! Well maybe.


     The label represents you, your candle and your brand and we want to get it right. The label is advertisement for your product.


    I often look on Etsy, candle companies just to see what’s out there but for me the commitment of a label can seem like a lot. I know I can change it down the road but it still is a challenge. 


    Wow, a 2 x 4 label has power over me!!!🌸



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