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Posts posted by CandleRush

  1. Ok, gonna reword this and simplify.

    a candle I poured is @ 8% load. The wick is great and no issues. However,I think the fo is too strong so I will lower it only by 1%.

    the question is, will the wick size stay the same or will 1% less fo make a big difference to switch the wick. I know I’ll need to test but wondering what all of you have observed.

    hope this clarifies a bit!

  2. I’m new to posting so not sure how this all works! I’m not completely computer savvy! Feel free to put this elsewhere!

    Im sure there is an answer here somewhere. I’ve been testing f.o. Percentages in candles and I’m wanting to lower the percentages on some by one or two percent. I know this make affect my wick size maybe? I know that I will no doubt be testing, I’m just wondering what your experience has been regarding this. Any insight would be great!🌸

  3. Patchouli is so great blended with other essential oils. Lately patchouli and Bulgarian rose absolute in perfume is stunning.

    check out EDen Botanicals, they have both a light and dark version of patchouli, I love both. Patchouli is one of those oils that get better with age. I have some 10 yrs. old and just gets better! I don’t get the dirty feet smell but you know everyone’s olfactory system is different.

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  4. How exciting! I was in total awe when I made my first batch. Cutting it in bars was so rewarding!

    Heres what I know my my soaping.

    Kaolin clay doesn’t add color but it is a gentle exfoliant plus improves lather so does castor oil. I use 2 tsp. of clay Per pound of oils. I’ve never had issues with it being drying to the skin but I also super fat my recipes. 2 tsp. Is such a small amount. None of my customers mentioned this in the 10years that I’ve been selling. Mango and Shea are beautiful in soap, smaller amounts though,I use one or the other. Palm kernel oil is great for a harder bar but keep the percentage lower as it is very drying to the skin. I always reserve those nice oils for stay in products like morenga, Kokum and meadowfoam. Have fun!🌸

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  5. That is something to think about if you sell. I like my customers to read my ingredient list especially if they have known allergies or issues.


    Guess I should have mentioned I use heavy cream for most of my liquids in my recipes maybe that helps? You could super super fat!.


    It seems to help those with acne, excema and psoriasis , I’m in that category.I’ve got that slightly oily, olivey Mediterranean skin! 


    I love May Chang too!

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  6. Great question! I’ve used most of the clays in my cp recipes to help with anchoring e.o. especially for some of the citrus oils. They may help a little but what I found is that they increased the lather, added gentle exfoliation and creaminess to the soap. I always add white kaolin clay to every batch I soap I make. If you are looking to add color, the French green clay and rose clay are beautiful. Bentonite clay is another one that can anchor essential oils as well as patchouli, you don’t have to use much! I think you just have to experiment and see what works and take notes.🌸

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  7. The powder is easier! True about the moisturizing oils and butters. Lots of nutrients in honey powder though, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and prebiotics.

    i thing bee propolis powder may work as well, I’ve used it in my Salve concoction.

  8. Hi, I don’t use that particular wax but use another brand of coconut wax.I think coconut wax may be too soft. I’ve mixed it with soy and it does better but now switched to a wax suited for melts, there are many! I’m sure you can read posts here or someone will chime in. Good luck!🌸

    • Thanks 2
  9. Trappeur, Interesting how a few ounces of f.o. give so much joy! 


    Gail, I’ve never broken down the big savings and that will allow me to order more. Oh goodie!


    My CS and PFO fragrance oils came this week and I’m super excited to get these out of the bottles and into wax, soap and perfume ASAP. 

    So far I’ve made from CS bamboo and coconut, strong CT even after a few days, white sage and lavender, not as strong but lovely, honeysuckle jasmine and cactus flower and jade, I like both so far. Today I’ll put together belle and guieneveres attraction from PFO.recomended by Marlleigha. My f.o. Loads are between 7 and 9% in 464/coconut wax from lab co. At times I also like pro blend 600 from flamings which I blend with other waxes. 


    I may be  writing off Northwoods, their coconut wax prices are slowly increasing and never in stock.


    I have my eyes on at least trying the f.o. from Lab co. Their blends just sound so good.


    My tip for the day is..........keep paper and pen handy to jot down all these great recommendations you read here, it will make the ordering process easier, lol!🌸



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  10. Thanks for the update! I currently mix soy with straight coconut from either of the two places I mentioned above with great results as well. It might be easier to use an already blended wax. I visited the website but could not find how much of soy and coconut are in their blends. I like knowing what I’m in for befor I try. 🌸

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