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Everything posted by ladysj

  1. I would like to have one of those too!!
  2. Thanks for the comparison info that really helps.
  3. I'm in Little Rock Thanks for the help everyone.
  4. They are 2 ounce. Hey Ginger where in AR are you? I can't remember if I asked before or not.
  5. I'm just looking for a ball park figure on what people charge for 1/2 dozen and maybe a single. TIA
  6. Does anyone know if there is a pic anywhere on here? I would love to see them.
  7. How much shower gel did you to add to how many ounces of FBB? I'm looking for a way to use it in bottles also. I'm not crazy about the jar digging method either. I wonder if that would also work for a shower scrub?
  8. Would you mind posting the link I would like to check it out?
  9. Those look wonderful great job. Did you use a meatballer or a plastic ornie?
  10. Well that sounds like a plan to me. Here's the one I've used and I really like it. I've not gotten into CP yet but I'm getting closer to taking the jump every day. I hope to be able to have everything I need by the first of next month. I'm not sure but this may be on here some where already but if so it's here again. DOGGIE SOAP 4 oz Melt & Pour Glycerin Soap Base (clear or white) 1 tablespoon castor oil 1/8 teaspoon vitamin E oil 1/4 teaspoon liquid glycerin 10 drops peppermint essential oil 10 drops tea tree essential oil Melt the glycerin in the microwave, until just melted, not boiled. Add the remaining ingredients and pour into your favorite square mold. Found some doggie bone ice trays on ebay if they still have them I'm going to make some up to sell.
  11. Ok so it's a pure castile soap I've got some of that in the Baby Mild too and now that I've seen the site I do believe it's his lol. So it's equal parts of oils,(about how many ounces total?) 1 inch soap and the rest water. Now I gotta get some foaming bottles
  12. I do believe I have seen them colored just make sure it's skin safe color.
  13. Those are very nice looking great job
  14. LOL Thank you after I hit the submit button it hit me what it was
  15. Is that in a liquid soap? Where do you find that soap? That sounds like a very nice recipe.
  16. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Okay what is FCO lol
  17. I havent found any business cards yet that you can print right on both sides. The other side always smudges.
  18. I'm looking for a good body spray base that doesn't have to be shook before used. Does anyone have a good one/place to get it? TIA
  19. How or where would I go to find out about fundraisers in my area? I would like to do this to get my products out there. Also, what would be the best way to search for craft shows in my area? I've searched some but not getting the results I was hoping for.
  20. The consensus seems to be figure your cost and times it by 3 or 4 HTH
  21. I too have found that a good FO or strong one will give a good HT in 1 to 2 days. I'm not a patient type either lol
  22. Thanks Prarieanne. I just wasn't sure how well they would sell at that kind of price. Guess I'll try it and see how it goes.
  23. Great Idea I have some that I wasn't real happy with so gonna chop those babies up for recycling lol
  24. Does anyone use this in their bath salts? Pro's/con's on it?
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