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Posts posted by CandleRush

  1. I’m jealous! I love Lab and Co wax. A representative there told me there is a very small amount of paraffin in it which I appreciate. I love Northwoods but if I had to choose I’d go with Lab and Co. or candles and science if they are the same. 

  2. So far I’ve been testing wax combos too and tried all different percentages and I found the more soy to coconut ratio the more the tops looked cratered. So I upped the coconut wax and now their smooth even after they burn and cool. True, coconut is softer but I like smoother tops. I think that’s just the nature of soy and not a big deal to many. I know someone will chime in and add their wisdom. As for wicks, I’m so not there yet so I can’t comment. I love the pan method for testing. Those melt pools look good!

  3. I think the licensing deal Candlegirl is referring to is on lab and co website also part of wooden wicks. I have not tried their wicks. And Jeremy you are correct about the wax at candle and supplies. Wonder if Northwoods coconut wax is the same as candle and supplies wax. Maybe that’s already been established and I missed it. Well someone’s been buying up coconut wax because Northwoods has been out for weeks too. 

  4. Eden Botanicals has wonderful  e.o.s. I adore all there rose oils, my fav is rose de mai absolute. To my nose it’s a muted rose sent. All pure Rose e.o.s are expensive but you only need a few drops. I make a facial serum and it’s lovely. Great for all skin types, mature skin as well. I think they have hydrosols as well, way cheaper than the oils. I do love the company!


    their rose geranium is wonderful!!! Less expensive. Also to my nose strong scent.

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  5. Loved reading all of these!

    Heavy sigh!

    Got up at 4 am this morning, before I made coffee, sniffed and trimmed the candles I poured last night. I tell myself candle making is like a good therapy session. That’s one long therapy session!

    Quentin’s comment is so true! And I loved candybees name, ‘candle shop’for the mystery scent!


  6. Coming to this late! I love coconut wax! Northwoods claims have been 100% right on! Theirs has no paraffin. I’ve never had to do another pour, smooth tops, no heat guns! A bit softer, yes but such a luxurious wax. I’ve had the same experience with Lab & Co. theirs has a small percentage of paraffin which I don’t mind, just as lovely. I also love cutting that wax, like butta! I don’t know how these will hold up in summer, we’ll see. On another post I mentioned that other than using straight coconut wax for my candles I also blend 464 and coconut again with great success. I hope you all have a chance to try it. 

    No, I don’t work for either company lol

    • Like 1
  7. Hi!

    Sooo much snow here in Milwaukee that I’m staying home to spend hours here reading your great posts!

    my 2 cents regarding temps. 

    For now I’ve been using coconut wax from Northwoods, this one has no paraffin and the virgin coconut wax from Lab & Co. which has a small amt. of paraffin and 464 soy wax. 

    Ive varied my temps with all three, using the recommended temps. and repeated the tests using lower temps, 150, add f.o. Cool to 110, pour. Absolutely no difference. Neither in ct and ht. Smooth tops always, sometimes slight adhesion problems but no diff at all.

    lately I’m mixing either one of these coconut waxes with 464 wax and they are perfect using lower temps. Lucky maybe?

    The wicks though, another story!

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  8. Great topic. I’ve been researching this as well. I’ve been a soaper for many years and vowed to keep it as natural as possible only using essential oils. Now transitioning to candles I haven been using f.o. There is a wider range of scents with f.o. that I’m really enjoying. I’ve been playing with using all essential oils in my candles and had some success but it’s really hit or miss. I blend my wax, coconut from Northwood Distributing and 464 soy wax. I made a lemongrass and lavender candle, very weak in both cold and hot throw. Another candle with Palo santo and it was spectacular. So like everyone else, testing is important. I’ve noticed another trend in candle making mixing the two, using both essential oils and f.o.together. I will definitely explore this option and share it here. I do think in the end people want a great smelling product. The word natural is miss leading and over used so often in products that really aren’t. 

    Great links Laura!

    Oh oh wanted to add, essential oils are expensive! Are you willing to increase the price of your products? Will customers want to pay extra?

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